Lu Yi said it very calmly.

It's not the kind of stubborn person who has a tough mouth and refuses to admit it.

But he really wasn't angry at all.

He was not even shocked by the news.

After initially sending a negotiation team to America to continue negotiations with Gao Tong, and being willing to take a step back, the result was that they still couldn't reach an agreement.

After learning from the negotiation team that Gaotong has close ties with Turing Company, there are some rumors circulating in the market.

Lu Yi had expected it in his heart.

In the eyes of the outside world, it is just gossip and gossip.

But in Lu Yi's opinion, the possibility of Gao Tong investing in Turing is 99%, not to mention 100%.

The reason why there is no official announcement.

It's just that the two sides have not yet agreed on some details.

Or, prepare to suppress the news until a certain day to release it to suppress the opponent.

Just like now.

Before Blue Star Electronics was about to hold a new product launch conference, the news was released and directly set off global fishing boats.

It can not only disgust Blue Star Electronics, but also steal the popularity of Blue Star Electronics' new product launch conference.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.


It should be killing three birds with one stone.

If it were me, I would do the same thing.

If you hold the double king in your hand, you must maximize your profits before throwing it out.

This result was already expected.


After confirming, Lu Yi was not surprised at all, let alone angry.

Jia Weiping gave a thumbs up and said with emotion: "As expected of Director Lu, he is as stable as a mountain, but I can't. When I heard the news, my first reaction was to be angry and I wanted to drag Paul Jacobs out and beat him up."

Liu Hong also smiled bitterly and said: "Me too, the first feeling is that I am angry and aggrieved. Turing also bullied people too much. They disgusted us at this time and messed with our mentality. They have no martial ethics at all. Look. Come on, when it comes to mentality control, I’m not good enough and I get emotional easily.”

"Okay, don't look so sad and let others see the joke." Lu Yi said, "Have some confidence in our Peak 4 and have some confidence in our consumers."

Liu Hong and Jia Weiping both had wry smiles on their faces when they heard this.

They really don't have a big heart like Lu Yi.

"It's almost time, it's time for me to go on stage."

Lu Yi patted both of them on the shoulders and prepared to go on stage.

at the same time.

America from across the ocean.

Steve Jobs' home.

After finishing the call with Paul Jacobs, Jobs was going to watch Blue Star Electronics' new product launch conference through VideoSpace.


After pulling Gao Tong onto the chariot, he became more confident that Turing would surpass Blue Star Electronics.

But he knew it.

Lu Yi is a person who is good at creating miracles.

Blue Star Electronics is by no means the kind of company that can be defeated in one blow.

Although the game they set up was a bit difficult to break.

But it's not invulnerable.

If Blue Star Electronics releases a new product that redefines mobile phones like the first generation Pinnacle mobile phone, then their game will be broken.

Will Blue Star Electronics come up with epoch-making new products?

It's not impossible!

after all.

Blue Star Electronics has indeed spared no effort in investing in R&D.

In terms of product innovation, Blue Star Electronics' strength cannot be underestimated.

Open VideoSpace, and the home page is the entrance to Blue Star Electronics' new product launch conference.

Jobs clicked directly.


He entered the live broadcast room, and Lu Yi also walked from the backstage to the front desk.


Dragon Kingdom time, five o'clock sharp.

The press conference was packed with people.

Looking around, there are crowds of people.

Although before, with the explosive news from America, there was a commotion at the press conference.

But at this moment.

As the lights dimmed, Lu Yi walked onto the stage under a white light.

Suddenly the scene became audible.

When Lu Yi walked onto the stage from the backstage wearing a casual IT T-shirt, as soon as he appeared, the venue was suddenly silent, and then the atmosphere of the venue exploded.

The warm applause lasted for a long time, as well as whistles and some fanatical shouts.

The one who caused all this.

Of course it's the ordinary people who eat melons.

The big guys sitting in the first three rows would never do this kind of behavior.

Those who can buy tickets to attend this press conference are Lu Yi’s die-hard fans.

The vast majority of them are young people in their 20s and 30s.

The idol of these people is Lu Yi.

It's normal to be so excited when I see Lu Yi on stage.

This situation.

At this moment.

Many friends and businessmen who paid attention to this conference were all envious.

They are truly envious of Lu Yi's influence and popularity.

Lu Yi has broken down national boundaries with its amazing and excellent products and has been sought after by consumers all over the world.

"Everybody, are-you-ok?"

As soon as he came on stage, Lu Yi waved to everyone in the audience and asked loudly.

Everyone at the scene was stunned at first.

What does Lu Yi mean?

Ask us if we are okay?

That’s not right!

We should ask you Lu Yiare-you-ok.

after all.

Early in the morning, Turing teamed up with Gao Tong to officially announce the marriage, directly causing trouble for you Lu Yi and messing with your Lu Yi mentality. How can you be okay?


I remembered the bursts of responses at the scene.


Lu Yi said with a smile: "Good morning, thank you, thank you very much. It's great to be here. Thank you very much for your warm welcome."

"Lu Yi, I love you!" someone shouted loudly in the audience.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "Thank you for your love, haha."


"Today we have prepared super exciting content for this press conference."

“We worked extremely hard on this.”

"I'm very excited because today's attendees reached 5,200 people, which is the maximum capacity of the venue.

"They came from 57 different countries and regions, and the tickets for the conference were sold out within three days.

"We deeply apologize to those users who were unable to make the trip because there were no tickets to buy. This is already the largest indoor venue we can arrange, so we can only apologize. (Okay)"

Speaking of which.

Lu Yi changed the subject and said with a smile: "But everyone can watch this new product launch through video space or VideoSpace and other online live broadcast channels. The launch will be broadcast live around the world."

These words also made the big guys sitting in the front row very emotional.

Future Group, the Internet technology company with the highest market value in the world, was also created by the man in front of me.

If someone else can create one of them, it will be famous forever.

But Lu Yi created two.

Moreover, these two giant ships have grown into industry giants in a very short period of time.

This makes the giants in the same industry feel proud when they see it.

They have spent most of their lives bringing the company to this level.

But what about Lu Yi?

It only took a short period of three to five years to complete a road that took others more than ten or twenty years to complete.

The key is.

Lu Yi copied the miracle.

This makes so many people ashamed!

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