Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1008 Taobao.Com Is Lost And The Wealth Treasure Is In Danger

America hackers attacked major domestic websites, which caused a big fuss.

The people in the country were very angry.

In everyone's opinion.

It was obviously you, America, who was at fault for not handling personnel matters, and the domestic GA department discovered the spy sent here.

If you don't admit it or apologize, forget it.

Now they are organizing hackers to attack and invade our domestic websites.

Is this still shameless?

This is too deceiving!

You, America, were caught by us in pain and shame.

Do I, the mighty Dragon Kingdom, have no shame?


Domestic people know very well why domestic websites are attacked.

Isn't it because during the National Day, two foreign executives, Rui Yong and Huang Weiming, were found to be overseas spies, and the nails that had been driven into the Dragon Kingdom were pulled out, so America felt unhappy.

The officials of the two countries openly engaged in heated verbal disputes, and friends called friends. As a result, America suffered a big loss.

Among the people, netizens from the two countries even resorted to their magical powers and went to each other's territory to quarrel.

As a result, America's side was criticized for being autistic due to her lack of historical background when confronting domestic netizens.

America couldn't swallow this sigh of relief, so she openly sent two small broken boats to show off her power at the gate of Dragon Kingdom. Secretly, America's hacker organization gathered together to attack the Dragon Kingdom website, hoping to regain her position.

What the hell.

This is too deceiving!

It was obvious that he had done something shameless, but in the end, the good guy was even more arrogant than Long Guo, the suffering master.



If the official government of America sent two small broken boats to show off their power in front of their house, the people in the country would be very unhappy, but they could still bear it.

after all.

The Dragon Kingdom is not yet strong enough to compete head-on with America, the world's number one country.


We can only endure the calm for a while.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

America cannot be allowed to seize the opportunity.

I can tolerate the idea of ​​sending a small broken boat to my doorstep to show off their power.

As a result, you have to push further.

It also organizes hackers to attack domestic websites.

This is what my uncle can endure but my aunt cannot.


"I can't bear it! I can't bear this tone anymore!"

"We can't sit still and wait for death. We must organize forces to fight back. Otherwise, America will think that there is no one in our Dragon Kingdom!"

"Exactly! Where are our domestic hackers? Although the Hongke Alliance was disbanded in 2004, they should still be there."

"We must fight back, fight back hard!"

"Haha, you are a bunch of monkeys jumping up and down. Don't you know why America hacked those websites? Who asked you people to go to America's territory and yell at her?"

"That's right! What I hate the most is a group of people jumping up and down here. It was obviously me who provoked America in the first place, but now she's pretending to be the victim."

Just when everyone was filled with indignation and clamoring for a fierce counterattack.

Suddenly some discordant voices jumped out from the team.

This can make the majority of netizens very angry.

"Trouble! Are these Muyang dogs going to be finished? Damn it!"

"Stop scolding, some people can't stand up even if they kneel down."

"Haha, you think too highly of them. How can they be human beings? They are clearly spineless beasts!"

"Beast: This is the worst time I have ever been hacked."

"I asked why these beasts sprayed feces with their mouths full. It turns out they were licking it!"

"Haha, brother upstairs, you are a talented person!"

"I've already reported it. Maybe there are half a million walking among these people!"

The Muyang dog jumped out, causing many netizens to curse.


Mu Yangquan's remarks were drowned in the people's saliva.

"Stop scolding these Muyang dogs, ignore their barking, and don't be led astray by them!"

"Yes, yes, (cicg) these Muyang dogs are so abominable. They want to use this to attract firepower and deflect our rhythm. We cannot fall for their trick."

"To get back on track, we must severely fight back against America's shameless behavior!?

"There are a lot of hackers in our country. Is there any master who can take the lead? Lead us to fight back together. I have a lot of computer skills, so I should be able to help.

"Me too."

"Sign up for one and take me with you!"

"I missed the first Longmei Hacker War in 1999 and the second Longmei Hacker War in 2001. I will never miss it this time!"

"Ask God to take the lead!"

"I can't help much, but I won't cause trouble."

Countless netizens have called on domestic hacker masters to take the lead in counterattack.

Everyone can hardly hold down the keyboard anymore.

At this time.

"Trouble! It's started again. The No. 1 travel forum cannot be opened, and someone posted abusive words!"

"It's not good! Ahri's has also been lost. Now the page cannot be opened. It has been labeled with America's banner. It's so arrogant!"

"No way? Ah Li's Peach Treasure Network has been lost? That's okay! Then isn't our identity information leaked?"

"Fuck! Ahri is an Internet company second only to Future Group in China, and haven't they already established the Feitian system, so they didn't prevent this?"

"You master hackers in China, what are you doing? The situation has become so serious. Why don't you come out and fight back?"

"Are we really going to be tortured by each other this time?"

After the first two waves of attacks, the third wave of attacks followed.

Qiandu is still fighting with the invading hackers, and control of the website has not been regained.

As a result, it was reported on the Internet that of Ali Group had fallen.

Now the people in the country were completely panicked.

To know. is the largest online shopping website in China, with a massive amount of personal information in it.

Now that is lost, will these personal information data have been leaked?

The most worrying thing is.

Ahri takes network security very seriously.

After the Future Group launched the Aegis system, Ahri Group followed closely behind and established the Feitian system project, and also learned from the Future Group's experience.

Everyone has confidence in Ali Group’s Feitian system.


As the Internet becomes more and more developed, more and more people begin to shop online.

Not only has the number of users registered for Taobao increased exponentially, but the number of users using Zhifubao has also increased exponentially.

What everyone is most worried about now is that has been lost. Will Zhifubao follow in its footsteps?

To know.

Zhifubao is an online payment platform, but it is bound to everyone's bank card.

If the Fortune Treasurer is lost, will hackers transfer the money from their bank card accounts?

For a while.

Countless Zhiweubao users panicked. .

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