Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1043 Just The Appearance Is Enough To Make People Willing To Pay For It


At the press conference, die-hard fans screamed and shouted.

We can know it from Lu Yi’s words.

Pinnacle 4 released today will subvert people's imagination just like the first generation Pinnacle mobile phone.

This has made consumers and users full of expectations, people in the media industry have raised eyebrows, and industry insiders and friends and businessmen have been shocked.

The screams and shouts of the die-hard fans at the scene seemed to want to cut off the ceiling of the venue.

no way.

The press conference had to continue, so Lu Yi could only raise his hand and press it down.


The die-hard fans just shut up and fell silent.

This made the industry bosses at the scene jealous.

What is influence?

This is influence.

Look at Lu Yi, who raised his hand to make a downward gesture. The fans who were screaming and shouting one second, all stopped their voices the next second, which was comparable to the military order and prohibition.

It makes people jealous until Jill turns purple.

When the scene quieted down, Lu Yi's voice echoed throughout the audience again.

"Now we introduce the fourth-generation Pinnacle mobile phone 853."

"This thing is pretty skinny, and it has over a hundred new features."

"Today at the scene, we definitely don't have that much time to go to details, otherwise, this press conference may not end all day and night."


There was a burst of laughter.

Lu Yi waited for the laughter to stop and continued: "So, I will focus on sharing with you some of the core functions in Peak 4."

Speaking of which.

Lu Yi pressed the remote control in his hand, and the words "Peak 4" were displayed on the big screen, but no product pictures appeared.

Lu Yi faced everyone in the audience, looked around the audience, and said: "The first item is a brand new industrial design.

at the same time.

A side image of Pinnacle 4 appeared on the big screen, revealing the volume buttons.

"Believe me, you have never seen it before."

"You have to see it with your own eyes to understand (cibb) that this is the most beautiful consumer electronics you have ever seen."

As soon as these words came out.

The eyes of those who came from Huaqiangbei to attend the meeting suddenly brightened.

What a great new template!

This is very nice.

This moment it belongs to you, Blue Star Electronics, but the next moment, it belongs to me, Huaqiangbei!

Get the latest industrial design!

at the same time.

The scene burst into endless applause.

Whether it was the ordinary people in the back row or the industry giants in the front row, their eyes were amazed when they looked at the picture on the big screen of a man holding a pipa and half-covering his face.

Lu Yi continued his speech.

"This is, without a doubt, one of the most exquisite and beautiful designs I have ever made."

"Glass covers the front and back of the phone, with a stainless steel band surrounding the sides, and it's more sophisticated than anything we've seen in consumer products today.

"It's tightly assembled, like a beautiful vintage Leica camera, which is unprecedented in today's consumer product landscape."

As Lu Yi explained, close-up pictures of the back and side of Pinnacle 4 also appeared on the big screen.

Everyone just looked at the picture and kept making bursts of exclamations of exclamation.

Because the industrial design of Apex 4 is so exquisite and beautiful.

As Lu Yi said, this is the most beautiful consumer electronics at the moment and has never been seen before in the field of consumer goods.

The big guys are amazed by the industrial design of Pinnacle 4.

The ordinary melon-eaters in the back were all extremely excited.

They were extremely impressed by such industrial design.

Just by looking at the picture, they were deeply attracted, and their hearts were already ready to move.

Not only the people at the scene, but also the people who watched the live broadcast through various channels were amazed by the pictures displayed.

Although the pictures shown are just the tip of the iceberg of Peak 4.

But from a glimpse, you can imagine how exquisite and beautiful the Pinnacle 4 is in terms of exterior design.

Just the appearance is enough to make people excited and willing to pay for it.


Jobs after seeing the pictures shown.

He jumped up from the chair suddenly.

There was a light in his eyes.

He seemed to be crazy, dancing and shouting.

"This is the design I want!"

"Right, that is it!"

"This is the most perfect iPhone design in my mind!"

If people were outside and saw Jobs like this, they would definitely think that Jobs was crazy and possessed.

Jobs's wife was resting in the room, but was woken up by Jobs.

She walked to the study with sleepy eyes and angrily woke up, and complained to Jobs: "Hey, Jobs, what are you doing, you disturbed me to sleep!"

"Oh, Yao Rui, Daring, I'm so excited, the doctor has fallen behind."

“Look, the design of this phone, it’s so beautiful and exquisite, this is my dream design, it should have appeared on the iPhone.

"Unfortunately, it was not me who designed it, but my opponent!"

"Damn it, why not me!"

"Omaika, God, why do you torture me like this? I am your most loyal believer.

"How am I worse than this guy!"

When Jobs' wife saw Jobs's crazy attitude, she shook her head helplessly and turned back to the house.


The old man Steve Jobs is already in a daze!

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