Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1022 After Fighting, The One Who Was Hurt The Most Was Himself.

Alexander feels that he has been a little Mercury retrograde recently.

Why did this kind of ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ thing happen to me?

It’s so uncomfortable!

There are many people eyeing the position of NSA director.

If he doesn't handle this matter well today, he will be attacked by his opponents and pulled from the NSA director's chair.

I went to the Black Palace to report the situation to Opama, and was scolded like hell.

As a result, I returned to the NSA and got another bad news.

He now only hopes that the invading black hands are not from the Dragon Kingdom.

if not.

He really didn't know how to explain it to Opama.

If it was a cruel trick played by hackers from the Dragon Kingdom.

Even if they have conclusive evidence, they can only break the bitter fruit and swallow it in their stomachs without making a fuss.


Once the Dragon Kingdom is forced to reveal the top-secret plans within the NSA, America will accept pressure from around the world.

But it's different if it's an island country.

The island nation is America’s lackey.

America can take care of the island country easily.

In the 1980s, the Plaza Accord ushered in thirty years of loss for the island country.

America doesn't mind letting thirty years turn into fifty.

Back when Alexander really was Alexander.


It's really a complete mess.

More and more countries are involved.

Even hackers from many other countries felt itchy under such circumstances and took the initiative.

It’s such a mess anyway, where can they end up?

Why not take advantage of the situation and enjoy yourself.

And no doubt.

The one who was hurt the most was America.


America, who has always regarded herself as a Blue Star police officer, does not please other countries.

Even many of America's allies are intimidated by America's powerful military strength.

When nothing happens, he can only behave like a puppy in front of America.

But isn’t it now a mess?

America and Long Guo fought fiercely and became a mess.

How could there be any extra energy to put on them at this time?

Isn't this an opportunity to not express bad anger?


Hackers from many countries that have long been dissatisfied with America's hegemony have targeted America.

In reality, I have to behave submissively in front of you, America, so that I won't get beaten by you, America.


In the virtual world, I have to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to punch you America hard and express my anger.

As for those hackers from Middle Eastern countries who were dealt with by America, who found various reasons to sanction and blockade them, and whose soldiers stole oil and various resources from America, they made no secret of it 0

So you can see it.

Many websites on America's side have been hacked.

Even giant companies such as Guge, Microsoft, IBM, and Jiaguwen have not been spared.

Only the platform of Future Group, which relied on the protection of the Aegis system, survived the waves of attacks.

On social platforms such as Reddit and Twitter.

Countless American netizens are discussing this.

"Fake! Why can't many websites be opened~`?"

"Because it was hacked by hackers from all over the world."

"My dear, the homepages of giants like Microsoft and Guge have been tampered with. It's incredible."

"These damn hackers, they are challenging the great America!"

“This is why I like Future Group’s platforms. Even in the face of the current chaotic situation, Reddit, Twitter, and Face platforms are still operating normally without being affected at all.

"Yes, because Future Group has the Aegis system! I have to say that Future Group's Aegis system is really amazing."

"Microsoft is a piece of shit. Their firewall is a piece of shit. Damn it, my Microsoft email was stolen!"

"Brother, why don't you use Fmail, which is owned by Future Group?"

amidst these discussions.

You can tell.

America's netizens hate hackers and are furious with giants such as Microsoft and Google.

Because Google and Microsoft failed to protect their cities.

This has seriously hurt users of Google and Microsoft.

For example, users who use Microsoft mailboxes have their accounts stolen directly.

at the same time.

The performance of Future Group's platforms has been praised by the majority of users, which directly forms a sharp contrast.


Because America was hurt.

So much so that people like Gun, Poizon, and Prophet had to withdraw from Dragon Kingdom's chassis and return to America to stabilize the rear.

no way.

The online world is in chaos right now.

Many hackers who fished in troubled waters directly targeted America and launched frantic attacks on America's website.

Faced with attacks from so many hackers, America's hackers felt the helplessness of their previous comrades from the Longguo Internet Supervision Bureau.

Your skills may be strong, but in the face of a large crowd of tactics, it's all in vain.

Unable to stand it, America's top hackers like Ye and Long had to bring back people like Guh, Polzon, and Prophet.


They couldn't stand it at all.

As soon as gun, Poizon, and Prophet left.

The pressure on the Internet Supervision Bureau was gone instantly.

Although there are still hackers from island countries and cold countries such as Fujiwara and 47 who are attacking domestic websites, they no longer have the same difficult feeling as before.

With their hands free, Xue Xiaoyun and others can naturally pursue and beat people like Fujiwara and 47.

For a while.

On the domestic side, things have calmed down.

Although there are still three or two big cats and kittens, they are no longer something to be afraid of.

In the crowd watching the battle.

..." I really didn't expect that while this Internet war was going on, other countries were in chaos, but our country was stabilized.

"It's normal! Many hackers from other countries took the initiative (Wang Qian Zhao) and directly targeted America. People like Gun, Poizon, and Prophet also had to retreat to America to stabilize the situation in the rear. Attack Once the main force of our country left, the remaining three or two big cats and kittens were the opponents of the Internet Supervision Bureau, and they were caught by the experts and masters of the Internet Supervision Bureau. "

"America certainly didn't expect that after all this fighting, they would be the ones hurt the most in the end.

"Yes! When I was surfing the Internet, giants such as Guge and Microsoft were invaded, and they haven't recovered yet."

"It's really something that I like to see, Chang."

"I'll tell you what, anyway, today's Internet war has really pissed me off."

"Now that we have our hands free, we can take action against the island country! Damn it, those grandsons from the island country actually put a computer virus on us. We must fight back and give them a good look!"

"Haha, according to the news I got, some of our top domestic hackers have already attacked the website of the island country.",

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