Jobs really wanted to kill Paul Jacobs.

This is not a joke.

Oh, when the contract was about to be signed, you ran away without saying a word, and then told me that this matter needed to be reconsidered and confirmed.

What the hell, what were you doing before?

Isn’t this playing tricks on people?

Even if you are playing, there is no way to play like this!

What should they tell the arriving media reporters now?

Did you say that you, Paul Jacobs, went back on your word when you made the last move?

Doesn’t this turn the whole scene into a farce?

Jobs absolutely hated Paul Jacobs.

I didn't give up my choice sooner or later, but just one second before signing the contract, I greased my soles and left.

He left them alone at the signing site, facing dozens or hundreds of media reporters.

This made Jobs feel crazy about MMP.

But now that I was angry, I had to think of a way to explain it to the people in the hall.

This time the disgrace is certain.

But you have to find a way to lose less.

After a while.

Jobs put on a smiling face and returned to the signing hall.

All of a sudden.

Everyone cast their gaze directly over.

Seeing the smile on Jobs's face, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Then he reacted.

Nothing happened to Paul Jacobs.

The reason why it hasn't appeared yet is that it must have been delayed by something.

after all.

Paul Jacobs is the head of Gaotong. Gaotong is such a large company and the leader in the field of baseband chips. Paul Jacobs naturally has many things to deal with every day.

At this important moment of signing a contract, there is no precedent for something big happening in the company that needs to be handled personally by the head of the company.


There should be no problem with this signing ceremony and it will go on as usual.

When Li Jianxi saw Jobs coming back with a smile on his face, his anxious heart instantly relaxed and he asked: "Mr. Jobs, where is Mr. Jacobs?"

Jobs stared at Li Jianxi and did not answer. Instead, he glanced across the audience. Then he patted the microphone in front of him, coughed slightly, and said: "Everyone, I'm very sorry here, because a big thing happened within Gaotong, and we urgently need it." Mr. Paul Jacobs went back to deal with it, so Mr. Jacobs has returned to Gaotong. Today's signing ceremony will also be temporarily canceled. We will notify you of the time. Thank you all.


As soon as Jobs finished speaking, there was an uproar at the scene.

What's going on?

Paul Jacobs ran away?

Today's signing ceremony has been cancelled?

How about playing with them?


A beautiful female reporter stood up and asked loudly: "Mr. Jobs, what happened to Gao Tong that requires Mr. Jacobs to return to the company to deal with it before signing the contract?"

Jobs responded unhurriedly: "I don't know the specific matter. After all, it is an internal matter within Gaotong."

This answer was so impeccable that the beautiful female reporter sat down with a look of reluctance.

"Mr. Jobs, why can't Gao Tong send a vice president to sign the contract on behalf of Mr. Jacobs? Is the matter so big that even the vice president level executives can't get out?" Another reporter stood up and asked.

Jobs looked as usual and answered fluently: "Today's signing ceremony is, after all, a major event that affects the industry structure. It naturally requires the signature of the top executives of both parties."

"Mr. Jobs, did Mr. Paul Jacobs really need to return urgently because something big happened to Gao Tong, or did Gao Tong regret his decision to invest in Turing?"

Suddenly, a reporter from Longguo, holding a CCAV sign, asked a very pointed question.

As soon as this question came up, Jobs' face immediately became a little ugly.

It’s really a matter of which pot should not be opened.

But Jobs still pinched his nose and replied: "I don't know where you heard that Gao Tong wanted to regret it. This is nonsense.

"Mr. Jobs, what do you think of the Pinnacle 4 released by Blue Star Electronics yesterday?" Soon, the reporters at the scene shifted the topic to Pinnacle 4.

This undoubtedly rubbed salt into Jobs' heart and almost made him break his defense.


What can I say?

Can I say that I hope Blue Star Electronics goes bankrupt?

Jobs hasn't answered yet.

On the other side, Li Jianxi was also frantically besieged by reporters at the scene.

"Mr. Li Jianxi, Blue Star Electronics released the epoch-making pinnacle 4. Do you regret it?"

"Mr. Li Jianxi, do you think Turing can really compete with top brands?"

"Mr. Li Jianxi, may I ask if Turing has any counterattack strategy against Peak 4?"

"Mr. Li Jianxi......"

Li Jianxi was directly hit by Mr. Li Jianxi's head with two big heads.

Not only does Li Jianxi have a big head, but Steve Jobs has an even bigger head because there are more reporters surrounding him.

On the contrary, Turing's CEO is like an outsider.

no way.

Everyone knows that, to put it bluntly, this CEO is actually the puppet of Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi.

All Turing's strategies and strategies are decided by Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi, and at most they will be joined by Paul Jacobs in the future.


There is no need to ask this CEO.

Jobs and Li Jianxi were embarrassed by the reporters at the scene.

In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore and left the scene in a hurry.

After the two protagonists left, the media reporters at the scene immediately dispersed, thinking about how to write today's report in order to be more attractive and attract more traffic.


Related briefings have appeared online.

When netizens saw that today's signing ceremony, which attracted worldwide attention, turned out to be a joke, with Paul Jacobs running away in the middle, they started talking like crazy.

"Watt Jacobs didn't show up at the signing?"

"What's going on? Why has the signing ceremony been temporarily canceled?"

"Is this signing ceremony going to be pornographic?"

"Shet! Jobs and the others have undoubtedly become a joke today!"

"Yes, yesterday they announced the news of Gao Tong's investment in Turing before Blue Star Electronics' new product launch. Paul Jacobs also responded and confirmed it. As a result, in just one day, something unexpected happened. Paul Jacobs Is Gebu going to regret it?"

It’s not just foreign netizens who are talking about it enthusiastically.

When the news spread back to China, domestic netizens also made fun of it.

"It made me laugh so hard! During the day, weren't people like Steve Jobs so arrogant that they wanted to have the mentality of the richest man in China? As a result... I became a joke!"

"Forgive me for laughing unkindly when I saw this report, because I couldn't help it!"

"It is said that Jacob had already arrived at the hotel, but turned around and left again (hao Zhao).'

"It's said that something big happened within Gaotong and Jacob needs to go back to deal with it. This is the same as not finding a reason!"

"Obviously! The reason Gao Tong wanted to invest in Turing Company was because he wanted to join forces with Fruit Company and Sanxing Group to bring down Blue Star Electronics. Unexpectedly, he was slapped on the wall by Pinnacle 4. It was a disastrous defeat! Gao Tongjian The situation was not good, and he ran away on the spot! Take a look, I am sure that Gao Tong will definitely seek cooperation with Blue Star Electronics later!"

"The analysis above makes sense. Gao Tong bet on Turing, thinking that Turing phones can replace Pinnacle phones. But in the end, he found that Turing phones were just like a loser in front of Pinnacle 4, and had no chance of winning this time."

"Capitalists are indeed profit-seeking. One second before signing the contract, they ran away when the situation turned bad. This was shameless.

"How much is face worth? If Gao Tong and Blue Star Electronics cooperate again, Gao Tong can at least earn hundreds of millions of dollars while lying down. Let you choose, how do you choose?"

"Then I will definitely get away with oil on my feet. Who can have trouble with money!".

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