Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1065 Find The Disease And Prescribe The Right Medicine

Over the past year, Nuojiya has felt very tired.

I haven't been sitting on the throne for long yet.

I just took a nap, and when I opened my eyes again, I found that I was surrounded by hunters with guns, and I became the prey.

Since the rise of Blue Star Electronics, Nokia suddenly found itself in a strange circle: flagship models have been criticized, but mid- to low-end machines are extremely popular.

Of course there is a reason for this.

No other manufacturer cares so little about its flagship products, and only Nokia does.

The N96 has a speechless CPU, battery, and unchanging appearance.

Needless to say, the N97, the first flagship model of the S60 5th Edition, is a rather short-lived product.


Starting this year, Nokia has completely lost control of the high-end market.

Under the impact of peak mobile phones, Nokia's high-end models have lost their power.

But with the crazy development of the Android camp.

The mid-to-low-end "973" models that were popular in the past have also begun to lose their popularity.

Because consumers have better choices.

That is Android smartphones such as Sanxing, LG, Petal, Rice, and BYD.

Compared with Symbian system, Android system can be called a smart mobile operating system.

It is clear to everyone in Nokia that Nokia has reached a point where it must change.

If you continue to move forward like this, you will inevitably enter the endless abyss of darkness.

In the conference room.

The atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

The release of Pinnacle 4 has caused much of the disappointment in the high-end market of Nokia.

After all.

What is really more profitable is the high-end market.

Although low-end and mid-range products can be shipped in large quantities, the profit of each machine is too low.

This is also the reason why Nokia has still ranked first in the world in terms of shipments in recent years, but its profits have continued to decline.

Because the high-end market cannot compete with the top mobile phones of Blue Star Electronics.

For mid-to-low-end models, Noah can only make a few bucks with one model.

Let’s look at Blue Star Electronics’ top mobile phone, which sells for as much as 700 to 800 meters gold and has a profit margin of around 50%.

After deducting all kinds of miscellaneous expenses, the profit of a Blue Star Electronics is as high as two to three hundred meters gold.

That is to say.

Blue Star Electronics needs to sell thirty or forty low-end and mid-range models to achieve the profit from selling a top-end mobile phone.

Such a comparison.

Even though Nokia ships 300 to 400 million units every year, in terms of profit, it is not much more than Blue Star Electronics, which ships 60 to 70 million units every year.

Most of the profits in the entire mobile phone market have been taken away by Blue Star Electronics, which has a market share of only 3%.

And their market share of Nokia is as high as 30%.

Ten times that of Blue Star Electronics.

But what about profits?

Is there Blue Star Electronics 10x?

Don’t say 10 times.

Not even 2 times.

This can be seen from the annual report data of the two companies last year.

In 2008, Nomagia's annual revenue was 50.7 billion euros, equivalent to approximately 72 billion meters of gold; its annual net profit was 4.97 billion euros, equivalent to approximately 7.06 billion meters of gold.

Bluestar Electronics' annual revenue in 2008 was 36.5 billion gold, and its net profit was approximately 5.7 billion gold.

Noah's annual revenue is nearly twice that of Blue Star Electronics, but its net profit is only less than 1.3 billion yuan more than Blue Star Electronics.

It can be seen that the gap between the two companies in net profit.

The source of this gap is naturally due to the fact that Nokia was defeated by Blue Star Electronics in the high-end market.

In the mid-to-low-end market, Nokia needs to sell twenty or thirty mobile phones to equal the profit of one peak mobile phone.

at the same time.

No matter whether it is revenue or net profit, both revenue and net profit have declined compared with the previous year.

For Blue Star Electronics, the number increased compared with the previous year.

Everyone at Nuojia also realized that the company was in decline and that internal reforms must be carried out.

Especially after the Pinnacle 4 press conference, this thought became even more urgent.

The first three generations of top mobile phones defeated Nokia in the high-end market and were unable to fight back.

Now that Pinnacle 4, an epoch-making artifact, has been released, it is impossible for Nokia to fight back in the high-end market.

If this continues, Nuoji will be finished sooner or later.

The atmosphere in the conference room was depressing.

Everyone is overwhelmed by the newly released Peak 4.

Novak Kallasvuo, the head of Novaya, was sitting at the top of the table, looking around the audience.

As Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Noah.

He has served Noah for 30 years.

After a while, Kallasvuo said: "In 2006, Blue Star Electronics released the first-generation Pinnacle mobile phone, but we did not pay attention to it. As a result, Blue Star Electronics grew bigger and stronger under our noses, and now it has reached the point where it threatens our industry dominance."

"In the past two or three years, our Nokia mobile phones have been very popular in the mid-to-low-end market, but in the high-end market, they have been defeated by Blue Star Electronics."

"Coupled with the crazy development of the Android system, our mid-to-low-end market is being squeezed.

"As a result, the company's market share has been declining year by year in the past two years."

"If this continues, our position as the leader of Nuojiya will be vacated.

"Reality has taught us a hard lesson and awakened us from our arrogance."

"There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom that it is never too late to mend the situation after it has been lost."

"It means that it is not too late to repair the sheepfold after losing the sheep... It is a metaphor for finding ways to remedy the situation after a problem occurs to avoid further losses."

"Now, it's time for us, Nuoji, to make amends."

"Now everyone can tell us what they think."

After Kallasvuo finished speaking, no one spoke at the scene.

Everyone is organizing language in their minds.

No one wants Noah to die.

They must find a way to make Nuojia strong again.

This concerns each of their interests.

They can earn annual salaries of millions or even tens of millions of euros because Nokia is developing well.

If Nuojia falls.

Then they can't continue to live happily with high annual salaries.


Someone spoke.

"I think the most fundamental reason is that we misestimated the strength of the Saipan system."

*In 2006, Blue Star Electronics released its pinnacle mobile phone, equipped with a DOS operating system. We did not pay attention to it, but this was not the reason for our decline. y

"The real reason is that in 2007, Blue Star Electronics released the open source Android system. We did not pay attention to the Android system, which led to the rise of the Android system in the past two years and squeezed our mid-to-low-end market."

“On the other hand, the Symbian system we still use is innovating too slowly and cannot keep up with the speed of development.

"Therefore, if we want to get out of the quagmire, I think we must start with the Symbian system."

"I have two suggestions. One is to completely innovate the Symbian system and strive to innovate the Symbian system to the point where it is comparable to the Android system."

"Second, we directly gave up the Symbian system and chose to embrace the Android camp."

The speaker was none other than Evans, the person in charge of District 5.8 of Dragon Kingdom.

As Evans, who personally participated in the Pinnacle 4 press conference, he is very aware of the charm of Pinnacle 4.

Nokia wants to continue to compete with Blue Star Electronics in the high-end market, but in the face of Peak 4, it has completely lost all hope.


The most important thing is that Nomagia can keep the mid-to-low-end market from declining.

after all.

After all, only a handful of people can afford a top-notch mobile phone worth seven to eight hundred meters.

As the president of Longguo District, he is naturally not mediocre.

We also conducted some research on the current mobile phone market.

It was also through his own research and investigation that Evans saw the reason for the decline of Nokia - wrongly estimating the strength of Symbian. When Android rose and Pinnacle mobile phones dominated the terminal market, Noah still uses the Symbian system that is slowly being eliminated, and the innovation is too slow to keep up with the speed of development.

Once the disease is found, it is natural to prescribe the right medicine. .

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