
It's all chaos!


This is a hacker network war between the two countries of Dragon Kingdom and America.

But as things develop.

Driven by some thoughtful people.

The scope of the impact is getting wider and wider.

It’s no longer just an online war between Dragon Kingdom and America.

Countries such as Island Country, Cold Country, Kangaroo Country, Maple Leaf Country, Heterochromic Split, etc., as their websites were invaded, hackers from these countries all ended up one after another.

There is quite a sense that a local war has evolved into a world war.

For a while.

The entire Internet is in chaos.

You attack me, I attack you.

Things are getting worse and worse, and the scope of the impact is still spreading.


It will not stop until hackers around the world are dragged into this vortex.

As more and more countries are involved, the Internet is becoming more and more chaotic.

The pressure on Long Kingdom has actually been reduced a lot.

Because now everything is in chaos.

Everyone began to attack without a fixed target.

You doubt me, I don't doubt you.

As long as I think you did it, I will attack you.

It's that simple.


Top hackers such as YOT and Oplov, who originally planned to muddy the waters of 740, couldn't help but shudder when they saw the chaos in the online world.

Because the development of things exceeded their expectations.

They originally planned to spread things to a certain extent.

But now it's completely out of control.

The direction of things is completely out of their control.

Many countries that they did not blame were somehow attacked and then fought back.

This caused the two of them to break into a cold sweat.

If it was finally found out that the two of them were responsible for the trouble, the whole water would be so muddy and the matter would be so big.

Can they still have good fruit to eat?

I'm afraid that I can only eat peanuts, or hide in some corner of my life and live in fear.


"what happened?"

"Why did things suddenly get out of control and become like this!"

"Xie Te, I have to find a small African country to escape quickly, otherwise..."

In a small town in Kangaroo Country, a rather unruly young man was nestled in a dark house, watching the global network become a mess. Thinking of the possible consequences, he became frightened and prepared to run away with a bucket.

He is YOT, the well-known top hacker in Kangaroo Country.

Originally I just wanted to have a little fun, but ended up losing my mind and having fun.

This fire is likely to burn you.

And it will burn itself to ashes.

It’s impossible not to run away in advance.

Someone who has the same idea as YOT is Maozi's Oplov.

Looking at the chaos in the online world, it feels like an online world war.

Oplov was dumbfounded.

I originally wanted to pursue some excitement, but I didn't expect it to cause such a big fuss.

He couldn't bear this pressure.

It's better to run away quickly.


A certain spectator group.

Night owls who were not sleepy at all were immediately dumbfounded.

"Wang Defa?"

"What's going on? Why does it feel like a world war?"

"Isn't it between us and Lika? Why are hackers from the Island Country, Cold Country, Kangaroo Country, Maple Leaf Country, Heterochromia, Yilang, Hans Country, Eagle Country, Gaul Maozi and other countries now doing it? ?”

"Am I dreaming?"

So, what is going on? I am confused!"

"Island Country hacked America's Black Palace website, Maple Leaf Country hacked Heterochromia Country's website, Maozi hacked Hans Country's website, America hacked Han Country's website... Fuck! This is all It does not make sense?"

"It's a mess! It's all a mess!"

"I'm all crazy!"

"Originally, I planned to take a nap and wait until I get up tomorrow to watch the battle, but as a result, I don't feel sleepy at all now."

"Can someone come out and explain what is going on?"

"The great god said that I was also confused."

"So...where is the main battlefield of this Internet war now?"

In the crowd watching the battle.

Those who are sleepy or not, as things develop, no one can sleep at this moment.

Everyone's heart is scratching their hearts with hundreds of claws, and they feel extremely uncomfortable.

Because the current situation is really unexpected.

And they have no idea why things developed into this situation in one day.

It wasn't just the onlookers who were watching the battle who were confused.

This is the Network Supervision Bureau.

Comrades from the Network Supervision Bureau who have been fighting for a day.

Looking at the situation online, I couldn't react for a while.

one place.

Fang Fang: "I... What's going on? Why has it turned into a war of hundreds of nations now?"

Ji Yi: “I’m numb!”

Xue Xiaoyun: "Don't look at me, I don't know what the situation is."

"It's numb! It's numb!"

"One thing to say, the Internet is so chaotic now, and the pressure on our Internet Supervision Bureau has been reduced a lot."

"Yes, originally, many hackers from other countries such as the Island Country and the Cold Country attacked us, but the result was good, and now they all have gone back.

"This isn't going to turn into World War III, right? I mean, World Cyber ​​War!"

"Looking at the situation, it should be almost done!"

The other Internet police officers were all talking about it.

Wang Chu said solemnly: "Now is not the time to relax. Cheer up. The more chaotic the moment, the more vigilant our Internet Supervisory Office must be to pay close attention to viruses on the Internet. I will go and talk to those in the country Contact the network security company.”

Being able to become the leader of a group of elites, Wang Chu is naturally not a vegetarian.

Although it is now a mess, the pressure on their Internet Supervision Bureau is much less.

But Wang Chu was very worried.

The more chaotic the situation becomes, the more likely people will take advantage of it.

If someone throws out a new bomb virus, it will be troublesome.


The Network Supervision Bureau cannot relax at all.

Internet security companies also need to be very alert and pay attention to what is going on on the Internet.

at the same time.

Sioux City.

The villa where Lu Yi lives.

In the study.

Lu Yi is still working attentively.

The reason why things became so chaotic naturally had something to do with him.

Under his operation, he sometimes deliberately leaves some clues for top hackers in some countries to discover and track them, and then eventually locates that the IP comes from a certain country.


The hackers of the country that was invaded became angry.

I just wanted to watch a show and didn't do anything. Well, you took advantage of the chaos to attack my country and thought I was a vegetarian.

Fight back!

Crazy counterattack!


The hackers from the opposite country were stunned when they found out that they had been attacked.

What the hell is going on?

Why haven't I been attacked for no reason?

Are you going crazy?

Then I can't just watch you go crazy on my territory.

Fight back!

Fight back!


YOT, Oplov and others who were about to run away with the bucket did not know that they had become Lu Yi's scapegoat.

And at this moment.

Lu Yi, who has muddied the water enough, is furiously outputting to America's NSA (National Security Agency). .

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