Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1020 America’S Father Is Angry, And The Island Nation’S Son Will Be In Trouble

The ghost warrior virus appeared in the Dragon Kingdom, and the news spread to the island country.

Countless people from island countries cheered.

Praise the island country hacker who created the Oni Samurai virus and spread it to the Dragon Kingdom as a 'hero'

Regarding the condemnation from the Dragon Kingdom, the island country did not take it seriously at all.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom can't stand the islanders.


The people of the island country don't have a good impression of the dragon country either.

The reason is very simple.

There are issues left over from history.


As long as there are people or things that can disgust the Dragon Kingdom, the island country is very happy to see it.

So what if Long Guo is unhappy?

Is it possible to come over and beat their little book?

The only thing that can be said with confidence is a small book.

It’s not just the ordinary people of the island country who are cheering for this.

Even the hacker circles in the island country are talking about this, looking for this 'hero'


They spent most of the day asking around, but could not find the master who created the ghost warrior virus "220".

No one admitted that they created the ghost warrior virus and spread it to the Dragon Kingdom.


The island country's hackers are not disappointed, showing expressions of excitement.

This kind of thing.

How easy is it to admit it?

Who knows if there are dragon country hacker vests among them?

If admitted.

Once the news spreads, he will be an obvious target from now on.


Not admitting it is the best way to protect yourself.


The island country was not happy for long.

Because not long after that, a piece of news came from America, which was like a bolt from the blue to them.


NSA headquarters.


Throughout the security bureau, accompanied by piercing sirens, dazzling red warning lights flashed wildly.

This situation.

It's quite a blockbuster-like scene of an enemy invasion, and the atmosphere is well-done.

All of a sudden.

The entire NSA staff became nervous.

Could it be that there are really KB elements who have invaded the NSA and are preparing to rob top-secret information within $A?

For a while.

The NSA guards immediately took action, loaded with guns and ammunition, and stood ready.

It's just that they waited for a long time and didn't even see a ghost.


Everyone got the exact news.

It's not that blind KB elements invaded the NSA, but that the NSA's system was invaded by a virus.


On the big screen of the NSA, a picture of the ghost warrior appeared, and he gave America a cordial greeting.

When the NSA headquarters was invaded by the ghost warrior virus.

Keith B. Alexander, the director of the NSA, was playing poker at a lover's house.

After getting a report from his subordinates.

Alexander's face was ashen and he rushed to the NSA headquarters.


"How dare the national pig of the islands dare?"

"How dare they hack into our NSA website?"

Alexander looked at the ghost warrior virus picture on the home screen, his blood pressure soared and he cursed.


The NSA's mainframe was invaded by the Ghost Samurai virus, and it is unknown how much top-secret information within the NSA was stolen by island country hackers.

If it spreads...

Alexander didn't know what kind of pressure America would face.

And he, the director of the NSA, will definitely not get any good results.



"Damn island pigs, they should have been exterminated in the first place!"

Alexander chattered.

He did not doubt that this was the work of Longguo hackers.

Because the first country invaded by the ghost warrior virus was the Dragon Kingdom.

If the Ghost Warrior virus was created by Dragon Kingdom hackers, how could it possibly break out in Dragon Kingdom?

This unscientific!


It can only be a small book!

"Beyoncé, what's going on now?"

"How many of our internal top-secret documents were stolen?"

Alexander asked.

He was feeling panic at this moment.

The NSA was hacked and top-secret information was stolen, and viruses were also implanted.

How hateful!

He didn't even know how to go to the Black Palace to explain to Opama.

in particular.

If the Prism Project is leaked, Europe will definitely demand an explanation from America.

after all.

Europe is America's little brother and ally.


The main targets of America's Prism Plan are their allies.

What will this make those guys in Europe think?

How can I convince the younger brothers to obey America's command?

Alexander only hopes that he can get good news.

Beyoncé replied: "Boss, at this time we are not sure how much information was leaked."

Hearing this answer, Alexander staggered.

"what happened?"

"When we were invaded, didn't we have an early warning?"

Alexander yelled.

He had a premonition that his position as NSA director was coming to an end.

Beyoncé said helplessly: "BOSS, our defense system did not give any warning until the Ghost Warrior virus broke out!"

After hearing this, Alexander was completely unsteady...

What does this mean?

That is to say.

The hacker who invaded the NSA visited the NSA as if he were visiting his own back garden.

After shopping around, I also planted a virus to show that I had been there.

If it hadn't been for a virus outbreak, they wouldn't have even known that their website had been invaded.

Think of this.

Alexander's breathing became rapid.

That is to say.

The hacker who hacked into the NSA website read all the secrets that should be seen and should not be seen.

After reading it, I also said hello to them.


Chi Guoguo’s provocation!

At this time.

Alexander's cell phone rang.

The call was from the secretary of the Black Official's office, asking him to go to the Black Official immediately to report to Opama about the NSA's intrusion.

hang up the phone.

Alexander had a gloomy face and ordered: "I am going to the Black Palace to report the situation to Mr. President. I hope that when I come back from the Black Palace, I can hear that you have tracked the IP address of the intruding hacker."


Alexander drove to the Black Palace.

As for the NSA.

As soon as the boss gave the order, he immediately turned on full power.

Within the talented NSA, there are many computer experts.

They began to look for the clues left behind and followed them in reverse.


The marks are too clean.

They couldn't find a way out for a while.

On the way to the Black Palace, Alexander was thinking about how to put the blame firmly on the little book's head. 1.1

To keep his position, a scapegoat is needed.

The Ghost Samurai virus was created by hackers from the island country, so it was naturally the best candidate.


He had already thought about it.

He said that the reason why the hacker of Little Book did this was to express his dissatisfaction with America.

Although the island country is a sovereign country, people all over the world know that there is another emperor above the little book, and that is America, who is a Blue Star police officer.

America wants Little Book to go east, but Little Book never dares to go west.

A complete bitch!

Although Xiao Benzi was obedient to this on the surface, as if he was only following America's orders.

But secretly.

The prince has long been dissatisfied with this.


Taking advantage of the global Internet melee, he attacked the NSA website to express his dissatisfaction.

Alexander believed.

This explanation of mine should satisfy Opama. .

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