Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1009: How About Asking For Help From Future Group?

Domestic Zhifubao users are panicking.

Because was lost.

Next, will it be a treasure to get rich?

Their bank cards are bound to their Zhi~Fubao account.

If the wealth treasure is also lost, will they suffer property losses?

“I originally thought that Ahri Group’s Feitian system could be defended, but unexpectedly it was still lost.

"I'm a little panicked. Will the next one be a fortune treasure? Will it cause us property damage?"

“Is it too late to cancel your Zhifubao account now?”

“I knew online payments were unreliable!”

"I just called the customer service of Zhifubao, and the line was busy."

"I can't get through either!"

"Haha, don't think about it. Now the domestic users of Zhiweubao are probably panicking. With so many people trying together, how can they possibly get through!"

“Whether the wealth treasure will be lost or not, it’s up to fate!”

Netizens are talking a lot.

In words.

Expressed extremely serious concerns about Zhiweubao.

after all.

This is related to your own money.

at the same time.

The topic of the fall of also quickly reached the top of Weibo's hot search list, sweeping the screen.

And on Weibo hot search.

can be seen


#Ahri Feitian system was breached#

#成富宝Can you keep it#

#How to quickly cancel and unbind Zhifubao bank card#


#千度When will recovery#



# There are experts in the Internet Supervisory Office#


A series of hot search topics on Weibo are basically related to hacking incidents.

The fishing boat on the Internet completely exploded.


at the same time.


Ahri headquarters.


Teacher Ma and other Ahri executives were present.

Everyone's face was very solemn.

Because, a subsidiary of their group, was hacked by hackers not long ago.


The Internet is going crazy about this.

There are even countless calls from Zhifubao users, asking whether Zhifubao will be lost, how to quickly cancel the Zhifubao account, unbind bank cards, etc.

When Teacher Ma heard the news that his Feitian system had been lost and was hacked, he almost fainted.

And Wang Jian, the founder of Feitian System, almost spit out blood with every mouthful.

To know.

The Feitian System project was established in 2008, and it was he who single-handedly encouraged Mr. Ma to take the path of independent innovation.

At that time, within Ahri, many senior executives were opposed to the Feitian project.

Because these people feel that Future Group is the major shareholder of Ali Group.

The Future Group has developed the Aegis system, and it has been tested by global hackers, so Ahri can completely use the Aegis system of the Future Group without spending a lot of money on the Feitian system.

It was Wang Jian who convinced Teacher Ma.

Finally, with Teacher Ma's approval, the Feitian system project was approved and officially launched in February this year.

The result was more than half a year later.

Faced with the attack by America's hacker, the Feitian system developed by Ahri with massive resources actually fell in the face of the first tough battle.

For Wang Jian, this was like a bolt from the blue.

Teacher Ma supported the launch of the Ma Feitian system because he was under tremendous pressure.

Now that the Feitian system has failed to withstand the attack and has fallen, this will give those who originally opposed the Feitian system an excuse to attack.

He, Wang Jian, will not only become the target of public criticism, but will also implicate Teacher Ma.

This made Wang Jian feel very guilty.

"Mr. Wang, didn't you vow to ensure that the Feitian system can withstand external attacks? What do you say now? Our Taobao network has been paralyzed!"

"What I'm more worried about now is whether the Fortune Treasure will be lost? If the Fortune Treasure is also lost, it will be a huge crisis of trust for us Ahri!"

“Just now, the person in charge of the customer service department reported to me that countless Zhifubao users have called and are worried about our network security, and they want us to immediately unbind their bank cards and cancel their Zhifubao accounts. .”

"I am very worried that if Zhifubao is lost, it will cause huge property losses to Zhifubao users."


Everyone aimed their fire at Wang Jian.

Even some executives who didn't speak looked at Wang Jian with flickering eyes.

In the past, those who supported Wang Jian remained silent.

no way.

The Feitian system was indeed unable to defend against this wave of attacks. was lost and Zhifubao faced a huge threat. This was a huge blow to Ahri's reputation.

After this happened.

I am afraid that many people will have doubts about the network security of Ali Group.

Without the trust of users, how can platforms such as and Zhifubao develop?

Faced with everyone's responsibilities, Wang Jian lowered his head, said nothing, and suffered silently.

Teacher Ma, who was in charge, had a gloomy face and knocked on the table to ask everyone to quiet down.

"Now is not the time to hold anyone accountable, nor is it the time for us to have internal strife.

"The top priority now is how to restore and at the same time keep the wealth treasure."

"I hope everyone will grasp the main contradiction instead of the secondary contradictions!"

Teacher Ma's voice was very serious, causing the expressions of those who had just attacked Wang Jian to change.

…………Please give me flowers…0


Teacher Ma is knocking them.

Think they can't see the situation clearly.

Now that the treasure of wealth is in danger, they are still making things difficult for Wang Jian, instead of figuring out how to keep the treasure of wealth from falling.

This made Teacher Ma very dissatisfied with them.

Teacher Ma's authority within Ali is just like Lu Yi's in Future Group. He is the backbone and indispensable.

For a while.

The atmosphere in the conference room was somewhat stressful.

At this time.

Cai Chongxin, the number two person in the group, spoke.

"Mr. Ma's words are inspiring. The first problem we have to solve now is to restore and at the same time keep the Treasure of Wealth.

"Now let's talk about it, what should we do?"

"If Zhifubao is lost, it will not only cause heavy property losses to the company, but more importantly, it will lose the trust of users. In the future, everyone will not pay through Zhifubao. This will have a very serious impact on a series of strategic plans of our group. .”


Cai Chongxin's words relaxed the atmosphere at the scene.

Everyone started discussing.

"We have the best employees in Ahri's technical department. I believe that as long as we gather our strength, we can repel the enemy's attack!"

"How about using the last resort and shutting down the network?"

"One way is to cut off the power supply. Although it loses face, it is still smaller than the loss caused by the loss of Zhifubao."

"I also support shutting down the power grid. This is the best way to protect yourself."

For a while.

Most people believe that shutting down the Internet is the best defense.

no way.

Ali Group cannot bear the consequences of the loss of Zhifu Bao.

at this time.

Someone asked cautiously: "Can...can we ask for help from the Future Group?"

As soon as these words came out.

Suddenly the conference room fell silent.

Everyone looked over.

Facing the attention of everyone, Director Zhao, who was the lowest among the people, said bravely: "Not only our has lost, but other websites such as Qiandu, Wangyi, Sohu, etc. have also lost. These websites are now Still haven’t recovered.”

"But I don't know if you have noticed that the Family Bucket service under the Future Group is still operating normally, as if it has not been affected at all."

"This is by no means not that Future Group has not suffered cyber attacks, but that Future Group's Aegis system has blocked these attacks."

"I think it is better to ask for assistance from Future Group than to shut down the Internet."

"Future Group is our major shareholder of Ahri. If we ask for help, Future Group will definitely not ignore it.


Manager Zhao quickly lowered his head and waited for the violent storm to greet everyone. .

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