Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1061 The Signing Ceremony Turned Into A Joke, The Clown Is Himself

Nine o'clock.

In the hall.

Jobs, Li Jianxi and Turing's CEO were already present.

Down below, reporters from various overseas and domestic mainstream media were also present, except Paul Jacobs.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At 9:03, Paul Jacobs did not show up.

At 9:05, Paul Jacobs hasn't shown up yet.

At 9:10, Paul Jacobs still didn't show up.

Not to mention the media reporters below who were waiting for interviews and questions, even Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi were a little unable to sit still.

Jobs quickly asked his assistant to go to Paul Jacobs's lounge to see what was going on.

One minute later.

The assistant came back and told Jobs that Paul Jacobs was not in the break room.

This immediately confused Jobs.

Some reporters said before that Paul Jacobs had arrived at the hotel.

Now you tell him that he is missing?

A group of media reporters below also discovered that something was wrong at this moment.

Paul Jacobs appears to be missing.


They started talking quietly.

"What's going on? Paul Jacobs hasn't already arrived. It's been 2810 minutes. Why hasn't he shown up at the signing site yet?"

"Did something happen?"

"It shouldn't be! When Paul Jacobs arrived at the hotel, wasn't he in a high mood?"

"Maybe you were delayed by something?"

"Could it be that you were kidnapped?"

The comments from the reporters at the scene made Jobs look very ugly.

He quickly called the hotel manager over and asked what was going on?

The hotel manager also looked confused.

You, Steve Jobs, asked me for someone?

Where can I find someone for you?

I'm not your wet nurse, I'm just providing you with a signing venue.


How could a small hotel manager like Paul Jacobs, a big boss like him, easily know where he went?


The hotel manager still called the lobby manager over and asked if he had seen Paul Jacobs.


It was Jacob's first time coming to the hotel, so he might have gotten lost.

The lobby manager was also confused. After asking around, he didn't say that he saw Paul Jacobs.


It was confirmed that Paul Jacobs did arrive at the hotel in advance, but after entering the hotel, he went to the lounge, and then nothing happened.

No one knows where Paul Jacobs went later.

all of a sudden.

Both the hotel manager and the lobby manager became nervous.

Paul Jacobs wasn't kidnapped, was he?

after all.

The Jacobs family holds billions of wealth. Who knows if there will be someone brave enough to take this opportunity to kidnap Paul Jacobs and demand a ransom?

Just when the hotel manager was thinking about calling the police.

The lobby manager ran over panting and said: "Mr. Jacob has left the hotel.

"What's going on?" Jobs asked with a frown.

How could Paul Jacobs suddenly leave without saying hello?

The lobby manager said: "The hotel doorman said that he saw Paul Jacobs leaving in a hurry not long after entering the hotel. It seemed that there was something urgent."

When Jobs heard this, his face suddenly darkened.

Paul Jacobs left without saying a word, leaving them aside. Today's signing ceremony is probably going to become a big joke.


Jobs slapped his forehead and said he could call Paul Jacobs.


Jobs took out Turing1 and dialed Paul Jacobs.


Paul Jacob has already led people to the company.

Gaotong's headquarters is also in California, but in San Diego.

In the car.

Paul Jacobs was calling the company's top executives and notifying them to come to the company for a meeting.

at the same time.

He also searched for news related to Pinnacle 4 on the Internet.

This time.

He was afraid that he had really made a ridiculously wrong decision.

I thought that Blue Star Electronics, with the cooperation of their three giants, would be crushed without any power to fight back.

The new star of Blue Star Electronics will be like a meteor streaking across the sky, brilliant but only for a moment.


Blue Star Electronics' backhand is Wang Zha.

It blew him away directly.

Watching the recorded video of the press conference, Paul Jacobs felt heavy and overwhelmed.

no doubt.

Pinnacle 4 can become a best-selling product with its epoch-making industrial design.

Not to mention.

Elsewhere, there are more than 100 new features.

As the major media said, Pinnacle 4 not only redefines Pinnacle mobile phones, but will also change the world again just like the first generation Pinnacle mobile phone did.

Does Turing have any chance of winning when facing Peak 4?

Poor little one!

Although Pinnacle 4 is not equipped with Gaotong's baseband chip, it seems that users are focusing on other aspects, and no one cares about the baseband chip at all.

at this time.

Paul Jacobs' phone rang.

As soon as the call was connected, Jobs's voice sounded, and his voice sounded very anxious.

"Jacob, where are you now? The signing ceremony has already started, why haven't you shown up yet?"

"Jobs, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid this signing will have to be postponed. Whether Gao Tong wants to invest in Turing still needs to be discussed and confirmed by our board of directors. I'm sorry.

. "apologize

Paul Jacobs explained casually and hung up the phone.

This time.

He may really be harmed by Jobs.

Because his father failed miserably in a bet with Lu Yi, causing Gao Tong to lose at least hundreds of millions of dollars, he was questioned by the board of directors and had to abdicate and hand over the CEO position to him.


The fate of Blue Star Electronics will be contrary to their expectations due to the launch of Peak 4

Gaotong lost orders from Blue Star Electronics, a major customer, and its revenue would not only be reduced by hundreds of millions but even billions of dollars.

Because 553 has invested a lot of financial resources in Turing, it will also face a situation of blood loss.

Not long after he took over the CEO position, Gao Tong suffered heavy losses due to his wrong decision-making.

The group of people on the board of directors are afraid that they will attack him again.

Just like when he attacked his father.

He now had to find a way to resolve this matter.


He, Paul Jacobs, will probably be Gaotong's shortest-lived CEO.

the other side.

When Jobs heard the beeping blind tone coming from the phone, his face was so gloomy that he could bleed.

Before the signing ceremony was about to begin, Paul Jacobs, the most important protagonist, actually... ran away!


He also said that whether or not to invest in Turing would have to be reconsidered and confirmed by the board of directors.

Confirm, you ghost!

This simply didn't make Jobs so angry that he vomited blood.

How could Paul Jacobs be so shameless and have no credibility?

It's better now.

In a signing ceremony that attracted worldwide attention, one of the protagonists ran away. They all became a joke.

This time, my face is really going to be humiliated internationally.

Jobs didn't even dare to think about Lu Yi's expression when the news reached Long Kingdom and he saw it.

Before the Blue Star Electronics launch conference, they were making trouble here, creating Lu Yi's mentality, and causing trouble for Lu Yi.


I was jumping up and down, but in the end, I was the clown!

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