Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1019 The Ghost Warrior Virus Outbreak

The NSA (National Security Agency of America) is the largest intelligence department of the American government and is responsible for collecting and analyzing domestic and foreign communication data.

It is part of America's Department of Defense, also known as the National Security Agency.

In 1952, according to Du Lumen's secret order, it became independent from the then military department to strengthen intelligence and communications work.

The NSA is the center of America's intelligence agencies.

The NSA headquarters has a construction area of ​​15 hectares and is located in Fort Meade, Maryland, north of Washington.

In a forest a few hundred meters away from Baltimore's Washington Park.

The NSA is larger than the CIA headquarters and is known as the "Mysterious Maze."

The NSA is the organization that employs the largest number of mathematics, computer science, and linguists in the world, and it is also America's most mysterious intelligence agency.

Because it's so mysterious, America's other departments don't even know about it at all.

Its abbreviation is NSA, often nicknamed "No Such Agency".


At a time when the online world is in chaos.

Lu Yi is fully attacking the NSA's defense system.

Although Lu Yi's technology is very good.


As America's core intelligence agency, the NSA's defense system is not built at all.

after all.

There are too many secrets involved.

If hackers could easily break through the defenses and reveal these secrets, the entire Blue Star would be shaken.

The NSA's defense system is stronger than that of the Black House, the Pentagon, NSAS and other agencies.

Failure after failure.

But Lu Yi was not discouraged and kept trying.

Various means and eighteen weapons were used.


Taken the bait.

Someone clicked on the phishing email sent by Lu Yi.

Lu Yi immediately seized the opportunity, and through a brief deception of a program, typed hundreds of instructions.

Through the port, around the server, and back again.


The computer of an NSA staff member became Lu Yi’s cock.


It is to add an extra layer of insurance to your own safety.


Lu Yi also needs this cock to help him disguise.


Lu Yi just succeeded, and the previous backdoor applet was discovered by the firewall.

Lu Yi took his time.

He typed in a few commands slowly.

He neither hid nor retreated, but used the broiler he controlled to operate quickly.

When the firewall was about to alarm, Lu Yi took the initiative to delete his backdoor program.

all of a sudden.

The firewall has lost its target and there is no alarm.

And Lu Yi has successfully entered the NSA's LAN system at this moment.


Lu Yi started internal search, LAN search, and found the administrator account.

Data induction.


The administrator password was stolen.

For information induction within the LAN, the function of the firewall will be greatly reduced, which allowed Lu Yi to succeed at once.

after all.

After all, machines are machines, not people.

They only accept instructions and have no thoughts of their own.

Lu Yi's data induction just now exploited such a loophole, making the computer mistakenly think that he had administrator rights but forgot the password, so he easily obtained the password and account number without anyone noticing.

The corner of Lu Yi's mouth curled up.

very good.

It’s ready to operate!

Easy to get started”


Some top-secret documents within the NSA appeared in front of Lu Yi.

Just glancing at it made Lu Yi shudder.

If this information is leaked, it will definitely trigger a global earthquake.


Those involved in these documents are all leaders of a country.

for example.

Lu Yi saw the Prism Project.

previous life.

Prism was exposed in 2013 by an NSA employee named Snowden.

All of a sudden.

There was a global uproar.

Because this Prism Project is a top-secret electronic surveillance program implemented since 2007, and the objects of surveillance include America's allies.


The complete prism plan is right in front of Lu Yi.

Not just Project Prism.

There are also other top-secret plans.

Many of these plans target the Dragon Kingdom.

Lu Yi looked frightened.

Lu Yicopied these top-secret plans without anyone noticing.


Begin to plant viruses in the NSA's local area network.

Do it all.

Lu Yi withdrew from the NSA and began follow-up work.

He keeps looking for broilers, one after another, from all over the world.

at last.

Lu Yi copied some confidential plans obtained from the NSA to the island nation's intelligence agency.


When the virus broke out at the NSA, we finally traced it all the way and found that it was caused by the island country [then there will be a good show.

Do all the work.

Lu Yi wiped away all traces of himself, checked over and over again, and after making sure that no trace was left behind, he waited to watch the show.


Time passed by minute by minute.

The war on the Internet is becoming more widespread and chaotic.

at this time.

In a domestic Internet cafe, the screen suddenly went black.


On the computer screen, a picture of a ghost warrior appeared, with a Japanese sentence written on it.

Translated, it's not a good word anyway.

The Network Supervision Office monitored this situation immediately.

Wang Chu asked about the situation immediately.

"Officer Xue, what's going on? Is this virus very harmful?"

"Don't make any noise.

Xue Xiaoyun said something and focused on typing on the keyboard. After a few minutes, she said: "This virus is a bit contagious, but fortunately it is not particularly abnormal. It can be controlled and it will not have a large impact."

Wang Chu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then cursed with a cold face: "Damn little book, you are too arrogant!"

Although the IP address has not been traced, as soon as you look at the picture, you will know who is behind it.

Xue Xiaoyun quickly typed out an anti-virus software and said: "I have made a simple anti-virus software, but I still don't know the mutation power of this ghost warrior virus. Wang Chu, please notify the domestic security companies and let them They release specialized killing software.”

Wang Chu nodded and said: "Okay."


Domestic security companies have released ghost warrior special killing software.

at the same time.

The National Computer Virus Processing Center also issued an announcement as soon as possible, announcing the "Ghost Samurai Virus" and severely condemned the shameless behavior of the island nation.

The news soon spread around the world.

Looking at it from the island country, many people liked the 'hero' who released the Ghost Warrior virus.

But they didn't have time to be happy yet.

A bolt from the blue fell.

Not long after the Ghost Warrior virus was released by the Dragon Kingdom Computer Virus Processing Center, the Ghost Warrior virus broke out in America's NSA.


The entire NSA bureau sounded harsh sirens.

This immediately frightened the NSA staff.

If internal confidential documents spread to all parts of the world due to the Oni Samurai virus, America would be doomed.

When NSA Director Keith B. Alexander learned the news, he immediately became furious and jumped up in anger.

When he learned that the outbreak was caused by the ghost warrior virus that the Dragon Kingdom had just issued a warning to the outside world, Alexander became even more angry.

Xiao Benzi’s grandson, this is not going to make Alexander easy for him!

The whole job fell on Dad.

This hasn’t been cleaned up for a long time, right? Door!.

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