Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1024 The Desire To Survive Is Full!

Alexander looked at the computer screen with a gloomy expression.


What a little book!

This is really unreasonable.

As a dog raised by America, now he actually dares to bite his owner.

This made Alexander very angry.

Regarding the island country, Alexander still has a sense of superiority.

after all.

In the eyes of these government officials, the island country is America's little follower, a dog raised by America, a dog that can command the charge at any time to bite the Dragon Kingdom.


This dog, taking advantage of the chaos in the owner's house, bit the owner out of hand.

This is really unreasonable!

"Damn island pigs, how dare they do this?"

"This is a slave turning against his master, and the island country must be taught a profound lesson.

"Let the island country never stand up again!"

Others at the NSA [were very angry about this].

Alexander clapped his hands, calling everyone's attention to him.

"Guys, you did a great job and found out this damn female cousin. I'm proud of you..."

Alexander first praised everyone.

He especially praised Frank, the little clerk.

When everyone was in a dead end, they found a breakthrough from that inconspicuous data.


He changed the subject.

It said that the NSA's security protection system is not perfect enough and needs to be further strengthened.

After encouraging everyone.

Alexander drove to the Black Palace again, and Opama reported the latest situation.

On the way.

Alexander felt much more relaxed.

This blame can definitely be placed on the island country.

Although he still has responsibilities, it is very small.

At least.

The position of director of the NSA was barely retained.

at the same time.

This side of the island country.

Countless people in island countries are still cheering for the "hero" who created the Oni Samurai virus.

They like to see negative news about Dragon Kingdom.


Just as the islanders were cheering for joy.

A bolt from the blue struck down.

A piece of news reported by a third-rate tabloid in America directly caused an uproar in America.

[The NSA Ghost Samurai virus broke out, and internal confidential information was suspected to have been stolen!]

As soon as the news came out, it was noticed by a small number of interested people.


Soon the news spread.

Although the news that the NSA was hacked was reported by an unknown tabloid.

But the NSA is no ordinary agency.

This is America's security agency.

A very important part of the intelligence community.

To the outside world, the NSA is very mysterious and powerful.

Results now.

It was actually hacked.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.


This news was reprinted and reported by America's major mainstream media.

Some mainstream media even stated conclusively that extremely important confidential documents had indeed been leaked.

Some media organizations even revealed that the hackers who broke into the NSA and stole confidential information were from the island nation.

Behind these American mainstream media are big bosses with great hands and eyes.

The NSA is very mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of these big guys, it's another story.

Ordinary people cannot have access to people from the NSA, but these mainstream media organizations can.


Soon, specific information was obtained from some employees within the NSA.

As America's mainstream media rushed to report the news that the NSA had been hacked.


This wind blew to every corner of America.

"What? The NSA was hacked? Are-you-kidding-me?"

"What kind of agency is the NSA? Why did so many mainstream media rush to report that it was hacked?"

"Oh my god, bro, you don't even know about the NSA? The full name of the NSA is the National Security Agency of America. It is a very important intelligence agency headquartered in...

"Shet! Damn the island pigs, how dare they do this?"

This island country hacker must be severely punished!”

"Damn it, isn't the island country a vassal country of our America? The people of the island country are our America's servants. Is this servant going to rebel?"


The people of America are very shocked and angry that the NSA was hacked by the island country's hackers.

Everyone knows very well what an important intelligence agency the NSA is, which is related to America's national security.

Within the NSA, there are a large number of top-secret information files.

If these information documents are leaked, the whole world will definitely be shocked.


Such an intelligence department, which is very important to America, was actually invaded by island country hackers, and top-secret documents and information were stolen.

This made the people of America very angry.

I felt like I was being bitten by the evil servant.

The news that the NSA was hacked was causing a stir in America.

Overseas media organizations will naturally not miss this good opportunity to attract traffic.


Relevant news traveled across the ocean and appeared on the front pages of other countries around the world.

…Please give me flowers…

Dragon Kingdom.

[It is reported that the American Security Agency (NSA) was revealed to have been hacked by island country hackers and important top-secret information and documents were stolen!] - NetEase News

[NSA was invaded by the Ghost Warrior virus, and the news shocked the United States!] - Xinlang News

[Island country stabs America in the back? The NSA was hacked, which may cause a global earthquake. 】——Sohu News

[NSA was hacked, attracting global attention!——Yangshi News


All major mainstream media organizations in the country reported the news that the NSA had been hacked in front-page headlines.

It instantly aroused widespread heated discussion in the country.

"NSA? What the hell is that?"

"NSA, America's National Security Agency, is America's largest intelligence agency and is responsible for collecting and analyzing domestic and foreign communication data.

"Tsk, tsk, so this NSA is extraordinary?"


"Not only is it extraordinary, the NSA is the center of America's intelligence agency and is affiliated with America's Department of Defense.

"I'll go! Are the hackers in the island country so brave? First they hacked the official website of the Black Palace, and now it's revealed that they invaded the NSA and stole top-secret information. Gee, that's interesting."

"There's a good show to watch!"

"Dog bites dog, it's a hairy mouth!"

Domestic netizens are having fun.

Unexpectedly, after the Black Palace website was hacked, even the NSA, America's largest intelligence agency, was hacked.

Netizens were happy to hear this.

Domestic netizens are preparing to move to a small bench and sit back and watch what happens next.

This side of the island country.

It went straight to the boil.

It is different from the mentality of domestic netizens who watch good shows.

The people of the island country immediately panicked!

What the hell is this?

Our country’s hackers hacked the NSA and stole top-secret information?

Those who are more panicked than ordinary people are the official officials of the island country.

When the prime minister of the island country heard the news, he almost fainted and fainted.

This is a big deal.

Hacking the Black Palace website would at most make America lose face.

But hacking the NSA is not as simple as losing face, but challenging America's authority.

Everyone in the island nation said they couldn't bear America's father's iron fist of love.

This pot must not be carried away.

If you memorize it, the island country will never have good fruits to eat!


The Prime Minister of the island country immediately issued a public statement on the matter and denied it three times in a row.

not me!

I don't!

Stop talking nonsense!


This desire for survival is full of seven. .

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