Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1038. Can You Really Bring Down The Pinnacle Mobile Phone?

on the stage.

Lu Yi was holding a small wireless remote control in his hand, and a picture appeared on the big screen behind him.

"Before introducing our new products, I would like to show you some data."

A form appeared on the big screen behind Lu Yi.

"As of last week, there are more than 300,000 applications in our DOS application store, and the cumulative download volume has exceeded 7 billion, which has exceeded the current total population of the world.

"This data is very beautiful, isn't it?"

"But I will say, I like the following set of data better."

"As we all know, 70% of the revenue of the DOS App Store belongs to developers."

"So you can take a guess, how much have we paid to developers around the world so far?"

The industry leaders sitting in the front row stared intently at the tabular data on the big screen.

My heart fluttered.

No wonder Pinnacle Mobile has become the leader in smartphones in the industry.

Not just because of the unparalleled strength of Pinnacle mobile phones in terms of software and hardware.

There are also those apps in the DOS App Store, with more than 7 billion downloads.

This data is terrifying.

From the more than 300,000 APPs, we can know that there are exactly 597 developers in the world, relying on the DOS operating system, constantly developing new applications to enrich the application ecosystem of Pinnacle mobile phones.

With this alone, Pinnacle Mobile has established an ecological moat that is beyond their reach.

When the big guys were shocked by the dazzling array of apps in the DOS application store.

At this time.

Lu Yi pressed the remote control in his hand.


A number slowly emerged from the table on the big screen.

at the same time.

Lu Yi's voice also sounded again.

"According to statistics, as of last week, the total amount of money we have distributed to developers around the world has reached 3 billion meters!"

The words fell.

There were bursts of applause at the scene.

There are many third-party developers from home and abroad at the scene.

Although Blue Star Electronics took 30% of the share.

But they are very satisfied with the management of DOS's application ecosystem.

Many ordinary developers initially wanted to try the DDS ecosystem.

As a result... I made a lot of money.

Some people even made a lot of money!

This also gives third-party developers great confidence and willingness to continue to work in this field.

The richer the apps in the DOS app store, the better the user experience will be compared to open source ecosystems such as Android.

The big guys in the front row were also shocked by this math.

It has only been three years since Blue Star Electronics released the first-generation Pinnacle mobile phone in 2006.

But it was during these three years or so.

Blue Star Electronics actually paid up to 3 billion meters in gold to third-party developers in the application ecosystem!

This is more than 20 billion!

This is really awesome!

Of course.

They know it too.

Blue Star Electronics has paid so much money to developers, and it has also encouraged third-party developers to be willing to develop new applications for DOS, allowing Pinnacle Mobile to maintain an absolute lead in the application ecosystem, making its own application ecosystem moat unbreakable. .

in this case.

Can Turing's measures against Blue Star Electronics really prevent Blue Star Electronics from being the main holder of smartphones?

There was doubt in their minds.

Turing1 is indeed a very excellent high-end smartphone, catching up to Peak 3.


The operating system Turing1 is equipped with is neither DOS nor Android, but TOS (formerly iphoneOS) developed by Fruit Company.

Are there any third-party developers willing to develop applications for TOS?

Definitely (cibg) yes.

But definitely not as much as DOS!

This way.

In terms of application ecology, Turing is far behind compared to Pinnacle mobile phones.

This will greatly reduce the user experience.

When users buy mobile phones, they naturally use them.

If the experience is poor and there are few downloadable apps, no matter how beautifully stacked your internal hardware is, it will be no different than a brick.

Are users really willing to give up their application-rich pinnacle mobile phones for a high-end baseband chip?

For a while.

The big guys at the scene fell into deep thought.

Also lost in thought with them was Steve Jobs, who was watching the live broadcast of the press conference through VideoSpace.

When he looked at the table data, his expression suddenly became serious, and he was no longer as relaxed and confident as before.

Together with Gao Tong, they seem to have forced Blue Star Electronics into a desperate situation.

Unless Blue Star Electronics can come up with an epoch-making new product again, it can break the situation.

As a result, Jobs suddenly discovered it.

There are really too many places where we can break the situation.

Their seemingly perfect countermeasures plan is actually full of loopholes.

In terms of application ecology, Turing has a flaw.

I am used to the over 300,000 APP applications in the DOS application store.

Will users abandon Pinnacle mobile phones and choose Turing with few applications?

If he were a consumer, he would not make such a choice.

For a while.

Jobs became a little skeptical.

Can Turing really threaten Blue Star Electronics and bring it down?

Before seeing this form, he had great confidence.

But after reading the form, he was shaken and became suspicious.

to be honest.

Whether it is a pinnacle mobile phone or a Turing mobile phone, they are both consumer products.

The purpose of consumer goods is to satisfy users, rather than to make consumer goods flashy, no different from a brick inlaid with gold.

It really has to be done like this.

Apart from being a decoration, it has no other function.


"Turing can definitely knock down the top mobile phones!"

"Dingfeng Mobile can build a DOS application ecosystem, and Turing can also copy a TOS application ecosystem.

"We can even give 75% to 80% of the share to third-party developers. I believe it will definitely attract many developers to develop various applications for TOS!"


Jobs' eyes sparkled.

The corner of his mouth once again evoked a confident arc. .

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