Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1066: Success Is Also Saipan, Failure Is Also Saipan

Evans' words were like thunder, exploding in the conference room.

No one thought that Evans would be so bold as to directly target the Symbian system.

This is the foundation of Nogeia's life.

It is precisely because of the Symbian system that Nokia was able to completely defeat Motorola, making it impossible for the latter to threaten its industry dominance.

In 1998, Nokia became the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer in one fell swoop, with its output value increasing fourfold in five years.

Also in the same year.

Noah joined forces with Motorola, Ericsson, Sanleng, etc. to establish Symbian to develop an operating system of the same name.

Shortly after the advent of the Saipan system, Dongmenzi, Sanxing, Songshang, Suoai, etc. became authorized users one after another.

"Symbian" also became the most respected operating system at that time.

Even in 2007, it once occupied 62% of the smartphone market share.

no doubt.

This is also the most prosperous year for Nuojia.

But now.

What is Evans talking about?

Let them abandon Symbian and embrace Android?

Are you kidding?

Give up the foundation of your life?

moment. 28

A group of old antiques with stubborn ideas and no desire to make progress aimed their angry eyes at Evans.

Even a powerful vice president slapped the table on the spot and yelled: "Shet! Evans, what are you talking about? Give up Symbian and embrace Android? How can we, Noah, fall into the arms of our opponents? I think you are being Blue Star Electronics bought it, you son of a bitch!"

"Not bad! Look at your report card as the person in charge of Longguo District. It's as bad as a piece of shit! The reason why the company's performance has declined is because Longguo's market share has dropped sharply. Everything is your responsibility!" Another one! A vice president echoed, blaming Evans and yelling curses at the same time.

A veteran director slapped the table sadly and said: "Evans, look what you said? You are betraying, do you know it is betrayal? The great Symbian system has made the great Nokia, and you want us to give up. My own glory? How is this possible?"

"What Evans said is so irresponsible!"

"Long Guo's market performance has declined sharply, which has dragged down the company's overall performance. He should bear full responsibility!"

"No doubt, he must have been bought by Blue Star Electronics a long time ago. Otherwise, why would we be defeated by the Android camp in the Dragon Kingdom market? It's all because of Evans' inaction!"

"Damn it, he should be sent to jail, he is a shameful traitor!"

Others also criticized.

Faced with this scene of "betrayal and alienation", Evans' face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.


He had already expected this scene.


He still didn't expect that these people's attitudes would be more intense than he imagined.

We all have civilized people, but after listening to what these people said, they actually started to greet their eighteenth generation ancestors.

What a generous gift!

It’s no wonder that since reaching its peak in 2007, Noah has begun to decline rapidly.

With such a group of old stubborns who have stubborn ideas and don't know how to adapt, it would be strange if Nuojia didn't go downhill.

This group of people clings to the glory of the past and looks at the world with their eyes closed, but they don't know that the world has undergone great changes.

He Evans admitted that Symbian made Noah a success.

But the same thing.

The current Symbian system is already holding Nomaa back.

Not to mention the DOS system facing the top mobile phones, even the Android system and the Symbian system are destined to be beaten.

No more changes.

Nuojia will succeed and defeat Saipan.


Are these people deaf?

I clearly told you two plans, why did this group of people only grab one of them and hit me hard?

"You are slandering and slandering!"

"I, Evans, have no selfish motives at all. I always give advice based on the interests of the company!"

"Your thoughts are too conservative, and you still cling to your past glory and don't want to admit it."

"Open your eyes and look at the world. The Symbian system is far behind DOS and Android."

"If we don't make up our mind to change, then it will not be our competitors like Blue Star Electronics that will defeat us, but the Symbian system!"

Naturally, Evans would not let this group of people attack and slander him without refuting.

If he didn't refute, wouldn't it be a signal to them that he had really betrayed Nokia?

Who knows.

It was good that Evans didn't refute, but once he refuted, the already angry old antiques were like ignited dynamite barrels, and they even more madly criticized Evans.

"Evans, you are the son of a female cousin. I think you want to sell our Nuojia to Blue Star Electronics!"

"Only the commercial spies from Blue Star Electronics who have penetrated our interior would come up with such ridiculous suggestions!"

"Evans, open your eyes and take a good look. We at Nokia are still number one in the world in terms of shipments and market share. Nokia has not declined, it's just a nap. Once we wake up Come here, the world will tremble for us!"

"Evans, you actually cursed the company like this, you son of a bitch, don't leave after get off work, I'm going to fuck you!"

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands.

Evans only has one mouth, how can he possibly speak louder than everyone else.

I was scolded bloody.

First up.

Kallasvuo watched all this with cold eyes.

As a staunch supporter of the Saipan system, he was very annoyed by what Evans just said.

What does it mean to defeat Nokia not as a competitor, but as a Symbian system?

What a mess.

Did you say that about your own system?


The company only acquired Hanban Company in December last year.

It's not even a year yet.

As a result, Evans said that he would give up the Symbian system that he had spent a lot of money to acquire.

After hearing this, Kallasvuo wanted to go up and punch Evans twice.


As the head of Noah 497, Kallasvuo Kallasvuo naturally does not act on impulse.


He also heard Evans' first bit of advice.

Increase the development of Saipan system.

This is definitely a very sound suggestion.

Think of this.

Kallasvuo knocked on the table hard.

The noisy and spit-filled conference room became quiet.

Kallasvuo looked at Evans and said coldly: "Evans, your second suggestion is very wrong. The Symbian system has made Noah great. We must never give up the Symbian system and invest in If we join the Android camp, our destiny will be controlled by Blue Star Electronics!"

Kallasvuo's words made the old antiques who attacked Evans very happy.


The truth is in the hands of the majority, at least in this conference room.


Kallasvuo won't be on their side either.

Feeling comfortable!

Evans's face changed again and again, and the corners of his mouth moved, but in the end he did not speak.

Kallasvuo looked back and said seriously: "Although Evans's second suggestion is very wrong, the first suggestion is very pertinent."

“The Symbian system is the foundation of our Nomagia, but it must also keep pace with the times.

"Accelerate the development progress of Symbian 3 and strive to officially launch Symbian 3 in the first half of next year to reverse the decline in one fell swoop."

Kallasvuo's words made everyone nod in agreement. .

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