Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 990: Yuan Shao only watches the show 2

Although we got rid of Weng Mingcheng, there were Mu Zhitong and Wu Hongjun.

They don't think Weng Mingcheng's words are unreliable.

They all understood Chu Muyue's abilities, such as her medical skills, her skills, and her academic performance, everything was outstanding.

Besides, isn't Yuan Xiao also managing some of the Yuan family's companies? Chu Muyue's current situation is not impossible!

Yan Yu looked at Chu Muyue and asked, "Mu Yue, you... are you really the owner of the medicinal restaurant?"

Chu Muyue held her forehead helplessly, she didn't want to admit it.

However, she can guarantee that if she doesn't admit it now, she won't even think about it if she admits it later.

Chu Muyue looked around, there were still some students vaguely, and said, "Let's have lunch first, and wait for a seat to sit down and talk about it!"

"No!" Mu Zhitong immediately jumped out and shouted, "I can't eat without telling the truth about this matter!"

An Ziyun nodded in agreement, staring at Chu Muyue with her eyes, "Yes, I would rather not eat lunch!"

Chu Muyue wanted to say that she could eat it.

But facing the expectant eyes of Wu Hongjun and others, she could only swallow what she was about to say.

In fact, even if Chu Muyue didn't say anything, from her attitude, she was already certain that she was the boss behind the medicated restaurant.

"Well, let's find a place where there is no one!" Chu Muyue reminded.

Several people turned their heads and looked for it, and found a place that was still quiet and clean.

Chu Muyue was surrounded in the middle, facing everyone's fiery eyes, a drop of cold sweat fell on her forehead.

"Well, even if I am the boss behind the medicinal restaurant, you don't need to look at me like this, right?" Chu Muyue smiled dryly and asked everyone.

After hearing what Chu Muyue said, everyone was sure, and it really was!

"Watcio! Chu Muyue, you're not a human!" Mu Zhitong didn't hold back, she pointed at Chu Muyue and shouted.

An Ziyun glared, rolled her sleeves, and angrily questioned Chu Muyue, "Chu Muyue, we are still not good sisters! Why don't you tell us about this!"

"Yeah!" Ouyang Mengxi is also rare and a little angry, but people with a more quiet temperament are angry, and they are still somewhat invisible. "Mu Yue, if you don't tell us, you just don't treat us as sisters!"

However, Yan Yu directly covered his forehead with his hands, his legs felt a little soft, and he felt like he was about to fall to the ground.

"Tell me, this is not true!"

Fortunately, Yuan Xiao stood beside Yan Yu. Knowing the identity of Chu Muyue, there was no shock, so no two of them fell to the ground together.

Yuan Xiao raised his hand and patted Yan Yu on the shoulder to express his comfort. If he didn't speak, he would watch and see the next good show.

How much he looks forward to seeing this great scene today!

The spectacles on Qiao Mo's white face were because of surprise, as if they were about to fall off his face, staring at Chu Muyue in surprise.

She, she, she... She actually created the restaurant in the medicinal restaurant! Now almost all of them have swept the entire forest city!

There was a complicated light in Wu Hongjun's eyes, he didn't know whether it was shock or shame.

Chu Muyue was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and she already had such a prosperous restaurant, and she had a lot of money every day.

But he is just a student, not as good as her!

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