After Director Zhao finished speaking, he lowered his head.

Get ready for a storm of big bosses.

Although Future Group is Ahri’s major shareholder.

But in the minds of Ali's senior executives, Future Group has always been Ali's goal to catch up and surpass.

And everyone at Ahri does not feel that Ahri Group is worse than Future Group.

Now that I have encountered a big trouble that is difficult to solve, if I ask for help from the Future Group, this will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to everyone's morale.


When he carefully and stammered his opinion.

I immediately regretted it.

Because he felt that Teacher Ma and others would never agree to his suggestion.

He would even yell at him.


It was different from the violent storm I imagined.

After Director Zhao made the suggestion to ask for help from Future Group, the entire conference room fell silent at first, and then the eyes of many senior executives suddenly lit up.


Why not ask Future Group for help with "Two Seven Three"?

If the Future Group can lend a helping hand, then they won't have to protect the city in such a humiliating way as shutting down the power grid.


Everyone started discussing whether to seek help from the Future Group.

"Director Zhao's opinion is good."

"Closing the power supply is the last resort to suppress the situation, and it is also the most shameful means."

"If we do that, it's a clear sign that we're throwing in the towel and surrendering to the hackers who are attacking us."

"How will this make the outside world view our Ahri Group?"

"Severing the power supply and shutting off the Internet can protect the wealth treasure from falling, but it will give the outside world an impression that..."

“When faced with hacker attacks, we cannot protect our city without shutting down the Internet, which will make users question the reliability of our platform even more.

“But if we ask for help from the Future Group and do not cut off the Internet, the message to the outside world is that the network security of our Ali Group is still reliable.

A vice president-level boss said.


He supports seeking help from Future Group.

Although their inner goal has always been to transcend the future group.

I feel arrogant inside and feel that Ahli Group is no worse than Future Group.

But in this special situation, you still have to bow your head.

You have to admit that you are not as good as Future Group.

There's no shame in that.

At worst, after the incident, I worked harder and further improved the Feitian system.

As soon as the vice president finished speaking, there were voices of opposition.

"I do not think so."

"There are two reasons."

"First, whether Future Group can hold on is on the one hand, and on the other hand, will Future Group agree?"

"Second, even if the Future Group helps us defend the city, the outside world will still think that we are not good at network security and have to rely on the help of the Future Group."

Another vice president said seriously.

"It makes sense. Mr. Liu's words make sense. If we ask for help from the Future Group, users will distrust our Feitian system even more. This will instead be an advertisement for the Future Group."

"I agree to ask for help from Future Group. What Mr. Liu said makes no sense to me. Is the impact of asking for help from Future Group greater than the impact of us cutting off the Internet?"

"Yes, it's the lesser of two evils."

"But the important thing is that Future Group may not be reliable. If Future Group also falls, our losses will be even greater."

"Yes! We have to consider the future loss of the group. We cannot leave our destiny in the hands of others."

"I still think it is more reliable to shut down the network. Even if the impact is only temporary, we can slowly re-establish trust with users in the future."

"Haha, once trust is lost, it will be extremely difficult to re-establish it."


The conference room was noisy.

The father-in-law said that the father-in-law was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right.

Manager Zhao, who put forward this opinion, was a little confused.

There was no violent storm.

It made him frightened for a while.

Just when everyone was arguing.

Cai Chongxin spoke again.

"Mr. Ma, please say a few words.


Everyone closed their mouths and looked at Teacher Ma.

Teacher Ma pursed his lips, weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

Everyone remained silent, waiting for Teacher Ma to speak.

After a while.

Teacher Ma opened his mouth and said: "Personally, I am more inclined to seek help from the Future Group. Of course, Mr. Liu's concerns just now are also very reasonable."

Teacher Ma made his point clear as soon as he opened his mouth, but at the same time he did not deny that what Mr. Liu and others said was reasonable.


"Well, while asking for help from the Future Group, we are also prepared to shut down the network.

Teacher Ma’s words are the final word.

While the Ali Group was busy holding meetings, restoring its website, and discussing asking for help from the Future Group.

The interior of the Goose Factory is gloomy and gloomy

Ever since the Goose Factory was pushed to the ground by the Future Group, and after Xiao Ma's failure in online games, he found the right outlet, followed the Future Group, and entered the online live broadcast industry.

As a result, he has established a firm foothold in the live broadcast circle, which feels like a turnaround.

at present.

Penguin Live, a subsidiary of Goose Factory, has become the second largest live broadcast platform in China after Dousha Live, a subsidiary of Future Group.

After seeing the hope of turning around, Xiao Ma also took advantage of the popularity of cloud computing and entered the cloud computing industry.


After experiencing several failures, Xiao Ma has also learned to be wise.

Clinging to the thighs of Future Group, we joined WisdomStack.

Although Future Group is the murderer of the goose factory, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and you have to admit defeat.

If you want to stand up and start over again, there is no shame in hugging the thigh of the ‘enemy’.

It can be said.

Today's Goose Factory, after experiencing decline in the past two years, is gradually embarking on the road to revival.

But today.

Its subsidiary Penguin Live broke bad news.

Penguin Live was hacked.

Although its technicians made emergency repairs, they still have not been able to recover until now.

This made Brother Ma curse in his heart.

To know.

He is planning to list Penguin Live in Hong Kong in order to raise funds to develop cloud computing business.

Now something like this has happened.

The plan of the spin-off Penguin Live to be listed in Xiangjiang may be risky.

To know.

The last two years.

With the development of the Internet, the development trend of the online live broadcast industry is very good.

Capital circles are also very optimistic about the subsequent 5.5 development of online live streaming.


Penguin Live, the second largest company in the domestic live broadcast circle, has become a favorite in the eyes of many capital institutions.

There are also countless retail investors who are very interested in the listing of Penguin Live.

But now something like this has happened.

Not only capital institutions that are optimistic about Penguin Live will question the network security of Penguin Live, but countless retail investors will also question it.


Everyone’s interest in Penguin Live’s listing will be greatly reduced.

after all.

How can Penguin Live, which cannot even guarantee its own network security, convince investors that Penguin Live can develop healthily after its listing?

Just in case you get hacked again in the future.

When the panic plate hits, even institutions can't bear it.


After learning that the Penguin Live webpage was hacked, Xiao Ma cursed in his heart. Those hackers in America had no moral integrity and actually attacked their small company. .

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