Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1057 Hidden Easter Egg, First Sold In China

have to say.

From the beginning to the present of this press conference, the applause has almost never stopped.

no way.

There are really too many amazing things about Pinnacle 4 this time.

Whether it is the shocking appearance design or the innovation in software and hardware, they are all refreshing.

At the beginning of the conference, Lu Yi said that Pinnacle 4 will redefine Pinnacle mobile phones.

So far, no one has doubted this.

And there is no doubt about it.

Pinnacle 4, like the first generation Pinnacle, will change the world again.

It’s not just as simple as redefining the pinnacle mobile phone.

“Apex 4 not only has extraordinary innovations in industrial design, but also has a large number of new functions everywhere.

"DOS4's multitasking, folder archiving management, retina display integration... We have once again enhanced every application we release on Pinnacle mobile phones to work perfectly with the retina display, making your applications Automatically runs beautifully.”

"There are a lot of new things in mailboxes as well, the two biggest being unified inbox and threads."

"Many enhancements in the Camera and Photos apps, taking advantage of our new camera system."

"Deeper enterprise integration, and tons of new capabilities everywhere.

"This is DOS4, a perfect mobile operating system!"

Lu Yi's words resounded throughout the venue.

Everyone's mood was also very high.


Lu Yi successively demonstrated several core functions in person, including video calls.

This made friends and businessmen feel how terrifying the technical strength of Blue Star Electronics is.

It is really more than five years ahead in all aspects!

This has made countless friends and business colleagues almost give up on challenging Blue Star Electronics' dominance in the mobile terminal market.

Because the costs and risks are too great.

The risk index of bankruptcy is directly off the charts.

at the same time.


Steve Jobs' home.

Jobs's eyes were a little dull.

too strong!

Pinnacle 4 is really too strong!

It was so strong that it made him feel extremely hopeless.

How can we compete in the ring?

Not on the same level at all.

Cold country.

On the top floor of Samsung Building, the president's office.

Li Jianxi's expression turned extremely ugly.

The more successful Peak 4 is, the more bad news it is for their alliance.

Can Turing1 compete with Peak 4?

It's simply not necessary.

Because the two simply look like products from different eras.

This made Li Jianxi panic.

Sanxing spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources on the Turing project, and even lost Blue Star Electronics, a major customer.

I thought that with Turing, I would be able to reach the top.

But look at it now.

He had too much confidence in Jobs.

Still dizzy, Sanxing is likely to face a tragic ending.

It is very likely that we will suffer heavy losses on the Turing project.

He looked through the comments on some domestic social platforms.

Many consumers from cold countries have expressed regret for purchasing Turing1.

Some people have even resold their newly purchased Turing1 online.

To know.

Turing1 has only been on sale for one day.

The person who resold it had just gotten it and hadn't even had time to open it.

There are brand new Turing1s in Taiwan that have been unpacked and are being resold at a 20% discount.

There is nothing more humiliating than this.

The key is.

Even at a 20% discount, no one is willing to buy it.


The press conference has lasted for an hour and a half and has come to an end.

The core new functions introduced have basically been introduced.

"The above are the top ten core functions of Peak 4. I hope you like it."


There were bursts of applause.

no doubt.

Everyone loves these ten functions very much.

Applause means everything.

"Of course, there are not just these many innovations on Apex 4, but there are also many innovations that cannot be demonstrated live, otherwise our press conference would have to be a main night.

There was a burst of laughter.

"The last thing I want to say is that Pinnacle 4 also has a hidden easter egg function."

"Hmm~ How can I say this function? It's not perfect yet, and it's even a little retarded. But undoubtedly, it's a very nice function. I'm looking forward to it very much.

"Here, I won't go into a demonstration to tell you what function this is.

"Because it is a mysterious easter egg, I hope you can explore it by yourself.

"I believe that this easter egg will definitely give you a huge surprise and will not disappoint you.

"Even after you figure it out, you will definitely have this expression - wow!"

Lu Yi's words also made everyone present unable to sit still.

What kind of hidden easter egg is this?

Lu Yi will be so full of praise.

Their hearts are like cats scratching, and they want to know immediately.

But obviously.

Did Lu Yi say that?

He stopped talking and said: "..." This is Pinnacle 4, a pinnacle mobile phone that redefines pinnacle mobile phones. I hope you will like it!"

"So, how to determine the starting price and release date for such an epoch-making product?"


This is another question that makes countless people curious.

For consumers, Pinnacle 4 has already conquered them in terms of appearance and functionality.

They wish they could buy a Pinnacle 4 right now.

There are even ardent fans who are ready to exchange for Pinnacle 4.


The ceiling of smartphones is what the top three generations of mobile phones looked like.

But this time the Pinnacle 4 press conference once again broke their cognition and opened a new door for them again.

“First of all, Pinnacle 4 comes in two colors, black and white platinum.

on site.

Lu Yi on the stage did not continue to whet everyone's appetite and said directly: "Apex 4 is divided into two versions, 16GB and 32GB."

"The domestic price of the 16GB version (Wang Li's) is 4,099 yuan, and the international price is 699 gold; the 32GB version is 4,999 yuan domestically, and the international price is 799 gold."

Such prices make domestic consumers feel more comfortable.

As always, domestic prices are hundreds of dollars cheaper than abroad.

After quoting the price, Lu Yi once again announced a piece of news that made domestic users extremely excited.

"As for the release date, we decided to launch it in the domestic market first and officially launch it nationwide on October 24.

"As for the international market, it will still be released simultaneously on December 24."

This is a good thing.

The domestic consumers at the scene were immediately excited.

In the past, the release time was always unified on December 24th, whether it was in domestic or foreign markets, it was always this time.

But this time.

It will be currently on sale in China, which is undoubtedly a huge change.

All of a sudden.

Domestic consumers immediately slapped their hands with swollen hands and continued to complain.

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