not me!

I don't!

Stop talking nonsense!

The announcement by the government of the island country shows the world what the desire to survive is.

Of course.

For the official government of the island country.

It’s impossible not to deny it.

The pot is really too heavy and they can’t carry it.

after all.

Although the island country is an independent country, America's shadow is everywhere behind it.

If this pot is firmly buckled down.

Could it be better?

While denying Sanlian for the first time.

The government of the island country also immediately requested the relevant departments to thoroughly investigate the matter, get to the bottom of the matter, and give America's father a satisfactory explanation.

As the island country's government immediately denied it.

No surprises.

It caused a heated discussion around the world.

Island country mainland.

A large number of people also used various social platforms to deny that this incident could never have been done by the "June 17" hackers of the island country. This is to frame the blame.


The double standard is reflected.

The Dragon Kingdom was attacked by the ghost warrior virus, and the island country was rejoicing.

Now that America's father's NSA has been invaded by the Ghost Warrior virus, he immediately denies the blame.

Regarding this behavior of the island country, the domestic side made a lot of ridicule.

"Tsk tsk, Xiao Benzi is indeed such a virtuous person! Before, the Ghost Warrior virus attacked our country's network. Xiao Benzi looked very happy, wishing that our country was full of Ghost Warrior viruses. But now the NSA has been invaded by the Ghost Warrior virus, and he quickly Shifting the blame shows denial, this is a double standard..."

"From this we can see how frightened the island nation's son is when facing America's father.

"I have to say, the little notebook is very cute, so silly!"

"Now the island nation is panicked from top to bottom."

"Can you not panic? After all, they are sons and America is the father. If he does something wrong, he must be afraid as a son.

Many people from the island country were so angry that they almost spat out blood when they saw the ridicule of the netizens from the dragon country.

I want to refute, but I don't know where to refute.

In their island country, when facing America, it seems that the relationship is indeed that of father and son.

Dragon Kingdom.

Sioux City.

In Lu Yi's villa.

Lin Qingya was sitting on the sofa in the living room, browsing current affairs news.

Looking at the news that the NSA was hacked, I frowned.

At this time.

She saw Lu Yi yawning and walking out of the bedroom, handed over the Epad in his hand, and said, "You didn't do this, right?"

Lu Yi yawned as he took Epad, looking like he hadn't woken up.

He really wanted to sleep in.

But unfortunately today is the first day of work after the National Day holiday.

As a boss, he must lead by example and show up in the company no matter what.

His finger swiped twice on the Epad screen.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and then he pushed Epad back, denying it three times: "It's not me! I didn't! Stop talking nonsense!"

Lin Qingya would not believe what Lu Yi said.

She had just seen the curve of the corner of Lu Yi's mouth, which seemed to be quite proud.

However, Lu Yi looked like he was refusing to admit his fault, and Lin Qingya didn't hold on to him, and said calmly: "It's best not to be you.

"It's definitely not me!"

Lu Yi looked upright and said: "If I had just started my business, I might still be able to work hard."

"But now you also know my identity. If this kind of thing is caught, it will be a big problem.

"So, how could it be me?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I won't stand on a dangerous wall."

Lin Qingya watched Lu Yi's performance quietly, half-smiling.

Seeing that Lin Qingya didn't believe it, she said with an upright face: "Don't look at me like that, it's really not me."

"Didn't the news say it was an island country hacker? The evidence is conclusive."

"It's not just a day or two that the island country has been bullied by America. I'm not surprised at all that the righteous hackers of the island country would do something like this, really.

"Speaking of which, this island country hacker who hacked the NSA is really a character. I want to get to know him."

Lin Qingya said with a half-smile: "Why are you explaining so much to me? I don't care about this."


Lin Qingya swayed toward the restaurant.

Lu Yi looked at Lin Qingya's back and smiled helplessly.

Smart woman!



Alexander, who was in the Black Palace President's Office, reporting the latest situation, did not know that the news that the NSA had been hacked had already been spread, and the whole world knew about it.

"Mr. President, the hackers who invaded the NSA network are from island countries, and the evidence is conclusive."

"Thanks to the efforts of NSA employees..."

Alexander babbled...----

It shows how hard NSA employees worked and finally identified the real culprit in a very short period of time.

Opama was very satisfied after listening to Alexander's report.

It took less than a day to make a full calculation.

The NSA found the real culprit.

Although it is only the IP address of the real culprit, the specific hacker from the island country is not yet clear.

But that's enough.

The evidence is already there.

Then America can legitimately beat the island country.

"Alexander, that's very nice. Thank you to the NSA employees for me. They are all great..."

Just when Opama was talking about the situation.

The secretary of the President's Office hurriedly walked in with a newspaper.

Opama frowned and asked rather unhappily: "What's going on? Don't you know I'm meeting with Director Alexander?"

The secretary of the President's Office said: "Mr. President, you should take a look first. The news that the NSA has been hacked has spread all over the world."

Opama was immediately shocked when he heard this.

Not only Opama, but also Alexander jumped up from his seat.

"Wang Defa?"

The secretary of the President's Office took a look at the situation and then handed the newspaper to Opama.

Opama looked at the results, and the more he looked, the darker his face became.

He originally had dark skin, but now he has completely turned into black charcoal.


"This damn America Today, what are they 2.0 doing?"


"They are leaking state secrets!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Opama was so angry that he cursed.

The NSA being hacked is not a glorious thing.

not to mention.

The NSA is America's largest intelligence agency.

This kind of thing must not be publicized to the outside world.

As a result, "America Today", a third-rate tabloid in America, did a good job and directly exposed the matter.

This makes America very passive.


"Alexander, look at the people you manage. The NSA has been riddled with holes!"

"Take a good look for yourself, the great America has become a joke to the whole world!"


Opama slammed the newspaper in his hand at Alexander. .

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