lion, these domestic hackers who went to America, encountered trouble.

It made everyone in the country watching the battle feel anxious.

This time America’s hackers took the initiative to attack domestic networks.

lion these people fight back.

It would be too irritating if he just retreated like this.

And at the same time.

With people like YOT and Oplov secretly causing trouble.

Important websites in some countries, such as the island country, the cold country, and the kangaroo country, have been invaded.

These hacked website pages either have red flags or appear in Chinese.

This makes hackers from these countries think that hackers from the Dragon Kingdom are retaliating and provoking.


Originally, only a few hackers such as Fujiwara and 47 were punished. Now, hackers from these countries have also been punished, and they all sided with America.

Some people helped America Hell Lion and others attack.

There were more people who poured into the Dragon Kingdom and wreaked havoc.

For a while.

The pressure that the Internet Supervision Bureau had put down a little bit suddenly became full again.

no way.

The domestic hackers who were frustrated on America's side had to turn around and help the Network Supervision Bureau stabilize the situation when they learned that a large number of hackers from other countries had invaded domestic websites.

This caused the number of Dragon Kingdom hackers seeking revenge on America to drop sharply.

Faced with the encirclement and suppression by America and other national hackers, people like Lion are in danger.

Although people like Lion are very skilled.

But two fists are no match for four hands.


The people who besieged them were not unknown people, and their skills were not much worse than those of Lion.

Sioux City.

In the villa.

Lu Yi watched the domestic hackers retreating steadily in America.

I can't sit still anymore.

He is going to end!

He had to end!

At first.

Lu Yi can still hold it back.

after all.

Hacking attacks like this are nothing new.

But as time went on, Lu Yi's bottom line was hit countless times by them.

You, America, started the online war first, and there was nothing wrong with the Dragon Kingdom's counterattack.

But if you can’t defeat it, just ask hackers from other countries to join us.

Are you still shameless?

Since you, America, are shameless, then I will slap your face hard!

Is it inconvenient for people from network surveillance and security companies to fight back?

Are you tied up and can only defend?


They have concerns, they have regulations, but I don't.

Things that network surveillance and security companies cannot do, I will do it!

Brother, today I will let you know why the flowers are so red!


Lu Yi knew very well that if he ended up being caught by America, it would trigger a tsunami.

But this time.

As a person from the Dragon Kingdom, he cannot remain indifferent.

if not.

The Dragon Kingdom is afraid that it will face a disaster.


Lu Yi is also confident in his own skills.

As long as he is careful, Lu Yi is confident that he will not leave any clues.

From the bedroom to the study room.

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and shot out a sharp light.


I'm afraid it will be a sleepless night.


Brother is here!

Lu Yi debugged the equipment and changed some parameters.


His hands flew up on the keyboard and went straight to America's official website.

Why choose here?

Because America’s gang of hacker grandsons had invaded domestic national websites before.


Of course Lu Yi will retaliate in the same way.

Moreover, America's official website is an extremely important place, and Lu Yi wants to play a big role.

Lu Yi, who has a series of auras such as the son of the Internet and a technology guru, has basically not been responsible for technical matters since he became the chairman of Future Group.

But these years.

His skills have not fallen behind.

have to say.

Black Palace's website firewall is indeed very impressive.

Lu Yi first sent a phishing email, but was blocked without a trace.

The first attack failed.

But Lu Yi was not discouraged.

This is normal.

After all, it is America's most important official website. If it is so easy to be hacked, what's the point?



three times.

five times.

Lu Yi kept changing his methods to attack the Black Palace's defense system.

In front of his powerful technology.


The official website of Black Palace was breached.

Say nothing.

Lu Yi directly posted a plaster flag of the island country on the homepage of the website, and also posted a Japanese insult to America.

As for saying.

Why not put up red flags or Chinese characters.

It's not that Lu Yi is afraid.

It's the hackers from countries like the Island Country and the Cold Country who dance very happily.

That being the case.

Then give them a big gift.


The official website of the Black Palace was breached, and news about the plaster flag and Japanese language appeared, which directly blocked America's website platforms such as Twitter and Reddit.

Although many websites on America's side have crashed.

But these website platforms under the Future Group are rock solid.

The reason.

Naturally, there is a powerful shield system to protect safety.

Twitter, FaceReddit and other website platforms are the platforms with the largest number of users on America’s side.

all of a sudden.

The people of America were angry.

Xiao Benzi, the loser of America's family, actually betrayed him and dared to attack his master's website in turn. It's a shame, right?


On Twitter, Reddit and other website platforms, there have been a large number of posts calling for severe punishment of the island country.

When the island country hackers who were busy helping America defend or attack the Dragon Kingdom website saw this situation, they were immediately confused.

What the hell is going on?

What blind guy attacked the master’s father’s website?

The island country's official immediately stood up and bowed to apologize, and stated that they would find the hacker who attacked the Black Palace as soon as possible and hand it over to America for disposal.

at last.

The Prime Minister of the island country even shouted with a stern voice to the island country hacker who hacked the Black Palace to immediately stand up and admit his mistake!

Have no idea.

The island country has to be afraid.

America is the dad after all.

My own people hacked the Black Palace website. Isn’t this a slap in dad’s face?

What if dad is angry?


At this moment, the island country was trembling.

for these.

Lu Yi didn't pay attention at all.

He focused on attacking some important websites of America.

""Trouble! Damn your grandson, Ju (De Zhao Hao) put the blame on Longguo "||!"

At this time.

When Lu Yi was about to attack a website owned by the Pentagon, he found a guy with the ID name YOT as soon as he entered the website. He hacked the website first and left red flags and Chinese characters.

He followed the traces left by YOT and captured YOT's IP address without YOT noticing.

This IP address does not come from the Dragon Kingdom, but from the Kangaroo Kingdom.


Lu Yi tracked down several more IDs that were very active in America and continued to cause damage. After tracing, he found that the IP addresses of these IDs were not from the Dragon Kingdom.

Either the Hans Kingdom, Maozi, or Lotus.


"You grandsons want to muddy the waters and make this matter bigger, right?

"Okay, as you wish."

Lu Yi's eyes glowed with coldness.

After hacking several important American websites, Lu Yi directly changed his target and targeted countries such as Hans Country, Yiselie, Island Country, and the United States. .

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