"Fuck! Turing and Gao Tong are so stupid! They are obviously stuck here to cause trouble for the richest man Lu!"

"Shopping malls are like battlefields. The ancients will not deceive me!"

"What should we do? Gaotong has taken a stake in Turing. In the future, Turing will be the first to get Gaotong's most advanced baseband chips, and even get the exclusive supply version. This advantage is huge."

"I heard that Helios Semiconductor, a subsidiary of Blue Star Electronics, is currently recruiting relevant talents globally. I hate that I am not a professional in this field and cannot contribute!"

"It's useless even if Sun God recruits talents in the baseband field around the world. Gaotong's ability to dominate the field of baseband chips relies on his decades of technology accumulation. Sun God wants to break Gao Tong's position in this field in a short period of time. A monopoly is basically impossible.”

"Peak Mobile is in danger! Blue Star Electronics is in danger!"

"Hey, our country is still too backward in this area. If there is a company in our country that can compete with Gaotong in technology, why would Blue Star Electronics be like this!"

"That's what you say, but the reality is so cruel!"

"It's not a big deal! I believe that the richest man Lu should have expected this, and he will definitely be able to lead Blue Star Electronics to break through. Our worries here are actually a bit unfounded."

"You're right! That's the richest man in Lu. The person who can defeat the richest man in Lu is not even born yet!"

"The richest man in China, Lu, was able to start from scratch and build two giant aircraft carriers in just three to five years. This little trouble and waves must not be a problem for him. "We really worry too much."

"What I'm saying is that maybe the richest man, Lu, didn't take the news to heart at all."

The ordinary people at the scene knew the cause and effect.

For most melon-eating people, the news that Gao Tong invested in Turing Company is really shocking and unexpected.

Although Blue Star Electronics is worried about Lu Yi.

But there are also many die-hard fans who have full confidence in Lu Yi.

These people believe that this difficulty is impossible to stump Lu Yi.

They are anxious here, but their worries are completely unfounded. The emperor is not anxious and the eunuchs are.

Under the influence of this optimism, some other people also became confident in Lu Yi.

Of course.

These are just ordinary melon-eating people.

Like the big guys sitting in the front row, they naturally vaguely heard voices of confidence in Lu Yi.

But they are not so optimistic.

Only by immersing yourself in it can you know how much impact Gao Tong will have on the industry as he invests in Turing.

Gaotong's investment in Turing Company will also completely close the door to cooperation between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong.

Gao Tong was completely betting on Turing.

If you want to obtain excess profits, Gaotong will not only not provide high-end baseband chips to Blue Star Electronics, but will also help Turing in all aspects to suppress Blue Star Electronics.

Lu Yi indeed started from scratch. In just a few years, he has made a huge difference, which is jaw-dropping.

But the crisis we face this time is no small matter.

Even veterans like them, who have been in the business world for more than ten years, find it difficult.

Lu Yi is a young man. No matter how talented he is, his lack of experience is a flaw. It is even more difficult to break through.


Blue Star Electronics' follow-up products allow users to ignore the shortcomings of call quality and Internet speed caused by the baseband chip.

if not.

Breaking the situation is basically a delusion.


Can Lu Yi still create miracles and usher in a new era like the first-generation Pinnacle mobile phone?

They are not optimistic.

In their view, the current smartphones in the mobile phone market are very powerful in terms of appearance design and functionality.

Especially the pinnacle mobile phones of Blue Star Electronics, in their view, have reached the limit.

It is absolutely impossible to think of epoch-making innovations.

It can only be continuously stacked on the hardware.

But you can stack it on hardware, isn’t it possible with Turing?

under the same conditions.

Then, the quality of the hardware, the performance of the product, and the price have become the primary considerations for consumers.

When Pinnacle Mobile lost its advantage over other smartphone brands in software and hardware, it even fell behind its competitors in some hardware.

Then the competitiveness of Pinnacle mobile phones will inevitably be greatly reduced and decline sharply.


Turing has seen through this.

So Gao Tong was offered a bargaining chip that he couldn't refuse, and vowed to tie Gao Tong to his chariot, thus launching a fatal blow to the pinnacle mobile phone.

have to say.

People like Steve Jobs, Li Jianxi, and Paul Jacobs are really vicious and ruthless in their methods.

It is impossible for ordinary people to withstand it.


Backstage at the press conference.

Lu Yi is doing preparations before going on stage.

When others hold press conferences, they wear formal clothes and their hair is combed meticulously.

But Lu Yi is dressed casually and has a pair of white sneakers. She does not have that solemn feeling and gives people a very down-to-earth feeling.

At this time.

Liu Hong and Jia Weiping walked over angrily.

"What's wrong?"

"Looking at the two of you, people who don't know better would think the sky is falling."

Lu Yi joked with a smile.

"Director Lu..."

Jia Weiping looked like he was hesitating to speak.

Soon Lu Yi will take the stage to host the press conference.

If he told the matter at this juncture, wouldn't it cause trouble for Lu Yi?

"Something big happened?"

Seeing Jia Weiping's appearance, Lu Yi's expression did not change, and an inexplicable color flashed in his eyes.

Liu Hong sighed, nodded and said: "This is something that is very unfavorable to us. Forget it, you will be on stage soon. We will report to you after the press conference is over.

He also didn't want to affect Lu Yi's mood.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "Let me guess, maybe I can guess it.


530 Lu Yi paused and said, "There were rumors about Gao Tong's investment in Turing. Could it be that this news was confirmed just now?"

As soon as these words came out.

Jia Weiping and Liu Hong both looked shocked.

Can you guess this...?!!

"As expected of Director Lu, I'm convinced!" Jia Weiping said.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "So, I guessed it right."

Liu Hong nodded and said: "The news from America is that Gao Tong's investment in Turing is confirmed, and the agreement will be officially signed at nine o'clock tonight. They are stuck at this time to release the exact news, obviously they want to They want to create obstacles for us and mess with our mentality."

"Yeah, it's so abominable! Now the Internet is so popular." Jia Weiping said with gritted teeth.

"Haha, people like Steve Jobs are really good at it." Lu Yi said with a smile as usual.

Jia Weiping said in disbelief: "Director Lu, aren't you angry?"

Lu Yi asked: "Angry? Why should I be angry?"

"Shopping malls are like battlefields. If people do this, there is nothing to say. Have we not created any obstacles for our competitors?"

"Besides, I have already expected this. It is expected, so there is nothing to be shocked about."

"Besides, it's useless to be angry, it will make people feel incompetent!"

"In the end, because I know that no matter how many little tricks they make, it will be in vain in front of the Peak 4 we are about to release."

"So, why should I be angry?".

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