"When you hold Peak 4, you will feel like you hold the whole world!"

When Lu Yi said these words.


The scene suddenly erupted into thunderous applause.

The atmosphere at the scene directly reached another high dynasty.

Many big shots at the scene even chewed on Lu Yi's words over and over again.

As for the ordinary melon-eating crowd, their emotions completely exploded.


"Awesome! This is so awesome!"

Just hearing these words makes people feel excited and unable to control themselves.

at the same time.

The online world has exploded again.

Countless netizens are discussing Lu Yi's words.

"Crazy and cool!"

"If you hold Pinnacle 4, you can hold the whole world. I fell to my knees when I heard this!"

"Who would buy Turing1 at 28 just based on the words of the richest man Lu?"

"I want to experience the feeling of holding the whole world in my hands. Do you have any support for me to play Peak 4?"

"I can give you a big ass to help you sober up."


# Hold the Peak 4, Hold the Whole World # rushed to the top of Weibo’s hot search list.

Not just Weibo.

Some other news media platforms also reported on this title, attracting countless netizens to click on it.

On Reddit, Twitter and other overseas social media platforms.

This sentence also hit the screen.

Since the launch of Pinnacle mobile phone, it has gathered a large number of die-hard fans around the world.

Needless to say, people who can afford a top-notch mobile phone.

Even those who are short of money and cannot afford Dingfeng mobile phones, there are still many people who are die-hard fans of Dingfeng mobile phones.

As soon as these words came out.

The blood in these people who can't afford a top-notch mobile phone is boiling.

They want to hold the world in their hands and see what the experience is like.


On some unknown external network.

Some netizens asked how they could buy a Peak 4 if their family had no money.

This question quickly received a lot of responses.

Most of them want the same answer.

The reply with the first number of likes and comments said that if you don’t have money, you can exchange your money for a Peak.

Even below this reply, a phone number was left.

If you want to exchange money to buy Pinnacle 4, you can contact this number.

Don't say it.

Some crazy pinnacle mobile phone fans actually picked up the phone and dialed.

For Pinnacle 4, what's the big deal!

The press conference continues.

As the applause ended, Lu Yi pressed the remote control again.

"This is the new design we are doing for Apex 4, and this is the first one."

"The second item, this is a reason."

"A thing we call a Retina display."

"A lot of people are definitely asking, what is this?"

"Well, in all digital images, there are pixels, and these are four of them.


Lu Yi pointed at the four grids that appeared on the big screen behind him.

"Our retina display can significantly increase the pixel density, four times the pixels, in the same size space, just like this."

"Why is this important?"

"Let's demonstrate more pixels."

"Suppose we want to display the letter 'a', and this is the space occupied by one stroke of a.

"We can see that as we light up the pixels inside that stroke, our pattern becomes more precise if we have more pixels."

"At the same time, we use various little tricks, such as displaying varying degrees of gray, on the boundary of the stroke, trying to make it difficult for people to distinguish."

"But when we zoom in, you see that because we have four times as many pixels, we get really, really sharp text that's much better than what you would get at a normal resolution."

"The Retina display contains 326 pixels in one inch. A display of this level has never appeared on a mobile phone before. People would never even dream of having such a display on a mobile phone."

"But it's more than that."

"Research has found that there is such a magical number, which is about 300 pixels per inch. When you hold something in your hand about 10 to 12 inches away from your eyes, this number is what the human retina can distinguish. It’s the limit of pixels that can be produced.”

"So, these pixels are so close."

"When you get to about 300 pixels per inch, so suddenly they look like continuous arcs."

"The words look like you would read them in a well-printed book."

"It's unlike anything you've ever seen on an electronic screen."

"By laying out 326 pixels per inch, we smoothly jumped over that limit, and the effect is extraordinary."


Lu Yi wants to equip Pinnacle 4 with the latest Super-amoled screen developed by Huaxing Optoelectronics.


Huaxing Optoelectronics has just overcome some of the defects of AMoled screens according to Lu Yi’s suggestions.

Let alone mass production, I don’t know how long it will take to finalize the model.

Although Blue Star Electronics has increased its investment in Huaxing Optoelectronics, this kind of thing cannot be solved by giving money.

From the development of a technology to finalization and mass production, it can take as short as one or two years or as slow as three to five years.


Pinnacle 4 still has to continue to be equipped with Huaxing Optoelectronics’ R-IPS screen.

Of course.

The R-IPS screen is still the most cutting-edge display at the moment.

Coupled with Bluestar Electronics' retina display technology, the display effect is not worse than Super-AMoled. .

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