Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1007: The Mediocre Are Dismissed, The Mediocre Are Given Way, And The Capable Are Promoted

Sioux City.

A certain villa area.

Wu Hanqing, the head of the SHIELD System Laboratory, lives here.


Lu Yi handed over the SHIELD system project to Wu Hanqing, and Wu Hanqing did not disappoint Lu Yi.

A shield was created directly for the Future Group.

With this outstanding achievement.

Wu Hanqing has now secured his position as the vice president of technology of the Future Group, responsible for the Aegis system and some of its technical work.

In the entire technology department, Wu Hanqing's status is second only to Chief Technology Officer Yu Jun.

To know.

Wu Hanqing's current age is only 24 years old.

The 24-year-old vice president is the only one in the entire Future Group.

When Lu Yi initially handed over the SHIELD system project to Wu Hanqing, it caused a lot of criticism within the group.

Because Wu Hanqing was only in his 20s at the time.

Even though he was a genius from the junior class, he also hacked the group's internal network during the interview, showing his strong technical strength.

But these people all know how important the SHIELD system project is.

But for such an important project, Lu Yi was directly handed over to a newcomer who had little work experience and was young and shameless. No one was optimistic that Wu Hanqing could complete this important task.

Among all the unfavorable voices.

Wu Hanqing withstood the pressure, led a group of SHIELD employees, successfully completed the development of the SHIELD system, and withstood crazy attacks from hackers from all over the world, thus becoming famous in one battle.

From then on.

Within the group, no one dared to underestimate the young man Hao Hanqing.

Even Yu Jun, the chief technology officer, felt a lot of pressure.

Because Future Group never looks at qualifications or academic qualifications, but at personal abilities.

Although he, Yu Jun, is the veteran of the Future Group, he has made great contributions to the group.

But if there is a problem with one's own ability, then you have to give way.

The future group's employment principle is to remove the mediocre, give way to the mediocre, and promote the capable.


Facing Wu Hanqing, a rising star, one can imagine the pressure on Yu Jun.


Inside the villa.

Wu Hanqing surfed the Internet.

At this time.

He noticed Wei’s news updates.

I saw news that the official websites of many domestic enterprises and institutions, as well as well-known domestic Internet companies such as Qiandu and Wangyi, were attacked by hackers.


His expression was condensed.

If a certain company's website is attacked, that's nothing.

This is what happens from time to time.

after all.

Future Group suffers thousands of cyber attacks every day.

But today is different.

It's not that one website has been hacked, but dozens or hundreds of websites have been hacked.

This was obviously an organized and premeditated action.

"Is America's hacker group crazy?"

"With such a large-scale attack on domestic websites, are you trying to start the third Longmei hacker war?"

Feeling that the situation was serious, Wu Hanqing immediately called Lu Yi.

"Hanqing, call me, what's the matter?" Lu Yi's voice came from the phone.

Wu Hanqing admires and respects Lu Yi very much.

In the entire Future Group, the only person Wu Hanqing admires is Lu Yi.

Wu Hanqing is a very proud person.

The geniuses in the Junior Class of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have a sense of arrogance in their hearts.

Even if it is the group's COO Lu Qi, Wu Hanqing does not feel that he is inferior to Lu Qi.

But only when facing Lu Yi, Wu Hanqing felt like he was looking up at a high mountain and could not forget his neck.

Although Lu Yi is far behind Wu Hanqing in terms of academic qualifications.

But in the area of ​​technology, which Wu Hanqing was most proud of, Lu Shen completely crushed him.

He considers himself to be a master of technology, but in front of Lu Yi, he is convinced.

"Director Lu, have you seen the news on the Internet?" Wu Hanqing asked.

"what news?"

"Did the company have any bad news?"

From the opposite side, Lu Yi's surprised voice came.

Wu Hanqing said: "Now the Internet is in a state of panic. America's group of hackers are frantically attacking our domestic websites. The websites of major enterprises, institutions, and major Internet companies have all suffered.

Wu Hanqing said briefly.

Lu Yi immediately asked: "Is there no problem with the group?"

Wu Hanqing smiled and said: "We are okay here. All our platforms are running normally. I am quite confident about the SHIELD system."

"Well, I'm not worried about the Aegis system." Lu Yi said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone.

Wu Hanqing rushed directly to the company.

Although I have confidence in the SHIELD system, I am not afraid of ten thousand, but I am afraid of the worst.

This time, the hackers on America's side have gone crazy, and they are going to start a hacker war between the two countries.

As the person in charge of the SHIELD system, he must be in charge at this moment.

When Wu Hanqing rushed to the company.

Zhou Xiaochuan, director of the SHIELD System Laboratory, had already rushed over after receiving the call from the staff on duty.

Seeing the crazy attacks from overseas IPs, the SHIELD system intercepted them, and Zhou Xiaochuan breathed a sigh of relief.

After receiving the call from his subordinates, he read the latest news on the way here, and Zhou Xiaochuan was also shocked.

I didn't expect the hacker organization on America's side to be so crazy.

Not to mention major enterprises and institutions, major Internet companies such as Qiandu and Wangyi failed to defend their firewalls.

This shows the scale and intensity of the network intrusion launched by the other party this time.

"Mr. Wu!"

"Mr. Wu."

Seeing Wu Hanqing's arrival, Zhou Xiaochuan and others quickly stood up to say hello.

Wu Hanqing waved his hand, glanced at the big screen, and asked: ""]What's the situation now?"

A technician replied: "There are currently a large number of overseas IP addresses attacking our network, but they are all intercepted by the SHIELD system and there are no problems.

Wu Hanqing nodded and said: "You pay close attention to the situation. The Internet is going crazy now. America is preparing to launch the third Internet war against us. I think the attacks will be more violent in the future. Don't let down and let the enemy Taking advantage of the loophole."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, we are paying close attention at all times."

Wu Hanqing nodded and said: "Don't be pressured, believe in our Aegis system, and I will guard it with you and won't leave today.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaochuan and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

With Wu Hanqing in the center, the pressure on them would be much less.


The war of words intensified.

" has been hacked."

"The same goes for Education Network.

"Major Internet companies such as Qiandu and Wangyi have collapsed and have not recovered yet."

"Who did this?"

"Needless to say, America's hackers also publicly demanded Rui Yong's release on our country's website. These grandsons are too arrogant.

(Incredibly) "More than a dozen official websites including Yangshi and GA have been hacked. This is a slap in our face."

"What are our hackers from the Dragon Kingdom doing? You are fighting back, and you are just watching!"

"The Internet Supervisory Authority said it has taken action. Look at the news sent by GA. It has strongly condemned the hacker intrusion. It is said that it also cooperated with the local GA agency to catch a hacker who was studying at a well-known domestic university. America’s exchange student.”

"Good catch!"

"The Internet Monitoring Agency is still very effective. Websites such as Yangwang and Education have been restored.

"We only caught one, so what does that mean? We have to fight back, they are all knocking on our door."

"That's right, you didn't fight back after being beaten so many times? Isn't that SB!"

"The nature of network surveillance is to maintain network security. How can we go to other countries to fight back! Oh, this thing is so fucking frustrating and infuriating to me!"

"It still depends on whether our domestic hackers will take action. If they don't, then we will probably become an international joke."

"America is bullying us."

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