Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 991: Yuan Shao only watched the show 3

Chu Muyu could only touch her nose nonchalantly, spread her hands, and said helplessly, "I just took advantage of a little bit of advantage. After all, I am studying Chinese medicine!"

"But you don't have to be so exaggerated!" Yan Yu's entire face was stretched out, staring at Chu Muyue.

"That's right, do you want to be so exaggerated!" An Ziyun also took Yan Yu's words rare, and stared at Chu Muyue, her beautiful face full of fierceness.

Chu Muyue touched her nose, and said in embarrassment, "No, right?"

"Must have!" Everyone said in unison.

Ouyang Mengxi looked at Chu Muyue and said, "Well, you suggested that I go to the medicated restaurant to eat. Is it because you opened the medicinal restaurant to know that the medicated food there is good for my body?"

Chu Muyue smiled and nodded gently, "Otherwise why do you think I tried so hard to let you eat it? The medicated diet over there is all prepared by me, and all medicated diets are beneficial to the human body!"

Mu Zhitong covered her face with her hands, and screamed frantically at Chu Muyue, "My dad deliberately applied for a membership card, and he didn't let me use it! Unexpectedly, this medicinal restaurant is yours. !"

"That's right, you said earlier, we let you take us there, so that you don't have to spend a penny!" An Ziyun nodded, gritted her teeth bitterly at Chu Muyue, that's a big fire.

This dead girl didn't even tell them this thing, it's really damnable!

Chu Muyu smiled wryly again, touched her nose, and explained to herself, "Aren't I afraid of trouble? Besides, when school just started, our relationship is not so strong yet, is it?"

"What about me?" Wu Hongjun looked at Chu Muyue, "Unexpectedly, in your heart, I am not your friend!"

Chu Muyue just wanted to roll her eyes, can you not make trouble!

"No!" Chu Muyue immediately shook her head, "I didn't mean that. I don't want to make my relationship with you complicated because of this identity. Moreover, I don't want my identity to be exposed so early. I just want to take advantage of this. Time, have a quiet life!"

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking.

Qiao Mobai straightened the crooked glasses on his face, looked at Chu Muyue, and asked puzzledly, "Didn't you say that you have no money at home? Why did you open such a medicinal restaurant!"

Chu Muyue pointed to Yuan Xiao and said, "At that time, I treated Yuan Xiao's grandfather and gave me some medical expenses. Well, the money given to me is enough for me to open a medicinal restaurant!"

Yuan Xiao, who was named, was a little bit dumbfounded, he knew all this.

After that, she used the money she gave her to start Hengyue Real Estate Company and bought the real estate company under the Zhai family.

Wu Hongjun looked at Yuan Xiao with a glint in his eyes. Seeing that there was no shock and surprise on his face, he asked, "Yuan Xiao, have you known about this a long time ago?"

Since the money Chu Muyue had in hand came from Yuan Xiao, he should also know it.

Moreover, it seemed that he only remembered at this time that there was something wrong with what Yuan Xiao said before.

It used to be very meaningful, but now that I think about it, it is so natural, and it is aimed at Chu Muyue.

However, at that time he didn't notice it at all!

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