Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1021 The Hacker Who Invaded The Nsa Came From The Dragon Kingdom?

Black Palace.

When Opama saw Alexander, he pointed directly at Alexander's nose and cursed.


"Alexander, you are the son of a female cousin!"

"What did you do, the NSA website was hacked?"

"You must give me an explanation, give an explanation to Congress, and give an explanation to all the people of America!"

"Do you know that once those confidential documents within the NSA are leaked, America will face pressure from all over the world?"

"You idiot, are you going to bring the whole America into chaos and make it enemies on all sides?"

"Now, tell me, what's going on?"

"Why the NSA you manage was hacked!"

"Tell me, how many confidential documents were lost this time!"

"You son of a bitch, I shouldn't let you sit in the position of director of the NSA!"

In the Oval Office of the President.

Opama's mouth was like a machine gun, and he kept yelling curses.

Alexander, on the other hand, lowered his head and listened to the scolding.

Didn't dare to refute at all.

no way.

If he were in Opama's position, he would definitely curse when he heard the news.

Because if the confidential information within the NSA is leaked, it will be too detrimental to America's reputation internationally and make America very passive.

It may well lead to European allies no longer listening to them.

This is not possible!

after all.

Europe is the bridgehead to contain Mao Zi.

If Europe turns to Maozi because of this, it will be a huge blow to America's international strategy.

It will be a huge weakening of America's influence in the country.

This is something Opama will never allow!

Wait until Opama stops.

Only then did Alexander dare to raise his head, and then defended himself in a low voice: "Mr. President, this matter..."

On the way here, Alexander had already thought of a reason to excuse himself.


I really can't blame him entirely for this.

Who knew the island nation’s hackers were so reckless and dared to hack the NSA’s website?

Who would have thought that the defense system that was built at a huge cost would be so vulnerable to being invaded by hackers from the island nation.

Can you blame Alexander?

Although he is under great pressure and is responsible, the blame cannot be entirely placed on him.

After hearing Alexander's explanation, Opama cursed: "Damn island pigs, they are stabbing us in the back. Have they been good for too long? Have we not beaten them for a long time?"

In the eyes of Opama, or in the eyes of the entire American people.

The island country is their American colony and their lackey.

Their America is the father of the island country.

How dare this son of the island country backstab America's father? How dare he give his father eye drops?

Is it because America hasn't put away her little notebook for three days? It's itchy and she has to go to the house to uncover it?

I’m so proud of Xiao Ben!!

Regarding Alexander's explanation, Opama said he could barely accept it.

He said: "Alexander, you must get to the bottom of the matter and get the exact evidence, so that we can have an honest reason to clean up the little book that is a little disobedient."

Alexander immediately patted his chest and said, "Yes, please rest assured, Mr. President!"

After coming out of the Black Palace.

Alexander's back was already wet.

He glanced up at the sky.

Although it’s been dealt with for now.


He must seize conclusive evidence that the island country’s hackers invaded the NSA.

if not.

He has to shoulder the blame!


NSA headquarters.

We are frantically pursuing clues and locking in the IP address of the intruder.


"I found a bit of tail that wasn't cleaned up!"


someone shouted.


Everyone became excited.


Everyone in the technical department took action.

But the hackers who invaded were very cautious and left no trace at all.

They searched for a long time, but couldn't find any clues.

This made these elites a little annoyed.

But they must take action on the tasks assigned by their immediate superiors.

This time things are too big.

Alexander needs to explain to Opama, and they need to come up with an explanation that satisfies Alexander.

if not.

Alexander will take the blame, and they can't run away.

Emperor Tian pays off his conscientious people.


A technician found some clues


Everyone was excited.

Follow this clue.

Everyone is digging deeply and investigating like crazy.

Broiler chickens from all over the world were discovered.

"Thank you for your generous gift!"

"How many broilers did this son of a bitch use?"

"Damn cousin!"

I looked at the IP address in America for a while, then traced it to the Maple Leaf Country next door, and then traced it down to the Eagle Country. As a result, I turned a corner and the IP address returned to America...

This made the NSA's technical staff very annoyed and headache-y.

The other party was too cautious.

I don’t know how many broilers were used as cover, as if they were spinning in circles.

During this process.

Once they fail to find any clues, the clues for follow-up tracking will be lost.

But the good thing is.

NSA personnel are elite.

In addition, under tremendous pressure, full potential exploded.

There were several times when the clues were cut off right before their eyes, but they ended up adding them again.

Going round and round.


They have traced the clues to a computer with an IP address in Long Country.

And here we are.

The NSA guys are in trouble again.

The clue seems to have ended here.

Just as if.

The IP address of this dragon country is the final starting point.

At this time.

After reporting the situation to Opama, Alexander returned to the NSA.

first timing.

Alexander asked his men how the situation was.

Beyoncé replied: "BOSS, this hacker is so cunning."

"In the process of invading our website, he hijacked broilers in many countries as a cover and kept going in circles."

"Now, we have traced the IP address to Long Guo."

"But here, clue 603 seems to be really broken.

Alexander frowned when he heard this.

The clues were traced to the Dragon Kingdom and were completely cut off?

Could it be that the hackers who invaded the NSA were not hackers from the island country, but from the dragon country?

But the Oni Samurai virus is obviously a virus created by people from the island country?

The first one to suffer was the Dragon Kingdom.

Could it be a painful drama directed and performed by the people of Longguo?

The thought of this.

Alexander suddenly became excited.

People from the Dragon Kingdom are very cunning.

It is not impossible to let Xiao Ben be the scapegoat.

Think of this possibility.

Alexander thought it best not to belong to the Dragon Kingdom.

after all.

There was no way America could push Dragon Kingdom to the ground and rub her like Island Kingdom.

What if the hackers who invaded the NSA were hackers from the Dragon Kingdom?

Once the Dragon Kingdom reveals the confidential information obtained from the NSA, it will be a huge trouble for America.

Even if everyone in the Dragon Kingdom is not exposed, using this as a threat will make America very passive.

But if it is an island country.

Alexander believed.

The official government of the island country should not have the courage to leak the news to the outside world.

after all.

Dad's anger is not easy to bear.


America has troops and military bases in the island country.

Even America can control the choice of the island country's prime minister.

"Let them continue to investigate, don't let go of any clues, and must pursue it to the end and find out everything. 11

"God, I hope the invaders are not from the Dragon Kingdom!"

Alexander said a silent prayer. .

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