The fall of major domestic websites has caused an uproar among the people in the country.

Faced with the arrogant behavior of American hackers, countless netizens called on domestic hackers to fight back.

Can bear fruit.

There has been no counterattack on the domestic side.

It was also reported that of Ali Group had been compromised.

all of a sudden.

Countless Taobao users immediately panicked.

many people.

Without saying a word, he quickly unbound the Zhifubao account and his bank card.

I am afraid that after the fall of, the treasure of wealth will also be lost.

That way.

Likely to cause damage to their property.

While everyone was discussing the fall of, they also expressed their distrust of the Ali Group.

As a major Internet company in China second only to Future Group, the result... is this??

Many Taobao users are disappointed with Ali Group.

In February this year, Ahri launched the Feitian system.

As fans of Taobao, these people are very excited.

As a result, I had not been happy for a few days when came out with such bad news.

Everyone expressed deep disappointment.

Of course.

Everyone is not only disappointed with

They also expressed disappointment with well-known domestic Internet companies such as Penguin Live, Wangyi, and Sohu.

Because these well-known domestic Internet companies fell one after another in this America hacking operation.

On the other hand, some small Internet factories with little sense of existence have been extremely strong and operating normally during this crisis.

This is surprising.

In this comparison, major Internet companies such as Ali and Wangyi are completely embarrassed.

Everyone was talking about this.

"I didn't expect that, except for Future Group, all the top Internet companies in the country have basically fallen.

"Yes! On the other hand, some unknown small factories did nothing during this crisis."

"I asked my friends in my circle. It is said that these small factories that are fine are all users of Future Group's smart cloud service. It can not only help them increase revenue and reduce expenditure, but also avoid this crisis."

"It turns out that he is a user of Future Group's Smart Cloud. It's no wonder. After all, Future Group's Aegis system has withstood the test of global hacker attacks."

"I'm thinking that those companies that have fallen should regret not choosing to cooperate with Future Group."

"What happened this time is a test. Future Group is indeed the Future Group, as stable as Mount Tai, and the Aegis System is awesome!"

"Hey, when are we going to fight back? Are we just going to watch the enemy arrogantly wreak havoc on our territory?"

"That's right, what are our domestic hackers doing? They haven't taken action yet."

At a time when domestic netizens are talking a lot.

Lu Yi received another call from Wu Hanqing.

"Hey, Hanqing, what happened?" Lu Yi asked.

He thought there was something wrong with his Aegis system.

Wu Hanqing smiled and said: "Director Lu, the SHIELD system is fine. I just want to report something to you.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"That's right. I just received a call from Wang Jian of the Ali Group, asking for help from our side."

"Ari asked us for help?"

"Yes! of the Ali Group has fallen. They were afraid that Zhifubao would follow suit, and the impact would be too great. They didn't want to shut down the network, so they asked us for help."

After hearing this, Lu Yi quickly took the Epad and kept sliding his fingers on the screen.


On Weibo's hot search list, the topic of the loss of Ali Group's ranked first.

This surprised Lu Yi.

Unexpectedly, Ahli Group failed to survive this storm.

This is a huge blow to the reputation of Ali Group.

Seeing that Lu Yi did not respond for a long time.

Wu Hanqing asked: "Director Lu, are we going to take action against Ali Group's request for help?"

"Our Future Group is Ahri's major shareholder. Now Ahri is in trouble and she has asked us for help. If we can, we will help." Lu Yi said with a smile without thinking too much.

"Zhifubao is bound to everyone's bank cards. If there is a problem with Zhifubao, it will inevitably cause huge property losses to countless Zhifubao users.

"In the future, we will also develop an online payment platform."

The Group's treasure trove of wealth lies in this area. "

"If there are no problems with Zhifubao this time, it will definitely make the leaders above have a bad impression of the online payment platform and have a bad opinion."

"Helping Ali Group is paving the way for ourselves."

Hearing Lu Yi's words, Wu Hanqing nodded and said, "Okay, then I will direct the people under my command to connect the interface on the Fortune Treasure."

"Well, if you have any questions, please report to me anytime."

the other side.

After Wang Jian received Wu Hanqing's feedback, he felt relieved.

I immediately reported to Teacher Ma.


The protection work of Zhifubao was transferred to the Future Group.

at the same time.

Another place.

in a chat window.

Ye: "i69 was caught!"

Poizon: "I also received the news. It is said that 169 is an exchange student from a well-known university in Longguo.

long: "This revenge must be avenged!"

Poizon: "Everyone, be prepared, we will launch a more violent attack!"

GUN: "..." There is a master in the Internet Supervision Office of the Dragon Kingdom. Even I am not the opponent of YXY. The Internet areas within the scope of the supervision of Penglongguo Internet Supervision are all scattered and fighting independently, targeting small and medium-sized websites and celebrity accounts.

Eat them bit by bit, and once you succeed, retreat immediately without stopping at all, and at the same time remove your own traces, that YXY is by no means an ordinary person, you must protect yourself!"



"no problem!"

"Don't worry, GUN God!"

Despite the first few attacks, their side achieved good results.

Many websites in Long Kingdom were hacked.

But they suffered a serious blow.

i69, the top player, failed.

Fell into the hands of the man named YXY.

Naturally, they would not be reconciled to the loss of a general.

These people know it well.

Currently, there are countless hackers around the world staring at them, and this face must be restored.

Of course (money is good).

GUN also has to admit that YXY is very powerful.

Trapping, attacking, finding vulnerabilities, phishing data, defense, etc., all technologies are very powerful.

He, one of the top three hackers in America's hacker circle, was actually not as good as the other one.

In the brief battle with YXY, I almost suffered a big loss.

But it was impossible to give up.

what to do?

Then it can only be a roundabout battle.

YXY is just one person, and the number of people they attacked this time is over a hundred.

No matter how powerful YXY is, if they are scattered and broken into parts, YXY cannot have three heads and six arms.

This time they stopped guarding the website and went fishing. They just shot and moved to another location, and then left after the attack, leaving YXY exhausted.

By the time YXY got the news, they would have already changed their target.

This is an unsolvable method.

Quite brilliant!

after all.

No one can defend against aimless attacks. .

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