
The press circles at home and abroad are very lively.

At the Blue Star Electronics autumn new product launch conference, the launch of Pinnacle 4 was like a bomb, which directly shook the industry and outside the world.

no doubt.

The popularity of Pinnacle 4 has broken through the circle.

can be seen.

Whether domestic or foreign, relevant hot topics basically revolve around Pinnacle 4.

Major mainstream media at home and abroad have also reported on it.

Even many big Vs in the industry couldn't help but write articles analyzing why Pinnacle 4 is another epoch-making work and why it will once again change the world.

These are also the industry's big Vs. There is no doubt that they all gave extremely high evaluations to Pinnacle 4.

Some industry leaders even said that once Pinnacle 4 is released, Blue Star Electronics will have no rivals in the high-end smartphone market.

at the same time.

Blue Star Electronics will also use Peak 4 to soar into the sky and challenge Nokia's current dominance in the mobile phone industry.

Before that.

With its first-generation pinnacle mobile phone, Blue Star Electronics became a blockbuster and successfully established a foothold in the mobile phone industry, becoming an unparalleled new star.

Industry leaders are also very optimistic about the development potential of Blue Star Electronics.

I believe that among the many mobile phone manufacturers at home and abroad, if we select the one that can threaten Noma's industry status the most, Blue Star Electronics has this potential, but its potential is not as good as Sanxing Electronics.

Since Sanxing Electronics joined the Android camp, it has developed very rapidly in the smartphone business.

Sanxing Electronics' shipments are increasing significantly every year, and its market share is gradually getting closer to Nokia.


Although Blue Star Electronics has great potential, it is still too small and cannot rank among the top five in global market share.

On the other hand, let’s look at Sanxing Electronics.

One level has been achieved every year, and now the market share has exceeded 20%, rising to second place, second only to Nokia.

Especially after Sanxing and Fruit Company joined forces to launch the Turing brand.

Everyone is convinced that Sanxing will replace Nokia's industry dominance.

Because Turing is targeting Blue Star Electronics, it will launch an impact on Blue Star Electronics in the high-end market.

As a result, Blue Star Electronics' market share may decline under Turing's competition, and it will be impossible to replace Nokia's industry position.

Looking at Sanxing.

At the high end there is the joint brand Turing.

As for the mid-to-low end, there are the A to Z series and the Galaxy series.

There are layouts in the low, middle and high ends.


Many industry leaders agree.

If Nokia cannot stop the decline, then in three to five years, Sanxing will inevitably replace Nokia as the industry's dominant player.

But now.

Pinnacle 4 was born out of nowhere.

The big guys don’t think so.

As soon as Pinnacle 4 came out, Sanxing's layout in the high-end market fell flat.

Although Blue Star Electronics does not have a layout in the mid- to low-end.

But when new products come out, the previous models will inevitably be sold at a significant price reduction.


It will attract many consumers who previously wanted to buy a pinnacle mobile phone but had no money to do so.

The price has dropped significantly, and these people can afford it now.


The previous models are not bad in terms of appearance, design or performance compared to the smartphones in the market.

How to choose, needless to say,


Peak 4 was born out of nowhere.

Let the industry leaders re-examine the successor of Nokia.

Said without politeness.

The release of Pinnacle 4 set off a storm in the entire mobile phone industry.

This caused many friends and businessmen to take action immediately.

Finnish blue.

Noah Headquarters.

The conference room was overcrowded.

There was a deep solemn look on everyone's face.

After the collapse of Motorola in 2007, Nokia no longer paid attention to any opponents.

Even when Blue Star Electronics released its first-generation mobile phone in 2006, Nokia was dismissive of it.

But it was this disdain that caused a big problem.

No one at Nokia expected that in just two or three years, Blue Star Electronics would soar into the sky with its top-notch mobile phones, directly destroying their high-end market.

This is not over yet.

The open source Android system has grown rapidly with the participation of Sanxing, HTC, LG, Huachang and other companies.

These brands are frantically encroaching on Nokia's mid- to low-end market.

Especially this year.

The situation is even worse.

Although Nokia is still the industry leader, its shipment volume ranks first in the world.

But in terms of market share, it has dropped to about 30%, and profits have fallen sharply.

This is not a good sign.

Other competitors, such as Sanxing, Huachang, LG, etc., are increasing their market share.


However, Nomagia's market share is declining.

Who can sit still!

We have to find a way to stop the decline.


Nokia will really follow in the footsteps of Motorola.

To know.

Before 2005, the leader in the mobile phone market was Motorola.

It was also in 2005 that the first model of their Nokia N series, the N70, was released, which brought Nokia to a great start.

The hot sales of N92, N80, N71 and other models have made Nogea a lot of money.

It was also in 2006 that Nokia's success caused rival Motorola's profits to decline, which eventually led to Motorola's total collapse in 2007.

Nuojia also officially has a panoramic view of the mountains and small mountains.


But it’s only been a few years since it lasted.

The launch of Pinnacle mobile phones, the emergence of Android, and the rise of HTC, Sanxing and other manufacturers have created huge troubles for Nogea, which was blinded by its glory.

Blue Star Electronics' pinnacle mobile phone has brought mobile phones into the touch screen era.

at the same time.

He also told Saipan silently: Your era is coming to an end.

The funny thing is.

The launch of the first-generation Pinnacle mobile phone caused a sensation in the industry, but not only did they not pay attention to it, but they also ridiculed it.

Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is!

Back then, they, Nomagia, completely defeated Motorola and climbed to the top of the mountain, overlooking all their opponents.

He didn't take the rising star Blue Star Electronics seriously at all. He felt that Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phone was nothing in front of Nokia and could be easily crushed to death.

But now the market has given them a slap in the face.

Nuojiya woke up immediately.

Blue Star Electronics is not a bug that they, Nuojia, can crush to death if they want.

This is an evil dragon, an evil dragon that can devour their Nogiya.

If Nokia still rests on its laurels and does not want to make progress, then it is not far away to become a nutrient for manufacturers such as Blue Star Electronics and Sanxing.

Faced with declining market share.

Especially the excitement of Blue Star Electronics’ new product Summit 4 this time.

Everyone in Nuojia understood.

Noah has reached a point where he has to change.

If things remain unchanged, Nokia may become a symbol of history.

The old Nogeia will collapse under the siege of the wolves!

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