Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1011 Peers Are Afraid Of Comparison

Brother Xiao Ma mentally greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of those hackers who hacked Penguin Live.

At the moment when Penguin Live was preparing for the listing of Xiangjiang, someone came to do this.

Anyone else would not be in a good mood.


A dark cloud appeared in the originally clear sky.

"Hey, the autumn of Tutuan."

Xiao Ma stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the busy traffic below, and couldn't help but sigh.

Now the online fishing boats have already exploded.

Brother Xiao Ma also knows what the situation is now.

all of these.

Let’s start with the scolding war between netizens in Long and the United States.

Just when Xiao Ma was filled with emotion.

Xu Chengye knocked on the door and walked in.

"Chengye, what do you want from me?" Brother Xiao Ma asked.

Xu Chengye smiled bitterly and said: "Many of our anchors under Penguin Live have asked when our live broadcast platform will be restored."

Brother Xiao Ma rubbed his eyebrows and said: "Zhidong and the people from the technical department are restoring the web page and asking them to connect.

Xu Chengye nodded, and then said: "pony, I heard that the two live broadcast platforms, YY Live and Liujianfang, had no operational problems during this hacker attack and everything was normal."

28 As soon as these words came out.

Brother Ma, who was originally looking at the scenery and the busy traffic, suddenly turned around and said with stern eyes: "What did you say? Are YY and Six Rooms okay?"

Xu Chengye nodded.

Xiao Ma quickly sat down in his seat, turned on his computer, searched for YY live broadcast, and clicked in to take a look.


The operation of YY Live is normal and has not been affected by this hacker attack.


He rented six more rooms and everything was running normally.

all of a sudden.

Brother Ma frowned.

This is not good news.

As the second largest player in the live streaming industry, Penguin Live was killed in this hacker attack.

As a result, YY Live and Six Rooms, which were ranked behind them, had nothing to do with them.

This will not only make users feel that Penguin Live is not capable of resisting risks.

It will also make its anchors feel that Penguin Live is not as good as YY or Six Rooms.

If one of its own anchors goes to YY or Six Rooms, it will be a heavy blow to Penguin Live.

Not to mention listing Penguin Live to make money.

Whether you can still gain a firm foothold in the live broadcast circle is a question.

Brother Xiao Ma raised his head, looked at Xu Chengye and asked, "What's going on? Haven't YY and Liujianfang been attacked by America's hackers?"

Xu Chengye looked at Brother Ma and hesitated to speak.

Brother Xiao Ma frowned and said, "Chengye, just tell me what you know."

Xu Chengye said: "pony, I had a chat with Mr. Liu from Six Rooms before, and I found out from him that the reason why they didn't have any problems was because they used the Smart Cloud under the Future Group, and all the data is there. above.

"You should also know the situation now."

"Many domestic websites were protected by America's hacker attack."

“But the Future Group’s FamilyMart service is operating normally.

"The reason why YY and Liujianfang are okay is probably because the Future Group's Aegis system blocked all external attacks."

When Brother Xiao Ma heard this, he was immediately heartbroken.

Among peers, we are afraid of comparison.

YY and Liujianfang are both users of Future Group Smart Go.

Our smart cloud platform is protected by the Aegis system and is as stable as a rock in the face of this cyber attack.

As long as there is no problem with Wisdom Cloud, then there will naturally be no problem with YY and Liujianfang.

However, its own Penguin Live is not a user of Smart Cloud.

Without the protection of the SHIELD system, it is normal to be hacked by hackers.

Before Xiao Ma Ge opened his mouth, Xu Cheng added another sentence.

"Our anchors are in a fierce quarrel right now because there is no problem with YY and Six Rooms."

These words made Brother Ma immediately rub his eyebrows with a headache.

Colleagues are enemies!

After a while.

Brother Xiaoma said: "Chengye, do you think we are like YY and Liujianfang..."

Although he didn't say the next words, Xu Chengye knew what Brother Xiao Ma meant.

"pony, for the development of Penguin Live, I think it's okay."

“Today, our Penguin Live is the second largest live broadcast platform after Dousha Live.”

"But this time the platform was hacked. On the other hand, YY and Liujianfang are operating normally. This is a huge blow to the reputation of our Penguin Live."

"Aren't you pushing for the spin-off and listing of Penguin Live?"

"I think if we use smart cloud, it will be a correct decision whether it is to win back the trust of users or investors."

Xu Chengye said.

Brother Ma nodded, thinking silently.


He said: "Okay, I'll let it go in advance. I'll think about it carefully. We'll have a meeting later to discuss and decide. You first calm down the anchors who are upset. These people are the cash cows of our platform. If they change jobs, then we Penguin Live streaming platforms are in trouble.”

Xu Chengye nodded and left the office.

Brother Xiao Ma sat on the boss's chair, considering Xu Chengye's suggestion, and gradually fell into deep thought.


It’s not just Brother Ma’s family who has such sentiments.

Many other websites, after seeing their competitors, actually survived this hacking incident unscathed.

What were you doing before and what are you still doing now?

Lived in Bengbu directly.

What's going on? What's going on?

Could it be that America's group of hackers are just looking for food?

Why did you hack my website and keep my opponent’s website?


The CEOs of these hacked websites called the CEOs of their competitors one after another, asking overtly and covertly what was going on?


They learned the specific reason.

turn out to be.

It’s people who use smart cloud solutions.

After getting this answer, the bosses of these hacked websites almost spit out their blood.

When Future Group launched smart cloud services, they were also very excited.

But 810 is due to the fact that the price is a bit high, and it is a small business.

So he suddenly refused.

In recent years, without Future Group's smart cloud services, they have developed well.

But how do you know the result?

This time there will be such a large-scale hacker attack, which will directly cause disaster to our own website.

On the other hand, competitors who used future smart cloud solutions were as stable as a mountain in this incident, and nothing happened.

This makes the CEOs of these websites regretful.

With such a blow, countless users of the website will switch to competitors.

after all.

The user takes a look.

Good guy, your side is down, but the website on the other side has nothing to do with it.

Isn’t it obvious at a glance which website is more powerful and safer?

Now everyone's privacy awareness has also increased.

Your website is not protected and has been hacked. Then wouldn’t some of the relevant personal information I filled in when I registered an account with you be at great risk of being leaked?

Since you can't do it here, then I'll go to the other side.

Anyway, your two websites are similar in nature.

But others are safer than you, and I am more assured that they are not.

Once the user's trust is lost.

It is very likely that the previous situation where the two sides were almost evenly matched will be broken due to this.

This loss is too great.

For a while.

The CEOs of these websites are so sad that their legs have been broken.

If I had known today.

At first I said I wanted a future smart cloud service package!

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