Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 967: I am unfamiliar with you 1

"Master Zhang, don't call me grandfather, now I am in charge of the Yuan family, and the property of the Yuan family is also managed by me!" With a sneer at the corner of Yuan Xiao's mouth, he kindly reminded Grandpa Zhang.

Although Grandpa Zhang was a little flustered and anxious, when he heard Yuan Xiao's words, he really gritted his teeth bitterly.

After all, he is also an elder, this kid even talked to him like this, is it a bit of a shame for him?

"Okay, very good, Lao Yuan really raised a good grandson, I can't compare it!" Old Zhang sneered, his eyes fixed on Chu Muyue, "Chu Muyue, how can you let it go? Our Zhang family!"

Chu Muyue let out a low chuckle, and slowly raised her eyes. Although he was talking to Mr. Zhang, his gaze fell on Zhang Zihan, "Mr. Zhang, if you want to let it go, it should be me. Your Zhang family let go of our Chu family!"

Just pause, and then directly call out the surname, "Is it? Zhang Zihan, classmate?"

Zhang Zihan took a step back and looked at Chu Muyue in shock.

How did she know? How did she know that she did it?

"No... it's not me, I don't, it's... Mu Xueqing did it, she did it, she didn't want to see you, so she did it!" Zhang Zihan shook his head and shifted all the responsibility to Mu Xueqing.

Chu Muyue had a sneer in her heart. Whether it was Zhang Zihan or Mu Xueqing, they were a nest of snakes and rats, and she would not let go of their embarrassment.

"I don't care who did it, but it is your Zhang family who will not let go of our Chu family. Grandpa Zhang, should you give me an explanation!" Chu Muyue spoke with a leisurely mind, but the words were so heart-warming. Chills.

The muscles on Mr. Zhang's old face trembled slightly, blowing his beard and staring.

He had lived for seven or eighty years, and he didn't even know that such a hairy girl, Chu Muyue, had such a strong rebuttal.

"That's also because the two girls, Zihan and Xueqing, are young and ignorant. You need compensation, and I can compensate you!" Old man Zhang took a few breaths and said coldly.

"Hehehe, pay me? Okay, what about me, what I like the most is, pay for a pay, if you ruin my Chu family, then I will ruin your Zhang family Mu family, as long as you are involved People, be buried together!" Chu Muyue's eyes were cold, and what he said was even colder, making people unconsciously chill.

Zhang Zihan, who had hardly experienced any strong winds and waves, was mostly cold all over, and his body trembled slightly.

Old man Zhang stared, his crutches in his hand hit the table fiercely, "Don't speak too arrogantly!"

"Hehehe, since Mr. Zhang thinks what I said is arrogant, why come to Zhang's house? Knowing that I am here today, isn't it here to apologize? As a person who apologizes, he should have that self-conscious identity!" Chu Mu Yue sneered and sarcastically reminded Mr. Zhang, "Don't use other people's relationships to make friendships, I'm not familiar with you!"

In a word, to cut off the relationship between Father Zhang and the Yuan family, it is also clear to tell him that it is impossible for you to let the Yuan family speak for you and let me forgive you!

Old man Zhang was so angry that his teeth were itchy. He had been up and down for decades, and he didn't even have the slightest counterattack against this teenage girl.

People have already said so clearly, can he go to the Yuan family even more brazenly?

Yuan Xiao turned his head and looked at Chu Muyue, the love hidden in his eyes slowly emerged, but he was soon suppressed by him again.

He knew that she belonged to Xiao Junyan, such a girl, only Xiao Junyan was worthy of her!

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