Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1023: Both The Man And The Stolen Goods! Confirmed, It Was The Island Country That Did It!

The fighting stopped.

America's hacker team of more than 200 people temporarily retreated collectively.

These people retreated.

The hacked websites were restored one by one by people under network surveillance.

at the same time.

The people watching the war in China were jubilant.

"Very good!"

"Finally, these grandsons were beaten away."

"Haha, Ying-chan can't do it anymore."

"It's not that they're dying, it's that there's a fire in their backyard."

"Ah? What exactly happened?"

"Let me send you a picture. This is the current screenshot of the official website of the Black Palace. It is said that a hacker from the island country stabbed America in the back and set their lair on fire."

"Damn it! Are the hackers from the island country so brave? Dare to attack dad?"

"I strongly suspect that this was done by a hacker from the Dragon Kingdom to frame the fault."

"This is not clear. The only thing we know is that this mysterious hacker who hacked the official website of the Black Palace did not leave any trace behind. No one knows what the ID of this mysterious person is? The external network put this person The mysterious person is called a 'ghost'.

"Awesome! It didn't leave any traces, and it can't be traced. The code name Ghost is really vivid."

"This ghost is a bit fierce! Some people asked if they asked the domestic hacker circle whether it was our country's hackers who did it?"

"I heard from a buddy that no one in the domestic hacker circle has admitted it. Of course, the official government of the island country is tracking down the hacker who hacked the official website of the Black Palace, but no one in the hacker circle of the island country has come forward to admit it. 740 "It's very Normally, no one would stand up and admit this kind of thing, so wouldn't it be a target? "


“Haha, my blood boils when I see the official website of Black Palace being hacked.

"As far as I know, not only the official website of Black Palace has been hacked, but also the official websites of international giants such as Microsoft and Guge have been hacked, tsk tsk~"

"No way, the websites of giants like Microsoft and Guge have been hacked? Are you kidding me?"

"You're not kidding! You don't know, right? America's side is now in a mess. Countless hackers are attacking America. The hackers sitting behind America can't stand it anymore, so they kill the two GUNs. Hundreds of people were shaken back."

"Anyway, the hackers who attacked America come from all over the world, and many of them are from the Middle East. Now everyone understands."

"Haha, I understand! America has stirred a hornet's nest and was retaliated against."

"There are also many hackers from America's allies. Anyway, I was confused when I saw them."

Internet monitor.

The people in one place finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Fang Fang was so tired that she lay on the table and said feebly: "I'm finally done here, I'm exhausted."

"I'm fine here. The last intruded website has been cleaned up and everything has been restored." Lin Yi's arms were numb, so he stood up and stretched his wrists.

Wang Chu also drank tons and tons of water, and then said: "Everyone (cife), don't take it lightly. The enemy has only retreated temporarily. There is no guarantee that he will not come back to fight."

Although he is the immediate boss of the first department.

But this whole day comes down.

Wang Chu was also so busy that he was out of breath. His wife called him several times to ask when he would come home, but he hung up without even saying a few words.

A female Internet police officer made herself a cup of coffee and then asked: "Does any of you know who the ghost master who hacked the Black Palace is? It is said online that this ghost master may be a hacker from our country, just disguised as a hacker. The purpose of the island country is to frame the blame."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately became more interested and less tired.

"I don't know. Anyway, this person's skills are really good. He didn't leave any traces at all."

"Because of this, the Internet calls this mysterious boss a ghost."

"Officer Xue, can't it be you?"

The words of a male Internet police officer made everyone turn their attention to Xue Xiaoyun.

To know.

Xue Xiaoyun had previously asked Wang Chu to set a fire in America's backyard, but Wang Chu refused.

According to Xue Xiaoyun's maverick style, maybe Xue Xiaoping did it secretly.

Wang Chu also quickly looked over, his eyes full of suspicion.

Hearing this, Xue Xiaoyun rolled her eyes wildly and said: "I wish it was me, but it's not. Besides, according to my personality, if I did it, I would definitely not pretend to be an island citizen, and just write it on the Black Palace website [Anyone who offends our Dragon Kingdom will be punished no matter how far away————XYX].”

Everyone nodded after hearing Xue Xiaoyun's words.

This is the truth.

Xue Xiaoyun's character is really such a king.

Fang Fang said: "I have a hunch that this ghost who hacked the Black Palace website must be a hacker from our Dragon Kingdom. The reason why he pretended to be from the island country is because he didn't want to reveal his identity.

After all, this behavior is illegal. "

Lin Yi nodded in agreement and said: "Not bad!"

Wang Chu interrupted the topic and said: "Okay, that's the end of this matter! You all should pay attention, you still don't know whether this ghost is an enemy or a friend, what if it is really an island country hacker? Don't let anyone take advantage of it. ."

America Hacker Circle.

An unknown chat window.

Ye: "Damn it, are these people crazy?"

Long: "Fake! We should let our soldiers trample on their land!"

GUN: "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and drive them out."

Ye: "Do you know who hacked the Black Palace website?"

Poizon: "It's not clear yet. No trace has been found. This man is very skilled and is called a ghost by everyone."

Prophet: "A ghost... I want to meet him."

GUN: "I hacked the Black Palace website, but no traces were left. It's like a ghost... Don't worry, we will catch him sooner or later."

Long: "I heard that this ghost is from the island country. I wonder if it is true or not?"

Poizon: "It's also possible that they were disguised by people from the Dragon Kingdom."

In the chat group.

A group of top American hackers were also busy discussing the identity of the 'ghost'.

Being able to come and go without a trace in the Black Palace really shocked them.

What they don't know is.

The ghost in their mouth has now closed the computer and got into the fragrant bed.

NSA headquarters.

Technicians are working hard to find out.

Two hours have passed.

The clues they traced always stayed here in Longguo.

Alexander also kept walking around the office and smoking.

Time passes minute by minute.


"We have a clue!"

A voice sounded.

"Damn, this guy is so cunning, he almost deceived us."

"Look here, if you don't compare carefully, you will be ignored."

A technician said, pointing to a string of data on the computer screen.

Everyone looked where he pointed.

For a while I couldn't figure out why.

The technician explained: "Look here and compare here, can you see the subtle difference?"

After hearing his explanation, everyone immediately slapped their heads.

"Frank, it's really yours. You discovered it even though it was so hidden."

"Well done, Frank!"

"Start by following this clue and continue to pursue it. I have a hunch that we are very close to the truth.

at the same time.

Alexander also found out about the situation through Beyoncé.


He jumped three feet high and quickly came to the technical department.

"Guys, how's it going?"

"Listen to Beyoncé, you have a clue.

One person responded: "BOSS, thanks to Frank, he found a clue that we ignored. We are following this clue. Soon, we will be able to track down the real culprit behind the real invasion of NSA."

Alexander smiled and said: "Frank, young man, you are doing well, I am proud of you, and NSA is proud of you.

after an hour.

"Found it!"

"Damn, it's really a hacker from the island country!"

"Xie Te, the island nation's hackers have indeed copied a lot of our confidential information."

BOSS, look, this is confidential information they stole and copied from us, and both people got the stolen goods, damn island pigs!"

One researcher pointed at the document on the computer screen and cursed.

Alexander quickly walked over and took a look, and his expression immediately turned gloomy.

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