Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1044 The Thinnest Smartphone On The Planet Currently

For Steve Jobs.

This is a sad story.

In his opinion.

He is the proud man who ushered in a new era of smartphones.

The industrial design of Peak 4 should have been done by him.

No matter what.

How can there be brightness when there is beauty?


He could only watch helplessly as the high-spirited man standing on the stage in the video accepted the admiration from everyone.

All this honor should belong to him, Steve Jobs.


My heart hurts so much that I can’t breathe!

Compared with Jobs, who was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe, Li Jianxi of Sanxing Group was panic-stricken.

Under Jobs' comfort before, he became confident and relaxed again.

As soon as the industrial design of Pinnacle 4 came out, it disappeared without a trace again.

Even he had to admit that the industrial design of Pinnacle 4 was so beautiful that once you took one look at it, you couldn't look away.


The veins on Li Jianxi's forehead bulged and beat slightly, and he couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

He felt increasingly uneasy.

I feel more and more that I made a wrong decision by joining Steve Jobs' pirate ship.

If I had not listened to Jobs's advice, I would have maintained a friendly cooperative relationship with Blue Star Electronics.

So now.

He wouldn't be so upset either.

Its own Sanxing display business will not face strong competition from Huaxing Optoelectronics.

this moment.

Li Jianxi felt a trace of regret in his heart.


After all, he is a decisive chaebol boss who has been in the shopping mall for decades.

Li Jianxi quickly cut off this trace of regret.

The wood has become a boat.

It's too late to say anything now.

only hope.

Pinnacle 4 is just eye-catching in terms of industrial design, and there is not much innovation in other things.

at the same time.


Countless netizens who watched the press conference were also shocked.

"Oh my god, this appearance really amazes me!"

"Damn it! I was really impressed in an instant. Just because of the design, I have to spend money to buy one."

"Before, I had some doubts that Mr. Lu was exaggerating if he wanted to redefine Pinnacle mobile phones. But now, I know that Mr. Lu never boasts. Here, I want to say something to Mr. Lu, I was wrong!"

"I was wrong +1!"

"I was wrong +10086!"

"I love it, I love it. I'm a good-looking person. No matter how beautiful Peak 4 is on the inside, I have to buy one based on its appearance alone."

"Not bad! With such good looks, what else do you need for a motorcycle!"


Whether it is domestic or foreign netizens.

no doubt.

They were all amazed by the industrial design of Apex 4.

And the scene.

There was even a shout of exclamation like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

One picture caused a stir.

There were even many melon-eaters in the back row who couldn't restrain their excitement and stood up from their seats.


Only in this way can they see more clearly.

Industry insiders and business friends were also extremely amazed.

Many people even praised it for its astonishing industrial design level.


They have no doubt that Pinnacle 4 will redefine Pinnacle mobile phones.


They had expected it.

The industrial design of Pinnacle 4 will once again lead the design craze of smartphones.

Not to mention people like Huaqiangbei.

Rebus of Rice, Wang Chuanfu of BYD, Chen Jiajun of Kupi, and even Mr. Ren of the flower factory all had inexplicable colors flashing in their eyes.

.........Please give me flowers...‥

I have made up my mind.

After the press conference, we asked our own designers to design subsequent models based on the appearance of Peak 4.


They really wanted to open Lu Yi's head to see how long it was.

Why do Blue Star Electronics always have such ingenious and wonderful ideas, but they never thought of it?

no doubt.

Pinnacle 4 redefines Pinnacle mobile phones. This is true.

The industrial design of the new product has undergone earth-shaking changes compared with the previous three generations.


The scene of the press conference.

The applause from the audience was like a tide and lasted for a long time.

Lu Yi spoke several times, but was interrupted by warm applause.

Everyone is immersed in the unparalleled industrial design of Pinnacle 4 and cannot extricate themselves.

Everyone couldn't help but applaud and couldn't stop.

This is undoubtedly a recognition and a compliment.

When the applause at the scene died down a little, Lu Yi continued: "This is very gorgeous, right?"



"This is the most amazing product design I have ever seen!"

Everyone at the scene was also very cooperative and spoke loudly.

Lu Yi nodded with a smile and pressed the remote control in his hand. The pictures of Apex 4 were constantly changing on the big screen so that everyone could see it more clearly.

"Let's take a closer look at the appearance of Pinnacle 4."

"It is really thin, with a body of only 9.3mm thick, which is 24% thinner than Pinnacle 3."

"Again, it's a full quarter thinner than Pinnacle 3."

"On a product that you thought couldn't be any thinner, it was reduced by 24%."

"There is no doubt that it is the thinnest smartphone on the planet, and currently, there is no one else!".

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