A well-known person's account on the Tianya Forum was stolen, and he kept posting messages saying sorry to the people of America.

Yangtao Video was attacked and all video files could not be opened.

A virus was implanted into the local area network of a Hope Primary School in the north, and all the teaching materials and related course materials on the hard drive were lost and damaged.

A branch of a power grid group in the south was attacked, which directly caused a sudden power outage in a certain city, and the whole city was in an uproar.

A celebrity's account on a sharing platform was stolen and he posted pornographic pictures and pornographic website links.

Because it was a celebrity, it directly had a major negative impact.

Many people who don't know the truth really think that this star is crazy and posts pornographic pictures and links.

All this reached a new peak in the evening.

The situation is urgent.

All the network supervisors worked overtime, and most of the people who were on vacation were recalled to their units.

The National Center for Virology Protection also issued an alert.

More than three or four types of viruses have invaded the Dragon Kingdom.

Because it is an old virus, some anti-virus software can protect it.

However, some people who do not have anti-virus software are still accidentally tricked.

Fortunately, the damage was not huge, and only a few hundred phones were infected.

700 network monitoring station.

Wang Chu slammed the table angrily and shouted: "Control the virus quickly, we cannot allow the virus to spread in the country."

Xue Xiaoyun sat in front of the computer and said expressionlessly: "Don't worry too much about viruses. They are all old viruses from a few years ago. There are so many special killing software out there. The top priority now is to drive out these grandsons." "Treating the symptoms must cure the root cause. These people are the source. If we don't kill them, they will continue to act like monsters."

Fang Fang next to her said with a tired face: "I have restored eight websites, but there are constantly new websites being invaded, and I am already overwhelmed.

Ji Yi on the other side also complained: "Yeah! Ever since Xue Shen took action, these grandsons have known how powerful Xue Shen is. They have changed their methods and started to fight one another. We are following them. Later, if this continues, sooner or later it will be us who are exhausted."

That's right.

Now people like Lin Yi call Xue Xiaoyun Xue Shen.

no way.

In terms of technology, Xue Xiaoyun surpassed them by a dozen.

Although they are all colleagues who have worked together for many years.

But until today.

Only then did they realize how powerful Xue Xiaoyun was.

Even though Xue Xiaoyun also took action against those little fights in the past, they were able to resolve them themselves.

But this time (cidd).

Facing the attack from this group of people, Fang Fang, Lin Yi and others were completely unable to cope.

He even almost got on the opposite road.


Anyway, he was completely convinced.

No wonder the people above treat Xue Xiaoyun differently.

Not without reason.

When someone is just a little bit better than you, you may not be convinced.

But when someone is much better than you, then I'm afraid there won't be a trace of competition in your heart, and all that's left is just submission.

Ji Yi's words seemed to resonate with everyone.

From morning until now.

They never stopped.

Always putting out fires everywhere.

Morning and afternoon were fine.

Although those grandsons were setting fires everywhere, they were basically waiting in the website, or they would fight back.

But now.

The other party immediately changed his tactics.

Keep them busy.

An old Internet policeman gritted his teeth and said: "I'm checking people who have hacked their accounts, but there are no traces left. These people just run away after doing it, and they can't be found at all. How can we drive them out?"

A young Internet police officer complained: "Why haven't our domestic hackers taken action yet? If they had taken action to fight back, they would have relieved our pressure and forced these grandsons to return to defense."

After hearing this, Wang Chu stared at the young man.

Xue Xiaoyun didn't even raise her eyes and said: "No one can do anything about this kind of attack. They can hit wherever they want now, and we can only passively defend.

Speaking of which.

Xue Xiaoyun suddenly looked up at Wang Chu and said, "Old Wang, how about I try to attack America's website?"

When Wang Chu heard this, he almost jumped three feet high. He glared at Xue Xiaoyun who looked eager to try and said: "My aunt, can you not make trouble? How long has it been before and you still say such irresponsible things! We are a government agency, and you are a well-established government official. If someone catches you, our rationale will become irrational."

Xue Xiaoyun made a sound and said: "If we are passively defensive, we will never win in our lifetime. These grandchildren have become invincible by doing this. We don't fight back, just rely on us people, haha... ..."

Wang Chu naturally knew this.

But with different identities, some things cannot be messed up.

after all.

Although Xue Xiaoyun has excellent skills, he is not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of the worst.

If America gets caught, the Dragon Kingdom government will be passive, and it is likely to escalate to the diplomatic level.

Isn't this causing trouble to the leaders above?

He didn't want to retire so early.

"Okay, Officer Xue, my aunt, please stop causing trouble and clean up the mess first. We are the people's JC. We should do our job well and don't make trouble for the superiors.

"Besides, these hackers have been here all day, and they can't work like this every day. They must be tired sometimes. Unless they have nothing to do, this situation won't last long. Everyone just hang on."

Wang Chu said earnestly.

Xue Xiaoyun rolled her eyes after hearing this.

Waiting for these people to leave on their own?


at the same time.

In an encrypted chat room in China, a group of top hackers in the country are doing business with each other.

With a grandson like America so arrogant, they would naturally not just watch and do nothing.

Now the fishing boats on the Internet are blowing up.

Countless netizens kept shouting for them to fight back.

Naturally, they couldn't sit still.

We must take action to protect the Dragon Kingdom Internet and give America's grandchildren a wolfish counterattack.

Lion: "Everyone, we can't continue to look like this. We must stand up and fight back. These grandsons are too arrogant!"

dyd: "My sword is already hungry and thirsty. Lion, give me the order. The 80,000-strong army has been assembled!"

chker: “It’s my first time to participate in such a big operation, it’s a bit convenient!”

gsh: "Let the war begin! We will once again plant the red flag on the official website of the Black Palace!"

Yan: "This time, we must completely scare those grandsons so that they will never dare to invade our Dragon Kingdom again!"

lij: "Counterattack! Counterattack!"

In the chat room.

Top domestic hackers are emerging one after another.

Everyone is filled with indignation and extremely angry.

This time, America showed no moral integrity, and ended up shamelessly attacking their domestic website.

What a bully!

This bad breath cannot be tolerated.

"God Lion, lead us to charge, just like 8 years ago!"

"This time, I will teach these grandsons a lesson they will never forget!"

"Anyone who offends our Dragon Kingdom will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

In the chat room, some unknown hackers were also yelling and excited.

Lion: "Comrades, take action and let us launch the most powerful counterattack!"

Following Lion's order, domestic hackers took action!

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