Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1035 The Explosive News Shocked The Big Bosses At The Venue And Shocked The Crowd.

The conference site.

The big guys sitting in the front row began to tilt their heads and started talking in small groups.

"Turing is a bit murderous here!"

"Yes! To announce that Gao Tong will invest in Turing at this time is obviously to damage Blue Star Electronics!"

"What do you guys think of Director Lu's expression when he learns this news?"

"Director Lu is young after all, this news will definitely break his defense!"

"I have to say that America is really ruthless! Turing is backed by a fruit company and Sanxing Group. It was already strong enough to challenge and threaten Blue Star Electronics' position in the industry. Now Gao Tong is helping Turing. , which is equivalent to giving Turing a pair of wings to soar. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Blue Star Electronics!

"Isn't that right? The advantages of Pinnacle mobile phones lie in the appearance design and internal operating system. Turing is not much worse than Pinnacle mobile phones in these two aspects. Now the "243" Pinnacle mobile phones cannot get Gaotong's baseband chips. The call quality and Internet speed will be greatly affected. On the other hand, Turing can seize this point to attack the top mobile phone..."

"I don't know how Pinnacle Mobile will respond. Anyway, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to find a way to break the situation."

"Let's see if Director Lu can create another miracle!"


These industry leaders are not optimistic that Blue Star Electronics can break through.

With Gao Tong's help, Turing's takeoff is a sure thing.

The position of the king of pinnacle mobile phones will no longer be stable.

Very likely.

It won't be long before the field of high-end smartphones will usher in a new king.

Just like in 2006, Blue Star Electronics released the first generation of Pinnacle mobile phone.

Directly in the field of smartphones, it replaced Nokia.

Although Nokia is still the sales champion in the global mobile phone industry.

But these few years.

With the continuous popularity of smartphones, Nokia's market share is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This part of the declining market has been carved up and cannibalized by emerging smartphone companies such as Pinnacle Mobile, Huapal, Rice, HTC, and BYD.

Smartphone brands such as Huaban, Dami, HTC, and Sony do not have the strength to challenge the top mobile phones in the field of high-end smartphones.

But Turing, the latecomer, has this strength.

Because behind Turing are the fruit company and Sanxing Group.

One is America's technology giant, whose products, Aipade and Aipade, sell well all over the world.

Not to mention the Sanxing Group, the largest chaebol group in the cold country, its industries involve all walks of life.

With the support of these two giants, Turing will surpass mobile phone brands such as Petal and HTC by a large margin and catch up with the top brands.

Now with Gao Tong's help, let alone take off directly from the spot.

The brand Dingfeng has been sitting on the throne of high-end smartphones for three years.


It is likely that Turing will be pulled from the throne and replaced.

For those overseas mobile phone giants, this is nothing, and they are even happy to see this scene.

after all.

In the hearts of these large overseas manufacturers, they look down on the mobile phone manufacturers in Longguo.

I feel that the mobile phone manufacturers in Long Country are only qualified to produce knock-off phones and drink some of the leftover soup they don’t want. How can they take advantage of them?

"Mom, what a fool! Turing is so unkind!"

Wang Chuanfu of BYD immediately cursed when he heard the news.

after all.

Blue Star Electronics is their biggest sponsor of BYD.

If Blue Star Electronics' signature pinnacle mobile phone fails, its OEM business of BYD will be hit hard.

Will Turing hand over the foundry business to BYAT?

Very unlikely!

Turing is more likely to give the order to BYAT's rival Futukang!

BYAT's foundry business is about to catch up with Foxconn, but now that Turing is here, the dream of catching up with Foxconn is likely to be shattered.

Can this not make Wang Chuanfu angry?

"Director Lu, what will you do when faced with this problem?"

Rice's Rebus has a dark look in his eyes.

He took himself to Lu Yi's location and thought about how he should solve it after learning this 'bad news'?

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a solution.

"Director Lu, Blue Star Electronics cannot fall. As a postcard in the domestic mobile phone industry, once Blue Star Electronics collapses, it will have a devastating blow to the domestic mobile phone industry!"

Rebus frowned deeply.

Although it is said that colleagues are enemies.

But when Dingfeng Mobile took the high-end route, it was different from the route that Rice took.


If Blue Star Electronics collapses, it will have a huge impact on the domestic mobile phone industry.

"It's hard to break the situation. Blue Star Electronics is really in trouble now!" Mr. Ren frowned and whispered to himself.

Behind Turing stands the fruit company and Sanxing Group. They are already very powerful and difficult to deal with...

Now Gao Tong has become Turing’s major shareholder.

That strength will be even higher.

As a flower factory that has in-depth cooperation with Blue Star Electronics in many aspects, Mr. Ren naturally does not want to see Blue Star Electronics decline like this.


Whether it is a domestic industry leader or a foreign industry leader.

After the news was confirmed, everyone expressed strong concerns about the subsequent development of Blue Star Electronics.

The only difference is.

Foreign industry giants, such as Nokia, Motorola, Sony, LG, and even Baodao's HTC, all look like they are watching the show and gloating about the misfortune.

But the domestic industry leaders are really worried about this.

Once Blue Star Electronics collapses, can they withstand the massive attack from overseas brands?

To know.

Brands such as Dami, BYD, Oppa, Weiwo, Kupi and even Huaban all followed the guidance of Blue Star Electronics in terms of appearance design, internal functions, and stacking of components.

Once they lose this advantage, they will not have much confidence when competing with overseas brands.

The changes of the big guys in the front row.

Naturally, he couldn't escape the sharp eyes of the melon-eating crowd behind him.


Everyone felt something was wrong.

How come before, these big guys looked like they were closing their eyes and recuperating?


became active

"What happened?"

"The big guys seem to know some terrible news, and they are all talking about it!"

"Something bad has happened! I just vaguely heard a big boss in the front row of 3.8 say that there is explosive news coming from America, related to the future development of Blue Star Electronics!"

"What breaking news?"

"Hey, I was a little far away, so I couldn't hear you clearly."

"Hurry up and get on Weibo. Weibo is going crazy. It's really explosive news!"

"Trouble! You are not a son of a man! Turing Company is really not a son of a man. At this time, you actually broke such news to mess with the mentality of the richest man Lu!"

Those who can attend this conference are basically fans of Pinnacle mobile phones.

What they use is either the first-generation Pinnacle mobile phone or the Pinnacle 2 and Pinnacle 3.


Everyone took out their pinnacle mobile phones, opened Weibo, and found the hot searches.

one look.

I couldn’t sit still immediately!

No wonder the big guys in the front row suddenly became active, it turned out to be like this. .

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