
The newspaper hit Alexander in the face with a loud splash.

Alexander hurriedly took off the newspaper from his face and took a closer look.

Suddenly, I saw the very eye-catching headline on the front page.

"The NSA has an outbreak of the Ghost Samurai virus, and top-secret internal documents are suspected to have been stolen!"

The veins on Alexander's forehead suddenly jumped.

He glanced at the text content below again, and his whole person felt completely bad.

The general content of the article is that in today's Internet melee, the NSA was invaded by hackers. After stealing top-secret information, they also implanted the Ghost Warrior virus that breaks out regularly within the NSA network. After the Ghost Warrior virus broke out, NSA personnel suddenly discovered that they had been hacked. After some tracking, the IP address of the intruder was located in the island country.

Alexander wanted to curse when he saw it.

I don’t want to criticize Enter America, but I want to criticize NSA employees.

Because "America Today" wrote the news about the NSA hacker in such detail, as if it were someone who witnessed it at the time.

If he hadn't known that "America Today" was not an internal NSA newspaper, Alexander would have thought it was a report written by an internal NSA staff member.

The details are too detailed.

It can also be known from this.

How bad is the confidentiality work of the 28 departments within the NSA?

Even a third-rate tabloid like "America Today" can get in touch with insiders and trick them into revealing specific details.

What about those mainstream media organizations?

Opama is right about one thing.

That is, the interior of the NSA has been riddled with holes by these capital institutions.

These newspapers only focus on attracting traffic and attracting attention.

I never imagined how much of a sensation this incident would cause in society after it was exposed, and how much trouble it would bring to America's government.

This report by "America Today" simply rubbed the NSA's face on the ground.

The central idea of ​​this report is that the NSA was not alert at all when faced with hacker intrusions.

If it weren't for the outbreak of the Ghost Samurai virus, the NSA would never have thought that the website had been hacked.

What a slap in the face!

To know.

Since the founding of the NSA in 1952.

The NSA has always been mysterious and powerful to the outside world.

But "America Today" directly ripped off the NSA's shame this time.

The mysterious and powerful NSA that used to be popular among the public is gone. Instead, the NSA is just like that. It boasts so much that it can't even defend against hackers.

Reputation in disgrace!

Alexander looked at the furious Opama with difficulty, wanting to explain.

The NSA is in disgrace this time.

Not only did he, the director of the NSA, lose all face, but the entire American government was also in disgrace.

"Mr. President, I..."

Alexander wanted to explain away the blame, but he didn't know how to do so.

Although he did not leak the information.

But he is the head of the NSA.

He has an unshirkable responsibility for this matter.

Why did he fail to manage the people under him well, so he was so easily corrupted by money.

at this time.

The secretary of the President's Office walked in again and said: "Mr. President, the Prime Minister of the island country Hatoyama Yujifu has requested to speak to you.

Hear the words.

Opama was even more angry.

"He still has the nerve to talk to me, Shet!"

Opama cursed, but still answered the phone.

the other side.

At the official residence of the island nation's prime minister, Hatoyama was waiting for Opama to answer his call.

He was still thinking about how to explain to Opama and how to calm America's anger.

Hatoyama Oil Chicken Man was very helpless.

I only took office as the Prime Minister of the island country on the 16th of last month.

As a result, the prime minister, who had not been in office for more than a month, encountered such a difficult matter.

How to deal with the anger of America's official government will be a test of his ability to govern as the new prime minister.


Opama's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.


Hatoyama Oil Chicken Man quickly admitted his mistake.

"Dear Mr. President, I am very sorry that your country's NSA was hacked..."

As soon as he came up, he bent down at 90 degrees and bowed to admit his mistake.

For the people of the island nation, whether they are the heads of corporate giants or senior officials of the island nation, this is an ancestral craft.

After half an hour of conversation.

The Hatoyama Oil Chicken Man was either apologizing or bending down and bowing to apologize, saying "ha yi ha yi" all the time.

He looked just like a dog slave.

After hanging up the phone.

Hatoyama Oil Chicken Man breathed a sigh of relief.

You can hear it.

Opama was very dissatisfied and angry about this matter.

For their island country, the hackers who invaded the NSA must be handed over and extradited to America to face trial.

about this matter.

Naturally, Hatoyama Youchifu would not object, and even said thoughtfully that they were already taking action and would definitely find the hacker and bring him to justice [leave it to America]

So much.

Finally, Opama's mood was calmed.

Of course.

Mr. Hatoyama Oil Chicken also knows that this matter is definitely not over yet.

According to America's urinary nature, which is like plucking hair, now that she has seized the opportunity, she will definitely plunder the island country.

after all.

This time America was justified.

As for the island country, they can only break their teeth and swallow it.

Thinking of this, Hatoyama Oil Chicken Man became angry.


He took out his anger on his subordinates.

After all, he is the Prime Minister of the island country, with more than ten thousand people.

As a result, Opama had just lectured him like a grandson, and he could only nod and bow to apologize.

Opama vented her anger on him, and he had accumulated a lot of anger, so he naturally needed a punching bag.

"Three days, I only give you three days. You must catch this bastard who invaded the NSA. He will make our island nation pay a huge price. This damn bastard

The person in charge of the cyber police station of the island country, faced with the anger of Hatoyama Youchifu, did not dare to say anything or object. He kept nodding and bowing and saying "Hai hai".


As news broke that the NSA had been hacked.

The online world, which was originally in chaos, suddenly calmed down.

Many hackers who had fished in troubled waters and made trouble in America's territory suddenly dispersed and fled.

no way.

The NSA has been hacked, and there are reports that top-secret information and documents have been stolen.

You can use your toes to imagine how angry America is at this moment.

At this juncture.

If he continues to cause trouble in America's territory, the probability of being part of the group is very high.

Once caught, there is a high probability that your country will not be able to withstand the pressure of America and will be extradited to America for trial. Not many people will be imprisoned for ten or eight years. Even eating a peanut is a high probability event. .


It's better to stop.

Don't let America get into trouble at this point.


After all, he is the biggest gangster leader in Blue Star. If he really gets angry, that is no joke.

Life is at stake.


The wind is tight, pull!

The American online world was a paradise for hackers one second, and the next second it was calm, as if nothing had happened.

But judging from the websites that have not yet been restored, we know that this is by no means a dream. .

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