Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1028 Turing Is A Knockoff Of Pinnacle Mobile Phone

On the morning of October 7th.

The American hacker organization attacked the Longguo Internet, and the official websites of major enterprises and institutions fell. The web pages of well-known domestic Internet companies such as Qiandu, Wangyi, Sohu, etc. were tampered with. was lost, and the wealth treasure was in danger.

On the afternoon of October 7th.

Domestic hackers, led by Lion, launched a counterattack and brought the war to the borders of America. Some hackers from other countries took advantage of the excitement and ended up fishing in troubled waters and muddying the waters.

On the evening of October 7th.

Hackers from the Dragon Kingdom and America launched an offensive and defensive battle. With the help of hackers from the Island Kingdom, Han Kingdom and other countries, America gained the upper hand.

In the early morning of October 8th.

Lu Yi took action, invaded the official website of the Black Palace and tampered with the page. Hackers from other countries fell into trouble one after another. Local wars evolved into global wars, and the Internet world was in chaos.

Early morning on October 8th.

When news of the outbreak of the Ghost Samurai virus broke out in America's National Security Agency (NSA), it instantly swept the world and caused an uproar.

On the morning of October 8th.

The government of the island country immediately came forward to deny the three consecutive accusations, and spoke to Obama to apologize and admit his mistake.

Noon on October 8th.

The chaotic Internet war came to an abrupt end, and hackers from all over the world fled.

And this.

This hacker war, which evolved from a hacker war between China and the United States into a global hacker war, ended in an anticlimactic manner.

But the storm caused by this Internet war is far from over. 923

Countless glances were directed at America and the island country.

The whole world is very interested in the top secret documents and materials stolen by the NSA.

I wonder if the warrior who invaded the NSA will expose the stolen top-secret documents.

Starting in the afternoon of October 8th.

Countries are beginning to restore the Internet that has been messed up.

All major websites that were hacked and had their pages tampered with have been restored to their original state.

October 9th.

The first-generation Turing is officially on sale in America and Hanguo.

The first-generation Turing comes in two models, 8GB and 16GB.

However, the colors are available in three colors: black, white and gold.

Turing retail store on Santani Mocha Third Pedestrian Street, Los Angeles.

can be seen.

The decoration style of Turing retail stores is very similar to the decoration style of Dingfeng mobile phone direct stores.

Or to put it bluntly.

The decoration style of Turing's retail stores is basically copied from Dingfeng Mobile Direct Store.

If you don't look at the sign of the store and just walk in, the first impression you will get is that this is a pinnacle mobile phone direct-sale store.


Inside the store.

A customer is experiencing and consulting on Turing mobile phones.

It’s different from waiting in line outside a direct store two or three days in advance when Dingfeng mobile phones are released.

There was no queue outside the Turing store.

And although there are many consumers in the store, they are far from the huge crowds when Pinnacle mobile phones are sold.

Although since June 20, after the launch of the first-generation Turing.

Turing has attracted widespread attention in the industry, and many industry leaders have expressed praise and expectations for Turing.

after the press conference.

Turing Company has also carried out various fancy promotions in order to maintain the popularity of the product.

Judging from the investigation in the past few days.

After a series of publicity, everyone's expectations for Turing are still very strong.

This is where the confidence of Jobs and Li Jianxi lies.

Can bear fruit.

But it poured cold water on Turing staff.

The business in the retail store can't be said to be bad, but it definitely can't be said to be good.

It's different from the bustling crowds you imagined.

To describe it in one word, it is less than what is above and more than what is below.

Inside the Santany Mocha retail store.

Thirty to fifty customers are experiencing Turing.

Although Turing was highly praised at the press conference, we still have to experience it to know exactly how it will be.

have to say.

This high-end smartphone brand jointly created by Fruit Company and Sanxing Group is indeed extraordinary.

At least.

Except for the top mobile phones, Turing can beat all other mobile phones on the market.

But after everyone has experienced it.

But there is a sense of déjà vu on a pinnacle mobile phone.

The decoration style of the retail store can only copy the decoration style of the Dingfeng mobile phone direct-operated store.

The result is an experience.

The surprises Turing brought them were far less than expected.

Turing is really good and has many functions.

But it is just a copycat version of Pinnacle 3 mobile phone.

No matter in terms of appearance design or mobile phone functions, they are very similar.

This made many consumers frown after experiencing it.

For example.

After a consumer frowned, the waiter on the side saw this and walked over with a smile and asked: "Sir, how is your experience with Turing?"

The consumer looked up at the waiter and said casually: "Your Turing is really good, both in terms of appearance design and internal functions, it is very high-end and complete."

The waiter asked with a smile on his face: "But I just saw you frowning, sir. Is there anything you are dissatisfied about?"

"I am indeed dissatisfied." The consumer nodded.

The waiter said: "Why are you dissatisfied, sir? We at Turing adhere to the principle of service first and customers are God. Please give us more advice, sir."

The consumer stared at the waiter and then said: "What I'm not satisfied with is that your Turing is completely a copycat version of the Pinnacle 3 mobile phone. The decoration style of your retail store just copied the decoration style of the Pinnacle mobile phone direct store. As a result, The Turing mobile phone that was highly praised at the press conference basically copied the design of Pinnacle mobile phone in terms of appearance and functions. Apart from the price being 50 meters cheaper than the third-generation Pinnacle mobile phone, there seems to be nothing refreshing about it. "

As soon as these words came out.

Some other customers around him nodded in agreement.

And the waiter looked like he was constipated.

Good guy.

The company's positioning of Turing goes beyond replacing top mobile phones.

As a result, in the eyes of consumers, it has become a copycat version of Pinnacle mobile phone.

I wonder if the company's senior management will burst into tears after hearing this gentleman's evaluation of Turing.

"Yes, this gentleman is right. If you cover your store name with a cloth, someone who doesn't know it will think that you are a newly opened Dingfeng mobile phone direct store.

“To be honest, I am quite disappointed with Turing. It has no unique features of its own and is basically a copycat top phone.

"If you are just copycatting Dingfeng phones without innovation, then I have to say that although your price is 50 meters cheaper than Dingfeng phones, it is really not worth the price."

"Yes! Why don't I spend an extra 50 meters to buy a top mobile phone? In this case, when I take it out, people will not say that my mobile phone is a copycat. Wouldn't it be more respectable?"

Everyone around said all kinds of things.

The waiter listened very hard.

He wanted to yell, you guys, aren't you sent by Peak Mobile to cause trouble?

at the same time.

This scene was also captured by a reporter from the Los Angeles Times who came to the scene.

The reporter burst into laughter.

[Consumer: Turing is a knock-off of Pinnacle mobile phone!]


This reporter had already thought of the title.

This title is definitely eye-catching!

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