Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1059 The Popularity Is Off The Charts! Scalpers Fight Hard!

Blue Star Electronics’ new product launch conference has come to an end.


The storm in the country has just begun.

This Blue Star Electronics new product launch conference has attracted widespread attention at home and abroad.


The Turing brand jointly established by Fruit Company and Sanxing Group [refers to the pinnacle brand of Blue Star Electronics.


Turing1 is not much worse than Pinnacle 3 in all aspects.


Before the start of the new product launch conference, Turing caused trouble and dropped a bomb.

It was announced that Gao Tong would invest in Turing and become Turing's major shareholder.

It is clear.

The smell against Blue Star Electronics is too strong.

With the support of the fruit company and Sanxing Group, Turing is already extremely strong.

Now Gao Tong has become Turing’s major shareholder.

The three giants join forces, which is bound to bring down Pinnacle Mobile.


The outside world also wants to know how Blue Star Electronics will fight back in the face of the menacing Turing.

If Pinnacle 4 is still like the previous two generations of Pinnacle phones, it will be a toothpaste-like iteration based on the previous generation of Pinnacle phones.


Under Turing1's offensive, they will inevitably encounter ten Waterloos.

after all.

What if Pinnacle 4 doesn't have much innovation and just enhances some performance based on Pinnacle 3?

The performance of Peak 4 is equivalent to Peak 3plus.

Turing's overall performance is not weaker than your Pinnacle 3, and its price is 50 meters cheaper than yours. Why don't I support Turing?

For European and American consumers.

No matter how you say it, Turing can still be considered a family member.

And you, Blue Star Electronics, are a proper outsider.

Before, I had no choice. Your pinnacle phone was the only one, so I had to hold my nose and admit it.

but now.

Your Peak mobile phone has a rival, so sorry, squeezing out toothpaste-like iterations, this is completely cutting off the food of our consumers.


The big guys in the industry basically look down on Blue Star Electronics.

Can bear fruit.

This new product launch conference gave them a big slap in the face.

Peak 4 completely subverted everyone's imagination.

Redefining the pinnacle mobile phone.

Change the world again.

Just the exquisite industrial design makes countless people crazy.

[Blue Star Electronics’ new product launch conference comes to an end, Pinnacle 4 redefines Pinnacle mobile phones!_Sohu News

[Apex 4 will change the world again!] - Xinlang News

[Peak 4, the most exquisite mobile phone, no one!]——Slow Information

[No words of praise can be used too much on Pinnacle 4. 】——Titanium Media

[Apex 4 will replace the first-generation Apex mobile phone and become the most perfect Apex mobile phone!]————Wangyi News

[Incredible Design Summit 4 once again opens the door to human industrial design————BBC

[Can Turing still challenge the dominance of top mobile phones?] - Fox News

[The release of Peak 4 will allow us to re-understand Blue Star Electronics, a great technology company. Blue Star Electronics will continue to lead the smartphone trend. 】——Los Angeles Times

[A masterpiece that needs no words - Pinnacle 4] - Reuters

Whether it is domestic or foreign.

All the major mainstream media immediately went crazy about the launch of Apex 4.

Many people who did not watch the press conference through major live broadcast platforms suddenly exclaimed after seeing these overwhelming reports.


The pictures of Pinnacle 4 included in these reports directly hit their super sweet spot in an instant.

The industrial design of Pinnacle 4 once again deeply shocked them.


The heat explodes directly!

Whether at home or abroad, countless people are talking about Peak 4.

Even the ‘NSA incident’, which has been dominating the front pages of major social media platforms, has been suppressed in popularity.

The focus of everyone's attention is all on Pinnacle 4.

"This design is really incredible!"

"The moment I saw it, my heart was captured!"

"Hey, why should I buy Turing1? Is my head caught in the door?"

"This is a sad story. I just bought Turing1, and then I saw Pinnacle 4. It's really sad!"

"This is really the most perfect mobile phone I have ever seen. I love it so much."

"The price of 699 meters of gold is really not expensive, and it is worth the price!"

"Why does our country have to wait until December 24th to start selling it, but Dragon Kingdom can buy Pinnacle 4 on the 24th of this month? They are really enviable."

"There is nothing to hesitate. Go to Dragon Kingdom. You can buy Peak 4 as soon as possible, and you can also travel abroad."

…………Please give me flowers…0

"That's good advice."


Ordinary people at home and abroad are talking about it.

The big guys in the industry are also not idle, asking questions and analyzing their opinions.

Of course.

Most of the articles published by people analyze why Blue Star Electronics chose to release Pinnacle 4 in Dragon Country this time.

Many people said that this should be the reason why Blue Star Electronics' overseas business expansion was blocked.

Some of the many comments in the industry seem to be reliable, while others are just nonsense.

As the press conference comes to an end.

Major domestic and foreign media quickly spread the latest news.

Media in the technology world rushed to report on it.


Blue Star Electronics has properly occupied the current news hot spots.

Especially the consumer market.

Now is the increasingly developed network information age.

The news can spread all over the world in almost a few minutes.

After the press conference, various interpretations and analyzes were released.

Whether it is Jisou search, Qiandu search, or Guge search index, the keyword popularity of Peak 4 all ranks at the top of the list, surpassing the NSA.

Some technology bloggers on the Internet have also followed suit.

Although they haven't gotten Pinnacle 4 yet, this does not prevent them from immediately analyzing Pinnacle 4 inside and out based on the content at the press conference.

Peak 4 is so popular now, so hurry up to get the traffic bonus.

at the same time.

On the day when the press conference ended, domestic offline flagship stores began to queue up to enter the store to experience it.


There are scalper groups that start queuing up to buy half a month in advance.

The ox's sense of smell is acute.

Apex 4 will undoubtedly be an epoch-making product, and demand will inevitably exceed supply at home and abroad.

It is not difficult to increase the price by two to three thousand or resell it by three to five thousand.

This is a rare opportunity to make a fortune!

Although it is still half a month away from the official release date.

But what does it matter.

They are a team of scalpers, not alone.

It's no problem if one person queues for a whole day.

As long as you can get Pinnacle 4 as soon as possible, you will be able to make a lot of money.

As long as you can make money, what does this hard work mean?

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