The 16GB version is priced at 4,099 yuan.

The 32GB version is priced at 4,999 yuan.

As a consumer electronic product, the price is definitely not cheap or close to the people.

But then again.

Pinnacle mobile phones are impeccable in all aspects such as technological innovation and industrial design, and are worth the price.

Quite literally.

If Pinnacle phones now sell for two to three thousand yuan, then other emerging smartphone brand manufacturers that have just been established can declare bankruptcy directly.

As for established manufacturers such as Nokia, Motorola, and Sanxing, their market share will inevitably decline as a result.

To know.

Although the peak annual mobile phone shipments are not even 100 million units.

Compared with Nokia, which can easily ship 300-400 million units, it is simply a step behind.


It’s not that Pinnacle mobile phones are not as popular as Nokia, and the brand reputation is not as good as Nokia.

One of the most important factors restricting the shipments of Dingfeng mobile phones is the high price of Dingfeng mobile phones.

This price has dissuaded too many consumers who want to buy Pinnacle mobile phones.

Even in the European and American markets, not everyone can afford a top-notch mobile phone that costs seven to eight hundred meters.

On the other hand, Nuojia's side.

Although the annual shipment volume is as high as 300-400 million units.


Nomagia produces as few as seven or eight models every year, and as many as ten or twenty models.

On average, in fact, the shipment volume of a single 420 model of Nokia is not as much as that of Pinnacle mobile phones.


In the high-end market, Nokia has no competitiveness against top mobile phones.

And in the mid- to low-end market.

Relying on the good reputation accumulated over the years and its relatively affordable prices, Nokia is able to ship hundreds of millions of units a year.

If the price of the pinnacle mobile phone were not so high, it would only cost two to three thousand yuan.

Not to mention manufacturers such as Rice, BYD, Huachang, HTC, and Coolpad, even old manufacturers such as Nokia, Motorola, Sanxing, Sony, and Sharp also do not need to play.

Because there is no way to compete.

Of course.

Lu Yi would not do this either.

The positioning of the Pinnacle series of mobile phones is very clear. It is a high-end brand in the consumer electronics market, and it is the highest-end model. It has widened the gap with Nokia's high-end models.


The entire market also needs other mobile phone manufacturers to make mid- to low-end products to form a good market environment.

Give other manufacturers a bite to eat and avoid being entangled in monopoly lawsuits.

Lu Yi also knows.

The mid-to-low-end market has broad prospects, and its market share far exceeds that of the high-end market.

But this is a market that Blue Star Electronics will never be involved in.


Just a high-end market is enough for Blue Star Electronics to make a living.

There is no need to push all competitors to the edge.

That way.

It is not a good thing either for yourself or your opponent.

The price of Pinnacle 4, although a bit expensive, is still somewhat unexpected.

after all.

This time Pinnacle 4 is not like the previous Pinnacle 2 and Pinnacle 3, which were updated like toothpaste.

This time.

That really redefined the pinnacle mobile phone and will change the world again.

Before the price was announced, many people predicted that the price of Pinnacle 4 would definitely be much more expensive than Pinnacle 2 and Pinnacle 3.


There is no change in the prices of Pinnacle 2 and Pinnacle 3.

This is so unexpected.


The prices of 4099 and 4999 yuan seem very high.

But in the minds of consumers, this price is below their psychological expectations.

In this way, they will not feel how expensive the price is.


In their expectation, the starting price should be 4,999 yuan, or even 5,999 yuan, which is normal.


The starting price is 4,099 yuan, and the highest price is 4,999 yuan.

It is indeed a conscientious enterprise!

After the release date was announced, domestic consumers were extremely excited.

One audience member at the scene couldn't help but stand up and said loudly: "Director Lu, do you mean that in half a month, we will be able to buy this artifact with outstanding appearance and performance? "

"That's right!"

Lu Yi gave an affirmative answer.

"Oh~so cool!"

"This time I only need to wait half a month before I can get started. It's so cool!"

"(cibg) When I waited for two months before, I didn't think it was that long. But why do I think it's so long this time when I only need to wait half a month?"

Domestic consumers are happy and excited.

But the foreign users at the scene were not happy after listening to the translation.

In the past, it was December 24th, and it was released simultaneously worldwide.

Why is Longguo Market doing something special this time, two months ahead of them?

Overseas melon-eating netizens also started discussing on Reddit after watching the live video.

"Xie Te! This is so unfair. Not to mention that it is more expensive in our country than in the Dragon Kingdom. This time, the Dragon Kingdom market actually released it two months earlier than us. This is so unfair!"

"There is no way, Blue Star Electronics is a dragon country company after all. Just like...if Blue Star Electronics is our company in America, then it will definitely be sold in America now, and then in other countries."

"Damn it, why don't we have technology companies like Blue Star Electronics in our country? Are all the technology workers in our country eating shit?"

"I can't stand it. It takes two months to buy Pinnacle 4!"

"I am already preparing to go to the Dragon Kingdom. In order to experience the peak two months in advance, I am willing to set foot on that ancient Eastern country for the first time."

"RIM, Moto, why can't you make a smartphone like Apex 4?"

"Because these two companies don't have soul figures like Lu Yi."

"God, this price is really a bit expensive. If you add in tariffs, the starting price is 699 meters gold.

"But one fact that I have to admit is that Pinnacle 4 is really too late. No matter what it is, it is impeccable! Well, I admit, this is the sexiest mobile phone I have ever seen so far. So. , it's worth the price, I'm willing to pay for it.

"I think, for the next two months, we are going to unplug the Internet, stop going to Reddit, Twitter, Face, or even open the VideoSpace website, because I don't want to be shown off by the consumers of Dragon Country. It will make me crazy with jealousy." of."

"Haha, man, trust me, you will reinstall it the day after uninstalling it. Don't ask me how I know, I won't tell you... That's what I did in the first place ."

On the outside, Japanese movies are in full swing.

Compared with the heated discussions among ordinary melon-eating friends, people in the industry, especially some sensitive industries, are disapproving.

It seems that Blue Star Electronics got a glimpse of something unusual from the release date of Pinnacle 4.

To know.

Both Blue Star Electronics and Future Group have paid great attention to the development of international markets in the past.

Especially America Market.

But this time.

Peak 4 is released exactly at the same time, but Dragon Kingdom is two months earlier than other markets.

This is no ordinary signal.

At least.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Blue Star Electronics pays more attention to the domestic market in its business. .

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