Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 968: I am unfamiliar with you 2

Zhang Zihan didn't have such a concern for face, and pointed at Chu Muyue for a while and yelled, "Why are you? Didn't you dare to be so arrogant because the Yuan family helped you?"

Chu Muyue smiled and turned to look at Yuan Xiao, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, "Well, yes, I rely on the Yuan family to do something to you Zhang family, then you can ask Yuan Xiao and let him Let go of your Zhang family!"

Yuan Xiao received the look in Chu Muyue's stealing eyes, and knew what she meant, now it's time to clarify the relationship with the Zhang family.

"Yeah, if it wasn't because Mu Yue was my savior, I wouldn't say anything to your Zhang family!" Yuan Xiao smiled and looked at Zhang Zihan.

Zhang Zihan became even more angry when he heard Yuan Xiao's words.

What is their relationship with Yuan Xiao, and what is the relationship between Chu Muyue and Yuan Xiao, how long have they known each other!

"Yuan Xiao, how can you speak for this bitch!" Zhang Zihan pointed at Chu Muyue angrily, "The old people in our two families are friends for decades, and we grew up together since we were young. You deserve Is she an enemy of our Zhang family?"

Yuan Xiao nodded, looked at Zhang Zihan indifferently, and said two exasperating words, "It's worth it!"

Zhang Zihan's eyes were definitely turned over by these two words, he could actually speak like this for that bitch.

"Yuan Xiao, you... how can you be so affectionate! When your legs were disabled before, my grandfather looked down on you as pitiful, and I like you too, let us make a marriage with you. Now that your legs are good, do you have to take revenge? Is it?" Zhang Zihan questioned Yuan Xiao angrily.

Elder Zhang was scrupulous about face and not speaking, and kept asking Zhang Zihan to speak over there. Hearing her questioning, an anger rose in his heart and looked at Yuan Xiao coldly.

Yuan Xiao laughed, very coldly, and looked at Grandpa Zhang mockingly, "Master Zhang, don't you think I am ungrateful and avenge my gratitude?"

"Isn't it?" Old man Zhang sneered.

Yuan Xiao’s slender fingers tapped the tabletop lightly, “It seems that some people just don’t want to speak well, but want to pull their faces down. If that’s the case, then I won’t hesitate! Mr. Zhang, did you make arrangements like this? Didn’t you want to get the property of my Yuan family?"

Old man Zhang looked startled, and there was a flash of embarrassment on his old face, but it was gone soon, his face was not red and breathless, and he said, "If you want to think like this, I can't say anything, old man!"

Chu Muyue sneered in her heart again and again, as she was getting old, her face became thicker and thicker.

"Since you are always reluctant to admit it, I can't help it. Chu Muyue is my savior. I can't be ungrateful to her, I can only treat you Zhang Family!" Yuan Xiao raised his **** and said, " Of course, you have to resolve this matter and let me let your Yuan family go. Yes, but you need to agree to two conditions!"

Elder Zhang was taken aback, frowned, "What conditions!"

"The first condition is to transfer Zhang Zihan and Mu Xueqing to another school! And, in the future, I can't bother me with the requirement of having a marriage contract with Zhang Zihan!" Yuan Xiao said coldly.

Hearing Yuan Xiao's first request, before Grandpa Zhang could answer, Zhang Zihan cried out frantically, "I don't agree!"

How could she let Grandpa agree to this request! She would never agree to death!

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