Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1029 Turing’S Problem Is Not A Problem For Peak

The situation in Santany Mocha's retail store is not unique.

This scene is also playing out in America and other retail stores in Hanguo.

Of course.

Some people think Turing is a copycat version of Apex 3~.

But there are also many consumers who are very satisfied with Turing-.

They don't care too much whether it's a copycat or not.

What they care about is that this is a joint venture brand between America and Hanguo.


can be seen.

in these retail stores.

Many people still paid.

For example, inside the Santany Mocha retail store.

"I want a gold 16GB version of Turing."

"Ma'am, cash or card?"

"Swipe your card, of course."

"Okay, 749 meters gold.

"Ding~ Payment successful!"

"Thank you for coming.

at the same time.


There are also some Turing topics and posts.


These topics and posts did not attract much attention.

Because everyone's attention is currently focused on the NSA being invaded.

This is the hot news event that is attracting the most attention in America and even the world at the moment.

Everyone is waiting for the follow-up progress.

For example, who were the hackers who hacked into the NSA?

What top-secret documents and information have been stolen, and will they be spread online?


Everyone is currently paying more attention to the NSA than Turing.

October 9th.

Turing1 is officially launched in America and Cold Country.

Within one hour, the total sales volume in the two places exceeded 10,000 units.

This can be described as a bad start.


Both Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi have absolute confidence in Turing1.

In their view.

The reason why sales of Turing1 were not good in the first hour is not that Turing1 is bad.

Instead, everyone's attention is focused on the NSA incident.

At this moment.

I am afraid that everyone has not yet reacted to the release of Turing.

at the same time.

The Dragon Kingdom is far away across the ocean.

Sioux City.

Blue Star Electronics Headquarters.

CEO office.

Liu Hong and Jia Weiping were drinking tea and chatting with Lu Yi in the CEO's office.

The topic of their conversation was naturally Turing.

Liu Hong said with a smile: "Director Lu, take a look at the article about Turing written by the Los Angeles Times. The title is very good. People like Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi would be so angry after reading it. .”

"Consumers: Turing is a knock-off of Pinnacle mobile phone!" As soon as this article came out, people like Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi were so angry that their noses were crooked and they were afraid that they would vomit blood.

Jia Weiping also said with a smile.

"They jointly established Turing, cut off the supply of our screens, and roped in high-end suppliers to cut off the supply of our baseband chips. They made various small moves against us. Isn't their purpose just to replace it with our top brand?"

On June 20, Turing held a press conference and invited many celebrities. No matter how much money was spent, many celebrities praised Turing one after another. "

"Well, now that it's on sale, the fox's tail can no longer be hidden."

"The decoration style of their retail stores is just a copycat of the decoration style of our Dingfeng Mobile Direct Store."

"In terms of appearance design and internal functions of Turing, if the brand logo were hidden, people who didn't know it would think it was our top mobile phone."

As the general person in charge of Blue Star Electronics' pinnacle mobile phones, Jia Weiping is naturally very concerned about Turing's every move.


Before that, he was still a little uneasy.


The talks with Gao Tong collapsed, and Pinnacle mobile phones were faced with no high-end baseband chips available.

There are alternatives though.

However, as the king in the field of smartphones, it is not equipped with the most advanced baseband chip in the core component of the baseband chip. This has a great impact on the brand Pinnacle.

In particular, Turing's sword is pointing at the top mobile phone, which makes Jia Weiping have trouble sleeping during this period.

The Fruit Company and Sanxing Group are both behemoths. Each of them is no worse than Blue Star Electronics in terms of financial resources and strength.

Now the two have joined forces and have brought Gao Tong to a united front.

All these circumstances illustrate that Pinnacle Mobile is facing extremely serious challenges from Turing.

Just didn't expect it.

Consumers can be so upright.

To put it directly, TuringL is the copycat version of Pinnacle 3.

Liu Hongdao: "I wonder if Steve Jobs and others saw this article in the Los Angeles Times and would think that these people were sent by us to cause trouble, haha.

"To be honest, I haven't had a good night's sleep since Turing held its press conference on June 20, but after seeing consumers' comments about Turing, I finally feel relieved." Jia Weiping said with emotion.

…………Please give me flowers…………

Liu Hong patted Jia Weiping and said, "Your brother is in charge of the Peak mobile phone business. It's really stressful. Thank you for your hard work."

“The hard work is not hard at all. Being able to see our pinnacle mobile phone leading the development of global smartphones makes all the hard work worthwhile.

"At least, in the next few decades, when everyone talks about the history of smartphone development, the first thing that comes to mind is Director Lu, the founder who redefined mobile phones, and he will always mention me as the responsible person for the pinnacle mobile phone. People, this is enough."

Jia Weiping said jokingly.

"Definitely." Lu Yi said with a smile.

Jia Weiping’s contribution to Pinnacle Mobile is obvious to all.

At this time.

Liu Hong changed the topic and said with some concern: "Judging from the reports from America, the release of Turing1 is a bit of a big deal but a small one."

“However, many media outlets have said that the reason is that everyone’s attention has been attracted to the NSA.

"Our Pinnacle 4 will be released soon, will we also face such problems?"

Liu Hong's worries are by no means Duo Tu's.

The release of a new product and its popularity can affect the final sales results.

The current global focus is on the NSA incident.

This will inevitably have a certain impact on the release of Summit 4.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "This problem is actually not a big problem for us.

“Don’t forget, we control the social platform with the largest user traffic at home and abroad. 11

"Don't worry, I will say hello to Future Group when the time comes and ask them to arrange more topics about Pinnacle 4 and hot searches on social platforms such as Weibo and Twitter."

Jia Weiping said confidently: "Actually, even if we don't add fuel to the fire, the launch of Summit 4 will definitely arouse widespread heated discussion around the world."

“After all, our release of Pinnacle 4 this time is not like the previous Pinnacle 2 and Pinnacle 3, it just made improvements in certain functions.

As he spoke, Jia Weiping's eyes flashed brightly.

Although Pinnacle 4 has a shortcoming in the baseband chip.

But the flaws do not hide the virtues.

Like Pinnacle 1, Pinnacle 4 will be an epoch-making smartphone!.

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