Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1047 Li Jianxi Expressed That He Was Very Upset

Cold country.

Sanxing Group Headquarters, on the top floor of Sanxing Building.

President's office.

Li Jianxi looked at the press conference on VideoSpace and listened to Lu Yi's introduction of retina screen technology, his face was very ugly.


In the field of LCD panels, Sanxing Display, a subsidiary of Sanxing Group, is the undisputed third in the industry.

Sanxing Display's AMoled technology has surpassed all opponents and is at the forefront of the world.


With the joint venture between Bluestar Electronics and BOE Huaxing Optoelectronics, Sanxing Display has lost its absolute advantage in technology.

First, Huaxing Optoelectronics became a blockbuster in the industry with its R-IPS screen and successfully defused their conspiracy against Blue Star Electronics.


In the first half of this year, Huaxing Optoelectronics made a major breakthrough in AMoled technology and developed Super-AMoled, which solved some of the significant shortcomings of AMoled screens and greatly improved the display effect. Directly in the AMoled technology, it realized the three-dimensional Xing shows the curve of overtaking.

This made Li Jianxi very difficult to accept.

Huaxing Optoelectronics' R-IPS screen makes Sanxing Display have no technical advantages in the LCD screen.

after all.

In Li Jianxi’s view, “The future of LCD panels lies in AMoled technology.

As long as Sanxing Display maintains its technological leadership in AMoled, Sanxing Display will always be the world leader in LCD panels.

These few years.

Sanxing Display is also making great efforts to address the shortcomings of AMoled and has achieved some good results.

Can bear fruit.

At the last moment, it was overtaken by Huaxing Optoelectronics in a corner.

If Sanxing Display wants to overtake it, it must find another way to bypass Huaxing Optoelectronics' patents.

This is too difficult.


Blue Star Electronics has launched retina display technology on Peak 4 again.

Li Jianxi felt very tired.

How the hell are you going to fight like this?

On the LCD panel, Huaxing Optoelectronics is overtaking in a corner.

Blue Star Electronics has also developed a retina display technology, which can greatly improve the display effect of the display.

This is completely not showing Sanxing a way out.


Li Jianxi couldn't help but curse.

he thinks.

Since Sanxing joined forces with Blue Star Electronics, Sanxing's road has become narrower and narrower, and it has become increasingly difficult to walk.

This time United Fruit Company launched the Turing brand in an attempt to bring it down from the top.

If it fails.

Then the huge investment invested in this will be wasted.

Not only that.

It also offended Blue Star Electronics and lost an important customer.

The thought of this.

Li Jianxi had a headache.

He can only pray now, Pinnacle 4 is just a piece of shit.


The conference site.

"Now, let me give you an example. N

Lu Yi pressed the remote control in his hand.

Two identical pictures appeared on the big screen.

"The left is an R-IPS screen without retina display technology, and the right is an R-IPS screen with retina display technology."

"Look at the difference."

"Can you tell?"

"There's also text here in various sizes and thicknesses, so you can really see the difference."

"Once you've used a Retina display, you'll never go back."

"When it comes to single-character languages, in this case, Chinese, the results are still unbeatable."

“And it’s not just text, it works on images and videos as well.

"See the difference?"

The two pictures on the screen turned into two pictures of human faces.

"This is another example."

The picture changed again, becoming two photos of the same flowers.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"So what I have to do now is show it to you live."


Lu Yi walked towards the podium next to him.

As he walked, he said: "I have a Pinnacle 3 mobile phone here, and its display has been widely praised."

Lu Yi walked to the podium and lifted the black veil on the other side.

"..." This side is the new Peak 4. "

at the same time.

On the big screen, the projection images of two pinnacle mobile phones also appeared.

"You see, this picture is pixelated - correspondingly, we had to build a special projector to demonstrate this.

"Simply because most projectors can't display as many pixels as our Retina display."

“Okay, here’s what comes out of the two displays, pixel-for-pixel.

"You can see the difference right now."

"Look at the folder over there, let's open it and take a look."

"Look at the icons of these two folders, compare them, look at the text, look at the digital compass icon, the clock icon, isn't it amazing?!"

"Now, let me continue."

"Let's take a look at the photo album and look at this. The same (good) photo has quite different effects, visible to the naked eye. This is another example. Do you see the difference?"

"You can really see it, right around the eyes, around the teeth."

Following Lu Yi's demonstration, bursts of warm applause erupted again.

Ear obviously.

Just from the pictures projected on the big screen, everyone at the scene can clearly see the difference.

Huaxing Optoelectronics' R-IPS screen has excellent display effects, which has been proven in the Peak 3L.

However, Pinnacle 4 adds retina display technology on this basis, making the display effect of this screen even more prominent.

Everyone present at the scene, including industry insiders, business friends, and the general public, were all amazed at the power of retina display technology.

And this also proves the strength of Blue Star Electronics from the side. .

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