Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1027: Steve Jobs Was Unhappy When He Was Robbed Of Headlines And Blocked From The Limelight.

The online world is quiet.

As soon as the news broke that the NSA had been hacked.

The hackers from all over the world who were having fun in America suddenly realized that something was seriously wrong.

The wind is blowing hard, hurry up and run away.

Although this was done by hackers from the island country.

But if they hadn't messed up America's Internet, would the island country's hackers have taken advantage of the troubled waters and hacked the NSA?

It is possible to hack into the NSA, and if it had not been implanted with the Ghost Warrior virus, the NSA would not have discovered that it had been hacked.

It can be seen that the skills of this island country hacker are very high.

If America can't catch this mysterious person for the time being, she will probably treat them as a punching bag and vent her bad words first.


It's better to run away quickly.

It wasn't just America who was calm.

The Internet in other countries such as the Dragon Country, the Island Country, and the Cold Country also became calm at about the same time.

This long-mei network melee has evolved into a global network war, which is quite anticlimactic.


A certain spectator group.

"Blue Star's reputation as the number one gangster is indeed well-established. The hackers from all over the world who were having fun on America's territory one second just escaped and disappeared without a trace the next second.

"I'm numb! I feel like this day is like a dream. First, the country was attacked by American hackers and it was in chaos, then there was a problem behind America, and then there was a global hacker war. , as soon as the news of the NSA being invaded came out, as if there was an instant nuclear neutrality, the entire Internet fell silent."

"I was afraid that America would be used as a punching bag, so I just ran away."

"America's losses were really huge this time. She tried to bring down our domestic Internet but failed. Her home was stolen from her home, and she didn't know what the hacker who invaded the NSA saw. Top secret?"

"This matter will definitely not be settled like this. America and the island country will definitely do their best to find the hacker, even if they dig deep."

"It's none of our business."


Not only domestic netizens are talking about it.

The same is true for foreign netizens.

Although the online war has subsided, it still dominates the hot search headlines on major social media.

This left Jobs and Li Jianxi helpless.


Because today is the day when the first-generation Turing is officially launched for sale.


Follow Steve Jobs' playbook.

The first-generation Turing will officially go on sale on October 9.

Set the time for October 10th, before the launch of the fourth generation peak mobile phone.

This is just to grab the popularity of the fourth generation peak mobile phone conference.

after all.

Officially released on the 9th.

For users who have bought a first-generation Turing mobile phone, the topic after experiencing it will definitely be on the hot search, maintaining the popularity of the Turing brand.

Although it will not steal all the limelight from the fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phone conference, it will greatly reduce the number of people paying attention to the fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phone conference.

In addition, on October 10th, the big move that Steve Jobs and others have prepared for Blue Star Electronics has a great chance to completely overshadow the fourth-generation peak mobile phone launch conference.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

The actual development has not gone in the direction they planned.

Who would have thought.

The day before the first generation of Turing was released, America's gang of hackers launched a cyber attack on Dragon Kingdom.

This immediately grabbed the headlines of major media outlets around the world.

I originally thought that this matter should be over in one day.


What Jobs and the others didn't expect was.

This hacker war between the two countries actually intensified and eventually evolved into a global hacker war.

America's Internet is in chaos, as are the Internet in Island Country, Han Country, Maple Leaf Country, Hans Country, Maozi and other countries.

What's even worse is.

Especially the news that the NSA was hacked.

When Jobs saw this news, he was so angry that he almost lost his temper.


can be seen.

Although today is the day when the first generation Turing is officially released in America and Hanguo.


on social media in both countries.

What dominated the front page was the news that the NSA had been hacked and the cyber war was waning.

As for the news of the release of Turing, although there are reports, there are very few.

All major media also know where the traffic is at this time.


Your Turing is officially on sale, which is indeed good news.

But that depends on when.

If there was no such thing as the current situation, they would naturally make special reports about the release of Turing.

But isn't something big happening?

The release of Turing, in terms of popularity, topic and attention, cannot compare to the news that the NSA has been invaded.


California, Turing headquarters.

Jobs, Li Jianxi and Paul Jacobs, gathered together.

Listening to their subordinates reporting on Turing's sales, both Jobs and Li Jianxi looked unhappy.

On sale for one hour.

The combined sales of the two countries were just over 10,000 units.

This sales volume was much lower than their expectations.

After the press conference more than two months ago, and a series of subsequent publicity.

For one hour sales, they expect it to be more than 5W units.

As a result, it’s just over 1W now.

The gap between reality and expectations is a bit big.

Paul Jacobs looked at Jobs and said: "..." Mr. Jobs, sales volume of 10,000 units per hour is a bit small."

Jobs cursed: "Damn! This is definitely not the sales volume Turing should have. It should be more than 50,000 units. I have full confidence in Turing."

"Jacob, you know, our headlines have been stolen by the NSA."

"Now everyone is paying attention to this matter. Everyone is staying at home and reading the relevant news, so much so that they have ignored that today is the official launch day of our Turing and have not gone out."

"Believe me, when the heat of this matter subsides, everyone's attention will be focused on our Turing, and then the sales volume of Turing will skyrocket."

Paul Jacobs had a smile on his face, but he was IMMP in his heart.

Your words, Steve Jobs, are nice, but what if?

Now I can abandon Blue Star Electronics, a high-quality customer, and join your Turing pirate ship.

If the sales volume is less than expected, then you will suffer a huge loss.

Li Jianxi said: "Mr. Jacob, please keep your heart in your stomach."

"Believe me, when we give Blue Star Electronics a big gift tomorrow [Turing's sales will skyrocket."

Hear this.

I also thought about what the three parties will do tomorrow.

The smile on Paul Jacob's face suddenly became even bigger, and he raised his glass and said: "Gentlemen, let's celebrate and eat in advance."


The three of them picked up their red wine glasses and clinked them with confident smiles.

As if seeing the failure of tomorrow’s fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phone launch conference, Turing replaced pinnacle mobile phones and became the new king in the field of smartphones. .

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