Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1006: Other Websites Have Collapsed, But Future Group Is As Stable As Mount Tai

Qiandu here.

Whether it was the technician who received the call from Wang Haifeng or the company executive who received the call from Li Yanhong.

They all rushed to the company as soon as possible.

The topic of major websites being hacked has become extremely popular on the Internet.

The wages of code farmers these days are far higher than the domestic average.

Not to mention.

For major domestic Internet companies like Qiandu, the salary level is second only to Future Group, which has the highest welfare ceiling in the industry.


When ordinary people who eat melon have to go to Internet cafes to read news online.

They either use their smartphones at home to check Weibo, or they use their computers to log in to Weibo to read updates.

Naturally, I saw that my company was hacked by hackers during America's hacking attack.

The topic is ranked number one on Weibo’s hot search list.


Many Qiandu employees rushed to the company as soon as they saw the news on Weibo.

When they received calls from their respective supervisors, they were already on the way and even about to arrive at the company.

This time things were too big.

They know very well about their company's firewall.

Every day before, Qiandu suffered 28 cyber attacks from the outside world, but none of them were breached and successfully blocked these intrusions.

The result was this time.

On the last day of the National Day holiday, the company's firewall was breached.

This is a big deal.

While they were rushing to the company, they were scrolling through Weibo on their mobile phones to see the latest news.

It's been half an hour, and the company's webpage hasn't been restored yet, and now it's completely unavailable.


Under the Qiandu headquarters building.

Taxis stopped one after another, and Qiandu employees got out of their cars.

The matter was so urgent that their respective supervisors asked them to take a taxi.

I can't even access the company's website on Lenovo.

This shows how urgent the situation is.

"Old Lin, you're here too."

"It's Lao Niu, why don't you come? Listen to the supervisor's voice, this time the matter is serious.

"On the way here, I kept checking Weibo, and I couldn't access the company's website at all."

"It's coming menacingly! The opponent is coming menacingly!"

"Let's go up quickly and see what's going on."

Qiandu employees arrived one after another.

Not all of them look good.

When such a big thing happened to the company, everyone looked bad.

In twos and threes, they entered the company building together.

When they learned that in the face of hacker attacks, the remaining on-duty staff had to turn off the power and cut off the Internet, they all felt that the situation was more serious than they expected.

It’s no wonder that they can’t open the company’s website later.

With the arrival of technicians.

Under the command of Wang Haifeng, prepare to fight a tough battle and restore the company's normal operations.

"Everyone is here, good."

"I won't say much more. Everyone already knows a thing or two about the current situation."

"This time the opponent came so violently that we had to shut down the network. This is a shame for Qiandu and all the technical staff present.

"The most important task for everyone next is to regain control of the website, restore the normal operation of the web page, and at the same time recover some important files and data that were deleted by the hackers.

"Okay, let's start taking action!"

Following Wang Haifeng's order.

We gathered the best technical staff from Qiandu and started taking action immediately.

Everyone is ready.

America's hacker group broke through Qiandu's firewall, seized control of the website, and deleted important company files and data.


What they have to face this time is different from the three or two big cats and kittens before.

This is a tough battle.

They have to give it their all.

at the same time.

In an unknown chat box.

"Hey Weiwei Bodi, Qiandu has reconnected with the Internet. This time we will completely destroy Qiandu!"

"Haha, Qiandu is a rubbish Internet company. We were forced to shut down the Internet just now."

"It's the last day of the National Day over there in Longguo. Qiandu is still on vacation. There are not many people in the company. I guess they have called most of them back now and are preparing to take back control of the website. We must fight with them. Have a big fight!”

"That's right! Although Qiandu is a rubbish Internet company, it is among the top three Internet companies in Longguo's Internet industry. Killing Qiandu will let Longku know how powerful we are."

"Kill Qiandu. Not everyone can bear the anger of the people of America. The Dragon Kingdom must pay the price!"

"It's starting, they're starting."

"Haha, we are America's top hackers, let's go together and turn Qiandu upside down!"

in the chat box.

A large number of America's hackers were in high spirits and kept shouting arrogantly to kill Qiandu.

And that's exactly what they are doing.

As Qiandu restarted, it began to seize control of the website.

America's hackers didn't know how to watch, and immediately started working with Qiandu's technical staff from a distance.

at the same time.

Future Group, Aegis System Protection Center.

Rows of yellow warning lights flashed.

However, compared to the chaos in the Qiandu computer room, the left-behind staff of the Future Group have a much calmer mentality.

Those who can enter the Future Group are elites.

They are the top people who have been screened out from hundreds of competitors.

And those who can enter the SHIELD system laboratory are the best ones selected from the elite.

Employees who can enter the SHIELD System Laboratory have a starting annual salary of 70W, and the average monthly salary is more than 5W.

This is the salary of ordinary employees in the laboratory.

At the supervisor level, the annual salary starts at one million yuan.

347 said unceremoniously.

The SHIELD System Laboratory is the department with the highest salary in the Future Group.


The SHIELD System Laboratory is also the most important and core department of the entire Future Group.


The Aegis system protects the network security of the entire group.

To know.

As the world's top Internet company, Future Group is attacked thousands of times by hackers from all over the world every day.

The future group's stability is due to the Aegis system.

It is precisely because of the existence of the SHIELD system that all external network attacks are blocked, thereby ensuring the normal operation of the major platforms of the group in the future and that there will be no network security problems.


The importance and status of the SHIELD System Laboratory in the Future Group is self-evident.

High salary and high benefits are a matter of course.

And if you want to enter this department, the conditions are not generally harsh.


The staff on duty who stayed behind looked at the data on the big screen, their expressions slightly condensed.

"Attention, there are a large number of overseas IP addresses attacking our network.

"No problem, the Aegis system has intercepted them all."

At this time.

Red alert lights up.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

"Attention, there are experts who have invaded our system and launched a counterattack.


Several people quickly operated to repel each other's attacks again and again. .

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