Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1003: Hot Search Hits, Qiandu Website Crashes

"Table Tennis Association, OK!"

Xue Xiaoyun's voice sounded, causing the female Internet police officer opposite to look blank.

She looked up at Xue Xiaoyun and exclaimed: "What? Is it you?"

Xue Xiaoyun didn't even raise her head. She continued to type on the keyboard and said calmly: "I told you a long time ago that I told you not to cause trouble and to exit from inside. If you don't listen, how do I know whether you are an enemy or a friend?"

Several other Internet police officers who had been robbed of control also looked shocked, "Is it really you?"

At this time.

Another person exclaimed.

"I'll go! Okay, the pages of,, and Civil have all been restored!"

When the others heard this, they quickly checked it out.


Everyone looked at Xue Xiaoyun with complicated eyes.

What else could they say?

They were busy working for half an hour but couldn't get it done.

Finally, when we arrived at Xue Xiaoyun's place, it was done in a matter of seconds.

It’s so embarrassing!

Especially Fang Fang, her face turned blue and white when she saw that the GA department's official website was restored.

She fought with the opponent for almost half an hour, but she couldn't defeat him.

Facing Xue Xiaoyun's doubts, her emotions suddenly rose.

She was still thinking about reading Xue Xiaoyun's jokes.


The joke is on myself.

Is it true that my skills are not good enough?


Why did Xue Xiaoyun get it done in just a few clicks, but she couldn't get it done after half an hour?

She and Xue Xiaoyun both graduated from the same university.

Could it be that the same university teacher teaches different things?770

Wang Chu saw that official websites were quickly restored after Xue Xiaoyun took action.

His originally tense expression relaxed and he smiled.

"Haha, Xiao Xue, you really have to take action." Wang Chu said with a smile.


He glanced at Fang Fang again.

As if to say.

Now you know why I gave Xue Xiaoyun preferential treatment, right?

That's because their technical strength is really great, and if they really encounter trouble, they really can't let it go.

Look at you again.

Usually, everyone brags about how awesome their skills are, but when something happens, they get confused.

Fang Fang ignored Wang Chu's look.

She quickly ran behind Xue Xiaoyun to see what Xue Xiaoyun did.

It's not just her.

Ji Yi and others also ran over.

There is no need for them to take action now, Xue Xiaoyun alone is enough.

According to Xue Xiaoyun, the best help is if they don't interfere.

Several people looked at the line of commands Xue Xiaoyun typed. Because the speed was too fast, they took a cursory glance and said they couldn't understand it at all.

What is this command?

Packet attack?

Or data bait?

"The speed is too fast, I can't see clearly at all."

"What does this mean? Is it to seize control?"

"Let me go, what is this operation? Reverse tracing?"

"What does this last command mean? Why have I never heard of it before? Do you know?"

(cicc) "The great god is indeed a great god, I can't understand it at all."

"Oh my gosh, it turns out there is a bug here. I've never heard of it before."

"It's cowhide."

Everyone stood behind Xue Xiaoyun, watching with surprise as Xue Xiaoyun restored the hacked websites one by one with flying fingers.

They didn't even understand the meaning of many of the commands Xue Xiaoyun typed.

It's like a data packet and a bait.

But he quickly took back control.

Those opponents who made them scramble and anxious were completely vulnerable to Xue Xiaoyun.

Listening to the chirping behind her, Xue Xiaoyun frowned and said: "Don't hang around behind me like a fly, it's annoying.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone dispersed subconsciously.

Even Wang Chu walked away.

at the same time.

On a certain chat tool.

"Fake! What's going on? The control in my hands has been taken back, Shet!"

"I was also kicked out, and I had no power to fight back.

"Thank you for your generous gift. The loophole just now has been blocked and you can't get in."

"The other side suddenly became powerful!"

"Shet, I'm cumming!"

"No, I may be being tracked in reverse. I'll leave first!"


On this chat tool, someone’s profile picture keeps darkening.

Even i69, a well-known master, didn't even have time to say hello before his profile picture went dark.

Ye: "i69, what's wrong with you?"

GUN: “I think I disconnected myself from the internet.

Many people gasped when they saw GUN.

Although i69 is not as famous as GUN, Poizon, and Prophet, he is still one of the top twenty experts in the American hacker circle.

As a result, I disconnected myself.

This is very telling.

It must be that i69 was tracked by the opponent's master during this process, and had to disconnect from the Internet.

This kind of behavior is nothing special for ordinary people.

But for a hacker, this is the last resort.

If he had not reached the point of desperation, he would never have used this ultimate killing move.

Because this represents shame and is equivalent to actively admitting defeat.

Poizon: "I've said it a long time ago, don't underestimate the network personnel of Longguo. They also have many powerful experts."

Prophet: "Poizon is right, everyone should be careful."

ye: "GUN, what should we do now?"

long: "gun, do you want to continue attacking?"

Many people are calling GUN.

Although the initiator of this Internet war is the PoizonBOX organization, the one with the strongest technical strength among them is undoubtedly GUN.

Now even i69 has been killed, and many of them have been kicked out. For a while, they were a bit leaderless.

But GUN didn't speak.

"What happened?"

"Why doesn't God GUN speak?"

"GUN God?"

"Where is GUN God?"

"How to attack now? The control is gone, and even the loopholes are blocked."

"Who is that person named YXY? I've never heard of such a person in the hacker circle? Is he one of the top ten in the hacker circle of Dragon Kingdom?"


A few minutes passed.

GUN, who was being called frantically by everyone, finally spoke.

"Hey Weiwei Bodi, everyone needs to evacuate first, everyone."

"I had a confrontation with that YXY just now. He is a master, and you are not able to handle him.

"Poizon, come over and join us for three games with YXY."

Poizon: "OK!"

in the chat tool.

Everyone was shocked when they saw what GUN said and GUN calling Poizon to join forces.

GUN and Poizon, two of America's top hackers, need to join forces. Who is YXY?

No wonder the opponent kicked them out easily.

at the same time.

The incident of Yangshi and other official websites being hacked quickly became a hot topic on Weibo.

Countless netizens in China are discussing this.

"I'll go, was hacked just now. It turned out to be hackers from America. They actually asked us to release Rui Yong. Damn it."

"Not only the official website of Yangshi, but also the official websites of more than a dozen government agencies and state-owned enterprises, such as the Education Network and the Civil Affairs Network, were all hacked at the same time."

"This is something big. America's hacker organization has launched an attack on us!"

"Could it be that America couldn't quarrel and scold us online, so she resorted to such dirty methods?


"I'll do it! A domestic military website I often visit was hacked and it hasn't been restored yet!"

"Where are the domestic hackers? Why haven't they fought back?"

"Call the domestic hacker masters, the enemies are coming, it's time to fight back!"

"Ouch, let me go, the Qiandu official website is down!"

Just when everyone was talking about it and calling for domestic hackers to fight back.

Suddenly, news broke that Qiandu’s official website had crashed.

all of a sudden.

#千度网站综合# became a hot search topic.

after all.

Qiandu is a major domestic Internet company. In terms of website protection, Jia Ding is better than the official websites of some organizations.


Qiandu, a major Internet company, had its website crashed and was hacked.

This is a big event.

This is too much of a slap in the face of Qiandu Internet giant!.

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