In the villa.

Lu Yi is also watching the game on the computer.


He also put on a vest and joined a spectator group to watch some semi-professionals give passionate commentary.


His face didn't look very pretty.

In the crowd watching the battle.

Statements kept popping up one after another.

Almost without paying attention, the previous speech was squeezed into nowhere.

"Shuangshuangshuang, it seems that there are still experts in the Internet Supervision Office."

"I regained control of another website and started to regain lost ground."

"Oh, that's not right. Our situation is a bit wrong. We are too passive."

"Yeah, even if I don't understand technology, I can still see that our side is at a disadvantage. We were beaten from the beginning to the end without fighting back at all. After the other party downloaded a website, they ran away directly, so we If we save people one by one like this, when will they end?"

"Such a passive defense is not an option. I think we have to take the initiative to attract some firepower to America, so that these American hackers "453" have to return to defense."

"The situation is a little bad. I saw what happened to some familiar IDs. These IDs are not America's hackers. Needless to say, the one with the ID name Fujiwara must be a hacker from the island nation."

"It's broken. Another website has been hacked."

"Damn it! America actually asked for help here, damn, that's so shameless!"

"Is there any master? Where are the top hackers in our country? Why hasn't anyone come to help?"

"Yes, whoever knows the top hackers in the country, please say hello quickly, and the enemies will come to your doorstep."

"I don't think the top hackers in the country will be involved in this. Now the Network Supervision Bureau has fully intervened, the police have been dispatched, and there are many people from anti-virus companies. The top hackers in the country are all registered, and they have Who hasn’t checked the case record? Everyone should be cautious. If they are dispatched, in such a melee, if they fail to protect all the people, their identity will be exposed, and then the gain will outweigh the loss if they involve themselves. "

"What you said above is correct. Since the hacker war in 2001, China has attached great importance to network security. The Internet Supervision Bureau was also established at that time. Last year, a domestic hacker organization was arrested by the government. Being served.

"In this situation, ordinary hackers are of no use at all and can't get involved at all. More powerful hackers don't dare to take action, so they are in trouble this time."

"I don't think so! Since they are hackers, there are not many people who are afraid of trouble. What these people are looking for is a thrill, otherwise they would not choose to become hackers. The reason why they haven't taken action yet is probably because there is something wrong with America. There are some top experts who have not participated in the war to contain them, just wait, someone will definitely step forward."

"Exactly! What time has it been now? It is unrealistic to rely solely on the Internet Supervision Bureau, a government department, to win this Internet defense war."

"This is a fight for national dignity, and I think the government will definitely turn a blind eye.

"Well said."

"Masters, please hurry up and take action. I think the comrades in the Network Supervision Bureau are almost overwhelmed. It's been a long day of work, so we have to take a break and eat to replenish energy."

"We can't let these white-skinned pigs like America continue to be so arrogant."

"Yes, it's not just America's hackers who are attacking us now. The top hackers from the Island Country, Han Country and other countries have also come to an end and are siding with America. The Network Supervision Bureau alone is I definitely can’t stand it.”

"Although Great God XYX is brave, he can't beat four hands with two fists."

"Don't panic, good news, Lion God has already led a large army to join the battle."

"Lion God? Is he the Lion God who was the founder of Hongke Alliance in 2001? He is my idol!"

"Isn't your idol the richest man in Lu? Why did he become a lion?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"Really? Have our domestic hackers really started to fight back?"

"Then the pressure on the Network Supervision Bureau should be much less."

"It's confirmed that a group of top hackers in China, led by Lion God, are once again wearing armor and going into battle. They are indeed my idols!"

"At the critical moment, we still have to look to the Lion Gods. If the Internet Supervision Bureau is inconvenient to do, these great gods will do it.

"Hmph, I must teach America and the others a lesson this time."

"I'm so excited after hearing this. I really want to take part in it, but unfortunately I don't have the technology, so I can only cheer for Lion God and the others here."

In the villa.

Lu Yi, who was in a diving state, looked at the comments in the viewing group and silently closed the viewing group.

Now that people like Lion have taken action, he is relieved.

Lu Yi is very familiar with people like Lion.

It's not that I know these people, but I know the names of people like Lior.

Lion, whose real name is Lin Yong, is the founder of Hongke Alliance.

In the 2001 Longmei Hacker War, it was Lion who led a group of domestic hacker organizations such as the Hongke Alliance and fought a wonderful cyber war with America's hacker organization.

It was this battle that made the Hongke Alliance famous overseas.

The ID lion is also spread among hacker circles around the world.

In addition to lion, dyd, chker, and gsh, they are all the top hacker masters in the country.

Since people like Lion took the risk, they took action.


I can't stand it anymore.


Although the Internet Supervision Office has a group of elite leaders [there are also technical masters like XYX who can defeat guh.

But after all, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

In addition, the opponent changed his strategy again and changed the location after one shot.

Moreover, there are also hackers from some countries that are watching the excitement, such as the island country and the cold country, who end up causing trouble.

It is even more difficult for the Network Supervision Bureau to cope with this.

I patched this side and covered that side.

If these people continue to be arrogant on the domestic Internet, I don't know how much damage will be caused.

The news that a city-wide blackout was caused by hackers has been on the hot search several times.

10 o'clock in the evening.

Before getting ready to go to bed, Lu Yi logged into the spectator group again.

He frowned for a moment.

Because the current situation in the country is very unfavorable.

Although a group of top domestic hackers such as Lion have come to an end, they have also attacked the official websites of some important government agencies and the websites of well-known Internet companies in America.


More and more non-America hackers are participating, uniting with America's hackers to encircle and suppress domestic hackers.

So much so that the hackers who went to war in China were directly forced into a corner when faced with the encirclement and suppression of these top hackers.

Fortunately, these people are in China, not in America.

if not.

Now I'm afraid Ferbole has come to check the water meter.

"What's wrong?" Lin Qingya, who was sitting on the bedside reading a document, asked when she saw Lu Yi's serious expression.

Lu Yi said: "The situation in the domestic cyber war with America is a bit unfavorable. Many non-America hackers have quit, and our side is losing ground.

Speaking of which. 0.2

Lu Yi paused, turned to look at Lin Qingya, and said, "Go to bed first, don't wait for me, I'm afraid I have to work overtime tonight."

Hear the words.

Lin Qingya suddenly raised her eyebrows: "You want to take action?"

Lu Yi nodded: "I can't do it without taking action. These grandsons are too arrogant. I have to take action to control their arrogance. Okay, you can go to sleep and I will go to the study."


Lu Yi took the computer to the study room.

Opening the software he had prepared, he took a breath and his eyes became a little sharp.

He was a little angry.

You are talking about this Internet war, what is going on between Longguo and America, what do you mean when America calls for foreign aid?

Lu Yi, who was originally not prepared to die, couldn't bear it now.

after all.

At his current level, it would be too dangerous if he was caught, and the impact would not be as big as usual.

But this time.

He had to take action.

if not.

The insurance here in China is really no longer guaranteed!.

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