At 17:01, the State Grid was attacked by hackers, part of the power grid network was paralyzed, and major blackouts occurred in several cities in East China.

At 17:02, the State Grid website was restored, and power supply was restored to several cities in East China due to the blackout. However, some areas were still in a power outage due to damaged transformers.

At 17:03, the official website of a park attraction in Shanghai was maliciously tampered with, and pornographic pictures appeared on the homepage.

At 17:06, the website of Zhongdu Union Medical College Hospital was hacked and the hospital was disconnected, causing chaos in the hospital.

At 17:09, the mailbox of Wang Jingkang, a well-known science fiction novelist, was stolen and a large number of virus links containing pornographic images were sent to the outside world, causing thousands of computers to be infected.

At 17:10, Internet surveillance and a well-known domestic anti-virus software company captured the IP addresses of two hackers.


The entire network is at war.

The war has spread across the country.

Some ordinary people or people who don't pay much attention are not aware of this special day.

Sometimes the forum website cannot be opened, and I think it is due to website system maintenance, so I don't pay attention.


Just pay a little attention to what's going on online and you'll know.

After a lapse of 8 years.

Long and the United States once again launched an unprecedented hacker war.


This invisible war is going on in full swing.

at the same time.

in a certain group.

"Fuck! Fuck these white-skinned pigs to death!"

"Kill! Our army from the Dragon Kingdom is going out to make sure that America is left without a single blade of grass!"

"Well done, Master YXY!"

"It's wonderful! It's really wonderful! Who is this XYX? It's so awesome!"

"The FF master is not bad, he has taken control."

"Ah, Master XYX, no, I was just looking at the excitement, why did you accidentally kill me? Damn it, Master, don't do this, you are one of our own, don't follow us.

"Seeing this made me so excited that I even wanted to go out and help myself."

"Come on, our skills can only be called hobbies, so don't make things more complicated."

"That's right, after a few more years of learning, I will have to go on the field to kill America with the same majesty as them.

"Hey, as a computer science student, I am extremely excited to be able to participate in this matter to the best of my ability."

"Have you done a serious analysis? If I participate in this Internet war, after graduation, can I use this qualification to knock on the door of Future Group?"

"I think you're dreaming."


With the crazy fermentation of online fishing boats.

Many people with some basic knowledge of network technology, or college students majoring in computer science, came over to watch the game.

at the same time.

These people also serve as interpreters.

Explaining the situation of the war to many people who had no idea at all and whose eyes were darkened.

This can make these busybodies who are watching the excitement feel like they have been beaten to death.

He kept moaning in his mouth.

the other side.


In a mysterious hacker group.

A group of top hackers from all over the world began to bubble up in the group.


The hacker war between Long and the United States has alarmed the entire hacker world.

Countless hackers around the world are focusing on the two countries, staring at the direction of this cyber war.

in the group.

Chat messages kept appearing one after another.

Lot (a famous hacker in Eagle Country who once invaded the Pentagon intranet of America and escaped unscathed, becoming famous in the hacker community): "Who is this XYX? Gun is one of the top three figures in America's hacker circle. , with the help of others, I was not able to get any benefit from XX!"

Fujiwara (a famous hacker from the island country): "He should be a master from the Dragon Kingdom Internet Supervision Office. It can be seen that this person's methods are extremely fierce, fierce and flexible. He is a top master."

Ellis (a famous hacker from Hans Country and the creator of a certain virus): "This person is very scary. I was watching the battle on the website just now and had already obtained administrator rights. In the blink of an eye, I was killed by this person. XYX was kicked out."

YOT (a famous hacker from Kangaroo Country, who attacked a website of a certain country and was wanted globally by the government of Heisekai): "I'm a little itchy and want to practice with this XYX. Is there anyone with me?"

Oplov (top three hackers in Maozi's hacker rankings): "It's better to just watch the excitement. This is a hacker war between the United States and China, and I don't want to participate.

47 (a well-known hacker from the cold country): "Oplov, if you play, the probability of losing is as high as 99.99%."

Oplov: "Haha, if I am 99.99%, then you are 100%.


miliosi (heterochromic crack top hacker): "The technical strength of Longguo hackers is still good, except for those old ID brands, such as lion and yan

Lij, these people, this guy named XYX is also really powerful, and it seems like he hasn't tried his best yet. If I have a chance someday, I would like to try him out. "

Fujiwara: "Everyone, I'm going to give this XYX a try. I haven't met such an exciting master for a long time."

47: "Fujiwara, let's go together. Unlike some people, I have no courage at all and only brag.

lot: "Gun, these people are very smart. They lead people in circles and besiege them. They never hesitate to fight. I am afraid that he also knows the power of the opponent and does not choose to confront this XYX. This strategy is right. I am very sure that this XYX He is definitely a public official of the Dragon Kingdom. Because of his status, he cannot cross the line, but people like Gun will not care about this. They can fight however they want. In this Internet war, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely lose."


Oplov: "What a pity."

In the chat group.

The IDs of world-renowned hackers are popping up one after another, expressing their own opinions.

Some people were so happy to see Hunter Xin that they wanted to join in the fun.

But more people chose to watch on the shore.

Neither America nor Dragon Kingdom are easy to mess with.

If you end up at this time, you may get angry.


It would be better to take a look at it from the shore.

after all.

If the dragon country is really offended and goes directly to their country to wreak havoc, it will be a big mess.

Of course.

There are also some hackers who are okay with this.

For example, Fujiwara from the island country, 47 from the cold country, etc., ended immediately.

After all, these two countries are America's bastards.

When the officials of Dragon Kingdom and America had a public verbal spat before, America also called on these two countries to come forward. Senior officials from both countries slandered Dragon Kingdom in public.


The people of the two countries have no good impressions of each other.

There is a deep hatred between the Dragon Kingdom and the Island Kingdom.

As for the Dragon Kingdom and the Han Kingdom, the people of the Dragon Kingdom are quite dissatisfied and disgusted with the fact that the Han Kingdom likes to steal various traditional cultures of the Dragon Kingdom. .

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