Blue Star Electronics’ autumn new product launch conference has come to an end.

The search index of Pinnacle 4 in major search engines also directly exploded.

Not only major search engine platforms, major social media platforms, major forums, etc.

Once you enter, you can see that nine of the ten hottest topics are related to Peak 4.

The remaining one is the NSA incident that has greatly declined in popularity.

Originally, it seemed to everyone that Blue Star Electronics was going to go downhill in the face of the menacing Turing.


But it was at this new product launch that it gave everyone a big surprise.

Pinnacle mobile phone will change the world again!

"Um, Phantom, I still can't believe that this is a smartphone designed and produced by Longguo Company, because it's incredible!"

“Apex 4 is so beautiful, you can’t forget it once you take a look at it.

"I am going to save money. The price of 699 meters gold is not cheap. However, I still want to own a Peak 4, it is extremely fascinating!"

"Do you need Turing1? I just got it, unopened, brand new, I'm willing to sell it at 20% off, only 440 meters gold!"

"There is no doubt that Pinnacle 4 is another epoch-making mobile phone! From a relatively sleek arc appearance to a straight tablet appearance, the hardware is incomparable to previous generations in terms of screen, CPU, and camera."

"While smartphones on the market are still using plastic casings, Pinnacle 4 has made great strides towards metal edges and glass back covers."

"I have never felt that two months will be so long."

"I really envy those people from the Dragon Kingdom. In half a month, they will be able to buy the Pinnacle 4 that we have been longing for."

Foreign netizens are talking a lot.

Most people express envy and hatred towards the consumers of Dragon Kingdom.

The reason is also very simple.

Because consumers in Dragon Kingdom only need to wait half a month to buy the epoch-making Peak 4.

And they need to wait two and a half months.

It's such a long time.

They have never had such a strong desire to make time pass faster than now.

As for domestic netizens, they were naturally jubilant.

"This time I went to Tai Chi Galaxy in person to participate in the Summit 4 press conference. It was worth the price of admission. It was a worthwhile trip!"

"Ah ah ah, why didn't I get a ticket? What a pity, a lifelong regret."

"When Peak 4 comes out, it will defeat all ghosts and monsters."

"The richest man in Lu really doesn't want to take action. Once he does, it will be shocking."

"Actually, before the press conference, I had already guessed that the new product must be an incredible machine, because the person hosting the press conference was the richest man Lu! Think about it, the press conference of the first-generation Pinnacle mobile phone was hosted by the richest man Lu. Pinnacle 2 and Pinnacle 3 were hosted by other people, and now Pinnacle 4 is hosted by the richest man Lu, which speaks volumes.

"I finally understand that if it is an epoch-making product, then the host must be the richest man in Lu."

"I have learned it. Next time I encounter a press conference supported by the richest man Lu, there is no doubt that there must be an epoch-making new product released."

"Ma Dan! I planned to go to the Dingfeng direct-operated store near my home to experience it offline. As a result, I didn't even squeeze in through the door. It was full of people. Those pornographic guys were crazy. They started queuing up half a month in advance. !”

"The same goes for my direct-operated store here. The scalper team really worked hard!"

The time comes, October 10th, at eight o'clock in the evening.

The time corresponding to America's side is October 10th, eight o'clock in the morning.


A five-star hotel.

Early in the morning.

There were many reporters from mainstream media standing guard outside the hotel with long guns and short cannons.

Because something important is going to happen later.

That is, Gao Tong will sign a shareholding agreement with Turing and officially become the third largest shareholder of Turing Company.


A hotel lobby.

All preparations have been made before this.

The signing can be officially completed only after Turing's CEO, Paul Jacobs, the head of Gaotong, Steve Jobs, the head of the fruit company, and Li Jianxi, the head of Sanxing Group, arrive.

eight thirty.

The hotel let in the reporters waiting outside.

Such a big event, of course, is indispensable for the testimony of these reporters and media.

Li Jianxi took a private plane directly from Hanguo and flew for 12 hours before arriving in America.

The motorcade arrived at the hotel door.

When Li Jianxi got out of a Mercedes-Benz S600, he was immediately seen by the media reporters standing outside the hotel, and they immediately focused their cameras on him.


It can be seen from Li Jianxi's slightly tired look that his interest is not very high.

He didn't even accept an interview with the reporters on site. He was directly escorted by bodyguards and walked into the hotel with his head lowered.


Jobs also arrived.

Like Li Jianxi, Jobs didn't look too good.

If it is said that Li Jianxi was not in a good mental state because he flew for 12 hours.

So Jobs, who originally lived in California, couldn't use this as an excuse.

He also didn’t accept an interview and hurriedly walked into the hotel………………

The media reporters at the scene were also talking a lot.

"Something's wrong. For such a big thing, Li Jianxi and Steve Jobs are not very interested in it."

"Can you be happy? Before the launch of Blue Star Electronics' new products, Turing announced the news of Gao Tong's investment, trying to get Blue Star Electronics' mentality. As a result, he failed to succeed and was slapped by Pinnacle 4 instead. With one slap, my mentality was shattered."

"Hey, who would have thought that Blue Star Electronics would counterattack with such an epoch-making product."

While reporters in the media were talking about it.

Paul Jacobs arrived.

Different from Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi.

Paul Jacobs looked quite happy.

last night.

Both Jobs and Li Jianxi watched the entire press conference of Blue Star Electronics through VideoSpace.

And Paul Jacobs didn't work on mobile phones, so he didn't pay attention at all and went to bed early.

I just want to be in a good state to welcome today's signing ceremony.

As soon as Paul Jacobs got out of the car, everyone gathered around him and asked questions.

Paul Jacobs’ smiling – response.

Either he is very satisfied with this cooperation, or Gao Tong will help Turing take off, etc.

It's almost nine o'clock.

Paul Jacobs quickly pushed aside the media reporters and walked into the hotel.

Come to a lounge.

Paul Jacobs tidied up the clothes that had been messed up by reporters just now.

At this time.

His assistant hurriedly opened the door and walked in.

"BOSS, something bad is going on..."

Assistant 4.4 didn't even have time to explain, so he quickly handed over the Epad in his hand.

Paul Jacob took it and took a look, and immediately frowned.

His fingers kept sliding, and his face became increasingly ugly.

What the assistant showed him was of course the news from the Summit 4 press conference last night.

The more he looked, the more frightened Paul Jacob became.

He suddenly felt that he seemed to have made a wrong decision.


Paul Jacobs cursed and then said: "Go back to the company immediately. Get up.


Paul Jacobs, with a gloomy face, walked out of the hotel.

Because the three protagonists had already arrived, all the reporters who had been waiting outside the hotel had also gone to the hotel lobby.


Except for the hotel doorman, no media reporters saw the scene of Paul Jacobs leaving.

Jobs and Li Jianxi, let alone Paul Jacobs, came and left again. .

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