“What time has it been and you’re still in the mood to play with your phone!”

Manager Lin glared at him and said in a very dissatisfied tone.

The employee quickly handed over the phone and said: "Supervisor, you can see for yourself, it's blown up, it's all blown up on the Internet."

Hearing what the other party said, Manager Lin took the phone and took a look.

The whole person was stunned.

They are not the only ones who have been attacked thousands of times.

The official websites of enterprises and institutions such as Yangshi.com and Education.com were also attacked.

Well-known domestic Internet companies such as Wangyi, Sohu, and Penguin Live have also been attacked.

Manager Lin kept sliding his fingers on the screen.

My heart is also jumping.

It seems.

This time America's hackers are all out.

Isn’t this hard? Are you ready to make it soft?

Several other employees, seeing Director Lin's changing expression, were all curious about what happened to "560".


They all took out their smartphones.

Their monthly wages are not low, far exceeding the domestic average.


The mobile phone I use is either a pinnacle phone, an HTC, a Sanxing note, or a Petal Mate.

Although they are Qiandu employees, they are all loyal users of FamilyMart in the future.

Open Weibo and take a look.

Everyone suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"Dear me, is America launching the third Internet war against us?"

"Not only were we hacked by Qiandu, but also Wangyi and Sohu."

"Yangshi.com, Education.com and even the GA Department's official website have all been hacked."


Looking at the dynamic news on Weibo, several people took a deep breath.

This time America's cyber attack covered too wide a range of areas.

They immediately thought of the second Longmei hacker war in 2001.

At that time, the two hacker organizations were frantically attacking each other's major websites, which was a sensation.

Although they had not experienced that battle at the time, the battle was thunderous.

In their hearts, they yearn to become one of them.

"I suddenly discovered something." An employee suddenly said.

Everyone looked over.

The man smiled bitterly and said: "Our company, Wangyi, Sohu, and even Penguin Live have been hacked by the other party, but I just suddenly discovered that we can actually go to Weibo to check the news and updates."

As soon as he said this.

Several people, including Director Lin, were stunned for a moment.

What does this mean?

This shows that Future Group is completely fine in the face of this cyber attack.

It's not that America's hackers didn't attack Future Group, but that Future Group's defense was too strong and the other party couldn't attack it at all.

After a while, one of them sighed with emotion: "Have you not forgotten that when Future Group first launched the Aegis system a year or two ago, they invited hackers from all over the world to attack their Aegis system? Tsk tsk, the Aegis system was not bitten at that time. break."

"Future Group is indeed the business card of the domestic Internet industry. It can't be compared. The technology is too powerful." Another person said with emotion.

This time facing America's cyber attack.

These well-known domestic Internet companies have failed one after another.

Looking at Future Group.

Whether it is Weibo or Tieba, its operations are very normal.

It was as if he had not been attacked at all.

This gap is too big.

It simply makes the opponent despair.

To know.

They are competing against each other in the search engine field.

Although the number one search engine in China has now moved from Qiandu to Jisou.

But their Qiandu market share still occupies nearly 30%.

Although not as good as the peak.

But it is also the second largest company after Future Group.

But now.

Facing the cyber attack from America, they collapsed directly in Qiandu.

And they, under the opponent's attack, had to shut down the network.

The embarrassment is evident.

Looking at the Future Group, there is nothing wrong with it.

Manager Lin frowned and said, "Okay, stop it all."

"Mr. Li and Mr. Wang should be arriving soon. Don't mention Future Group in front of them. Be careful not to eat and walk around."

Several other people nodded immediately.

This time things were too big.

Not only did they suffer disaster, but other colleagues also suffered.

If they are the only ones who are hacked, then they will definitely take the blame, and most importantly, they will not be able to keep their jobs.

But it's different now.

This time the opponent has started the third Internet war. They are just minions, so it is understandable that they cannot block the opponent's attack.

That's when.

Downstairs of Qiandu headquarters.

Wang Haifeng and Li Yanhong's cars arrived almost at the same time.

The two of them got out of the car, their expressions solemn.

"Mr. Li..." Seeing Li Yanhong, Wang Haifeng hurriedly greeted him.

Li Yanhong nodded and said: "I know everything. Not only were we Qiandu attacked by the Internet, but Sohu, Wangyi and even enterprises and institutions were also attacked.

Wang Haifeng said: "This is my fault. As the company's chief technology officer, the firewall I led everyone to build still had problems and failed to prevent the other party's attacks.'

"Okay, Haifeng, this is not the time to take responsibility. Let's go up and take a look at the situation. I hope it won't be too bad." Li Yanhong said.

The two of them walked hurriedly towards the network headquarters building.

"Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Wang!"

engine room.

Manager Lin and others saw Li Yanhong and Wang Haifeng pushing open the door and stood up quickly.

When Li Yanhong saw that the computer room was shut down and disconnected from the Internet, he frowned and asked in a cold voice: "What's going on?"

Manager Lin explained: "Mr. Li, the other party's technology is so advanced that we are no match for us. The other party traced the IP address and wanted to delete the company's important data files. I had no choice but to cut off the Internet... …”

Li Yanhong frowned even more when he heard this.


He knows it too.

No wonder Director Lin and these people are responsible for this.

"How big a loss?"

Teacher Lin replied: "Before shutting down the network...the other party deleted some of the company's important data files."


Manager Lin looked at Li Yanhong nervously.


Before Li Yanhong opened 4.8, Wang Haifeng next to him became angry.

"What did you do?"

"They actually let the other party track the IP address and even asked them to delete the company's important data files!"

Manager Lin and others all had helpless smiles on their faces.

What can we do?

If you are not as strong as others, blame me.

"Okay, Haifeng, now is not the time to decide who is responsible."

"You should immediately notify the people in the technical department and our operations must be resumed as soon as possible."

"The web pages of enterprises and institutions such as Yangshi.com have been restored. If our Qiandu web page cannot be restored for a long time, it will give users a very bad impression.

Li Yanhong said.

Wang Haifeng nodded, took out his phone and started - notification.

Li Yanhong's side.

He also took out his phone and called the company's core executives, asking them to come to the company immediately and hold an emergency meeting. .

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