Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 992: Yuan Shao only watched the show 4

Yuan Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "It doesn't count. When I met Mu Yue, she had already opened a medicinal restaurant, and I only knew it when I heard others talk about it!"

"You already knew it! You didn't even tell us!" When Mu Zhitong heard this, she immediately turned her head and glared at Yuan Xiao angrily.

Yuan Xiao said indifferently, "This matter is Mu Yue's matter. I am an outsider. How can I tell you without her permission?"

He would never admit to this matter, Chu Muyue was unwilling to tell them this matter, he just listened to Chu Muyue's order!

Moreover, he didn't want to be hated by so many people. If he wanted to bear the hate, he should concentrate all of it on Chu Muyue at once!

Anyway, if there are too many lice, it doesn't itch!

An Ziyun gritted her teeth and stared at Chu Muyue and Yuan Xiao, "Anyway, you two are bastards, so you didn't even tell us about this!"

"However, apart from you, my dad doesn't know about this matter!" Chu Muyue spread her hands very innocently, and then argued for herself, hoping that the charge could be smaller!

"Huh!" However, everyone still didn't sell Chu Muyue's pass, as if they didn't believe it.

"I didn't plan to tell my dad about this!" Chu Muyue was helpless and explained, "However, before my dad came to Linshi, Zhang Zihan and Mu Xueqing calculated that the company fired him. ! My dad had to come to Lin City to look for a job. He happened to find my company and met me again. I only told my dad about this a few days ago! So don’t talk about you, even my dad doesn’t know about it. How can I tell other people about the matter?"

"Then what about him?" Mu Zhitong pointed to Yuan Xiao dissatisfied and asked.

Chu Muyue sighed, and attributed the cause to Yuan Xiao’s legs, and explained, “When I treated Yuan Xiao for a leg injury, he had to drink the medicinal wine I prepared more than necessary, that is, those in the medicinal restaurant. The medicinal wine, but the medicinal wine he drank is the purest kind. It can also strengthen his body and help his legs recover more quickly. That's why I told him about it!"

"Um... you mean... he he... his legs were cured by you?" Yan Yu widened his eyes in surprise, grew his mouth, and looked at Chu Muyue.

When Mu Zhitong heard Yan Yu's question, they were all surprised and curious looking at Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue nodded, since she had already said her own affairs, then she had nothing to hide.

"I cured it. If you don't believe me, you can ask Yuan Xiao!" Chu Muyue pointed to Yuan Xiao and said.

Yuan Xiao smiled and nodded, "Yes, it was Mu Yue who cured my legs, and it cost me more than 100 million!"

"How is this possible!" Yan Yu was instantly distracted, "How can you be cured at such a young grade? Could it be your master who cured it?"

Chu Muyue gave Yan Yu a thumbs up and said, "The same can be said, because it can cure Yuan Xiao’s legs, the Chinese medicine formula was given to me by my master, and only the other treatments were done by me. !"

"Oh! That's okay!" Yan Yu listened and nodded in relief.

He just said, Chu Muyue was so young, how could he heal Yuan Xiao's legs so easily!


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