Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1063: The Three-Party Alliance Is Divided, And Li Jianxi Also Wants To Withdraw And Stop The

Headquarters in San Diego, California.


The conference room was filled with executives at the director level and above.

Everyone was whispering and discussing.


Last night, Blue Star Electronics' Summit 4 press conference caught them off guard.

Judging from the feedback from various media and netizens.

no doubt.

Apex 4 will become this year’s hit.

Although Pinnacle 4 does not use their Gaotong baseband chip.

However, Blue Star Electronics has successfully made up for this shortcoming with a series of epoch-making innovations such as exquisite industrial design.

Netizens didn’t bother at all whether Pinnacle 4 is equipped with Gaotong’s baseband chip.

All their previous machinations went bankrupt in front of Peak 4.


Paul Jacobs hadn't arrived yet, but everyone in the conference room was already blaming each other.

"Xie Te! What did I say at the beginning? We should maintain the cooperative relationship with Blue Star Electronics. It is normal for business bets to lose and win. You just want to give Blue Star Electronics a The lesson has been learned now. With Apex 4’s epoch-making design, I predict it will sell 100 million units. How much money did this cost our high-end review!” A vice president who had strongly opposed teaching Blue Star Electronics a lesson slapped the table. Angry said.

"That's right! I was opposed to investing in Turing at that time. How difficult is it to unseat Blue Star Electronics? This time, our Gaotong School will probably lose both my wife and our troops!"

"Damn~ T693uring is rubbish in front of Blue Star Electronics. It was a complete mistake for us to place our bet on Turing, which will cost us a very heavy price!"

"Before, in our negotiations with Blue Star Electronics, we had the initiative. Now, we have to bow to Blue Star Electronics, and the initiative has returned to Blue Star Electronics, damn it!"

"Xue Cai Bichi! Now you are blaming us. When we voted, you also agreed in the end!"

"That's right! Our strategic decision on this matter was wrong, but this is our joint responsibility. Don't try to put all the responsibility on us!"

Just when the two sides were arguing, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Paul Jacob walked in with a gloomy face.


The entire conference room fell silent, and everyone looked at Paul Jacobs.

Paul Jacobs didn't talk nonsense and said straight to the point: "Blue Star Electronics released Summit 4 last night, which exceeded our expectations. Now we must find a way to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics again."

As soon as he finished speaking, a vice president asked: "So, what about the cooperation with Turing?"

Paul Jacobs said expressionlessly: "Cancel the plan to invest in Turing. This time, our senior classmates were tricked by Steve Jobs's female cousin! Their Turing mobile phone is a piece of garbage compared to the top mobile phones! (cicj )"

This can be said to be quite serious.

No wonder Paul Jacobs was so angry.

I cooperate well with Blue Star Electronics, although there is a little problem between them because of the original gambling agreement.

But that’s not how business works.


When Jobs came to the door, he immediately knocked them out with all the excitement.

I got on Steve Jobs's pirate ship in a daze and broke up with Blue Star Electronics.

I thought that relying on the strength of the three giants, Turing would be able to crush Blue Star Electronics.

Even before the launch of Blue Star Electronics, Blue Star Electronics was given a big gift.

Thinking that everything is under control.


They were jumping up and down in a lively manner. When the tide receded, they realized that they were swimming in fruit and were clowns.

Blue Star Electronics lost its big deal, and Turing suffered an even greater defeat.

Gao Tong's losses this time were really heavy.

A meeting down.

Paul Jacobs had to admit it.

His father was completely defeated in the contest with Lu Yi.

He, Paul Jacobs, also suffered a complete defeat in his contest with Lu Yi.


Even more defeated than his father.

At least.

It was Lu Yi who took the initiative to ask for cooperation, but Gao Tong reluctantly agreed.

If the gambling agreement proposed by Lu Yi was not too tempting, his father would never have let go.

And he.

I want to avenge my father.

The result was a huge defeat.

Facing the rising power of Blue Star Electronics, they had no choice but to lower their arrogant heads and take the initiative to seek peace with Blue Star Electronics.

The key is.

Whether Blue Star Electronics will agree to cooperate with Gao Tong again is still unknown.


The initiative lies entirely in the hands of Blue Star Electronics.

Blue Star Electronics does not need Gaotong's baseband chips, and Pinnacle mobile phones are already selling well.

But if Gaotong didn't have an order from Blue Star Electronics, the loss would be at least several hundred million or even more than a billion meters of gold.

After the meeting.

Gao Tong immediately set up a negotiation team and prepared to fly to Longguo to restart negotiations with Blue Star Electronics.

Such news cannot be concealed.


The news that Gao Tong gradually negotiated with the team and prepared to fly to Dragon Kingdom to restart negotiations with Blue Star Electronics made the headlines of major American mainstream media.


The industry was in an uproar.


Everyone understands.

Gao Tong was absent from the signing ceremony that was supposed to happen today. It was not because something big happened within Gao Tong.

It was the release of Peak 4 that disrupted Gao Tong's plans.

On one side is Peak 4, which will definitely sell out, and on the other side is Turing 1, which is uncompetitive. It is already obvious how Gaotong should choose.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield. You have to admit when you are wrong and stand upright when you are beaten.

At this moment.

You have to admit your mistakes when you should, and you have to bow your head when you should.

People in the industry think Gao Tong's decision is correct.

On one side is Blue Star Electronics, which will reach a higher level again with Peak 4, and on the other side is Turing, who is at the peak of his debut and will soon decline. Stopping losses in time is the most correct choice.

Even though Gaotong invested a lot of resources and funds in Turing in the early stage.

But now Turing will become a bottomless black hole. If you continue to be stubborn, the losses will be even greater.

Jobs also saw relevant reports and was so angry that he cursed like crazy.


He could do nothing but curse.

If he were in Paul Jacobs' position, he would have made the same choice.

Because Turing can no longer give Gao Tong the income he wants.


Turing can immediately come up with a product that can beat Apex 4.

But this is completely impossible.

No matter how genius Steve Jobs was, he would not be able to come up with an epoch-making product in a short period of time.

After venting his anger, Jobs slumped in his chair, his eyes dull.

Why is this happening?

Obviously for Blue Star Electronics' layout, everything is good.

Why is there such a result in the end?

Is Lu Yi really the chosen one?

On the other side, Li Jianxi, who was resting in the hotel, also saw relevant reports.

His face looked as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

The tripartite alliance has collapsed?

Thinking about the fact that Sanxing Group invested a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources in the Turing project, it ended up failing miserably.

Li Jianxi's heart was bleeding.

This time.

It’s really a big loss.


Now he has to think about a question, that is, whether to withdraw from Turing in time.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Turing cannot fight against Blue Star Electronics.

If Sanxing stays stubborn, it will have to keep allocating resources to Turing. How much water will be lost?

Without sufficient returns, the Turing project is a black hole that will bring down the Sanxing Group sooner or later.


On the Sanxing Group's side, they should be like Paul Jacobs, cut off when they should, and stop losses in time to get out.

What is the investment value of a project with no future?

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