
Wang Chu's expression was very ugly.

Previously, major official websites were invaded by hackers, and all departments were in chaos.

Even the Second Division was wiped out, which almost affected the entire Network Supervision Office.

But Wang Chu is confident in the place he manages.

Because the people in this place are all the best among the best.

Put it outside.

Those big Internet companies are asking Maolu Sangu to pay an annual salary of one million to hire them.


Wang Chu is confident that he can complete the tasks assigned by his superiors.

Since the establishment of the Network Supervision Office.

They have always fought tough battles, and they have always gnawed the hardest bones.

Every time, it can be completed beautifully.

Otherwise, they would not have the title of Serious Crime Team of the Internet Supervision Division.

I thought.

When other places are helpless, if you take action here, you can immediately solve the trouble in front of you.

In this way, you can easily get a beautiful credit.


Twenty minutes passed.

Only 3 of the hacked websites were able to regain control.

But this time, they couldn't even capture the other party's IP address.

The remaining seven or eight families tried their best and failed to win them down.

Thinking of how he was on the phone with his boss earlier, patting his chest and ensuring that the task was completed, Wang Chu's head felt dizzy.

Miserable failure!

This time they really failed miserably!


Wang Chu also realized it.

Today's hacker attack was done by someone with bad intentions, which is different from the past.

This time the other party sent out real masters, instead of the three or two big cats and kittens before.

Wang Chu's face was dark.

Although the other party came this time with experts, the higher-ups would not listen to his explanation before the matter was completed.

"What did you do that you can't even settle this?"

"Our first department is the serious crime team of the Internet Supervision Department. You are all the elites among the elites. If you can't get it right this time, it will be a joke to the other brother departments!"

Wang Chu said a little furiously.

"Wang Chu, it's not that we are incapable, it's that there are too many people on the other side. I have to deal with three or five people by myself."

"The other party is also very cunning. Sometimes, as soon as I take back control, the other party will immediately counterattack, and their technology is so advanced that they cannot lock the other party's IP address. 11

Fang Fang said with frustration and grievance.

She also tried her best.

But as the old saying goes, two fists are no match for four.

She can handle one or two, but three or five will be difficult for her.

The key is.

The people who launched the attack this time were all no small characters, and their skills were all very high, not much worse than hers.


Once the number of people increases, it will be difficult for her to resist them.

Ji Yi next to him also explained: "Yes, Wang Chu, the opponent has at least dozens of people, and they are still increasing. Attack is easier than defense. They keep changing positions. Sometimes we don't have time to react, so we can only follow." If you go behind the opponent's back and there are few people, you will definitely be passive. Besides, there are many experts here.

Lin Yi’s underlying meaning is also very simple.

That is.

It’s really not that our technical skills are incompetent, but that there are too many enemies.

We really don’t bear this responsibility.

I can’t even carry it!

Wang Chu shouted with a dark face: "No need to make excuses, the superiors won't listen to this, what I want is success!"


Wang Chu took out his mobile phone and started making calls.

"Xiao Zhou, put down what you are doing immediately and rush back to your home..."

"Xiao Wang, don't take your vacation for the time being..."


He said that, but he also knew that Fang Fang and Lin Yi were telling the truth.

The opponent has too many people and high technology.

There are only about a dozen people working here in one place now, and it is difficult for them to defeat four people with just one fist. We must call back all those who are on vacation or asking for leave.

Fang Fang and Lin Yi, who were shouted down by Wang Chu, shook their heads helplessly.

Although they don't want to take the blame, they have to.

never mind.

It's better to stop complaining and get on with it.

If they can't solve this problem, they will definitely take the blame.

Right now.

Xue Xiaoyun, who was sleeping in the corner, was woken up.

She sat up, yawned, and said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "What happened? It was so loud that it even disturbed me to sleep."

After saying that, she turned her neck.

After hearing Xue Xiaoyun's words, everyone present twisted their necks and looked over, with complicated expressions.

Good guy.

Now the entire Internet Supervision Office is in chaos.

Fortunately for Xue Xiaoyun, he woke up and thought he was woken up by them.

Who can I talk to to reason with this...?

After making the call, Wang Chu remembered that there was Xue Xiaoyun in the same place. He said that something was wrong before.

In the past, this kind of thing was easily solved.

It's been half an hour this time and it still hasn't been resolved.

It turns out that Xue Xiaoyun, a capable person, is missing.


Wang Chu put on an ugly smile and said: "Oh, my aunt, this is so urgent, and you still have the desire to sleep. Take action quickly, the enemies are coming!"

Xue Xiaoyun was confused.

what's the situation?

I just took a nap, and then the little devil entered the village?

"What happened?" Xue Xiaoyun asked.

Fang Fang said angrily: "You slept soundly. More than a dozen state-owned enterprise official websites have been occupied by a group of American IPs for so long. We worked hard for half an hour, and now we still haven't regained more than half of the positions... …”

Faced with Fang Fang's sarcasm, Xue Xiaoyun didn't get used to it and responded by herself.

"What did I think was going on? You are not elites. How come you are surrounded by enemies as soon as they come to your door?"

"If you haven't solved the problem for half an hour, it means your skills are not good. Why are you complaining in front of me?

These words immediately made Fang Fang furious, as if a cat whose tail had been stepped on was furious.

Is my technique poor??

Are you sure you're not kidding?!!


She has opinions about Xue Xiaoyun, very much.

How could Xue Xiaoyun be able to act independently when they were all working in the same place? But if Fang Fang did the same thing, she would be notified and criticized.

The superiors cannot be so eccentric.

"Oh, stop arguing, what time has this happened?"

"Xue Xiaoyun, my aunt, please take action as soon as possible. How long has it been since this happened? If the website page is not restored, the leaders above should call and scold me.

Wang Chu quickly stopped Fang Fang, who was on the verge of going crazy, and then advised Xue Xiaoyun to take action quickly.

Xue Xiaoyun yawned and walked away and said: "It's not me who is looking for trouble, it's her who is acting weird here. It's obvious that she is not skilled enough, but she still blames me. Who should I ask to reason with."

Walking up to Fang Fang, Xue Xiaoyun said: "Give me."

Fang Fang was so angry that her nose was crooked.

She stood up, gave up her position, and said: "Huh, I want to see how awesome your skills are! Huh, don't talk about being so smart, but when you actually do it, it's not as funny as us.

"Haha!" Xue Xiaoyun sneered, not even bothering to refute Fang Fang.

She sat down.

He took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, plugged it into the computer, and said: "(Nuoli's), please stop making trouble for me and log out of the website immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me if you accidentally hurt me later. "

Lin Yi said with a confused look: "Are we making trouble??"

Another young Internet police officer also said: "If we withdraw, who will pester them? If they run away and cause trouble to other websites, who will be responsible?"

Xue Xiaoyun was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Putting his hands on the keyboard, his fingers suddenly flew as he typed commands one after another.

As for what she entered, because the speed was too fast, no one could understand it at all.


I heard Xue Xiaoyun's voice kept ringing.

"GAB, ok!"

" is ready!"

"Education Network, that's it!"

"Radio and TV, ok!"

Everyone was a little stunned when they heard Xue Xiaoyun.

What would be good?

What is OK?

At this time.

I just heard a female netizen opposite say: "Oh, damn it, my account in the Table Tennis Association was kicked out, and the control was taken away!"

Quality results.

As soon as she finished speaking, Xue Xiaoyun's voice sounded: "Table Tennis Association, OK!"

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