Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1067 They Are All Having A Meeting, But For Different Purposes

Kallasvuo's words made Evans sigh inwardly.

Rather than deepening the Symbian system, he actually wants to abandon the Symbian system and join the Android camp.

The market is a tester.

It is obvious that the mainstream operating system in the future will definitely be Android.

Compared to Android, Symbian is really too old and outdated.

Think of this.

Evans decided to give it one last try.

He didn't want to watch Nuojia fall like this.


Evans spoke, and the scene fell silent.

Everyone looked over and saw that the fields were not well divided.

Kallasvuo frowned and looked at Evans and said, "Evans, is there anything else you want to say?"

Evans said: "I am not opposed to optimizing the Symbian system, but what I want to say is, can the optimized Symbian 3 really help the company recover from its decline?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately became upset.

"Evans, what do you mean?"

"Confirmed, Evans is definitely a spy from Blue Star Electronics who broke into us!

"Evans, you question the Symbian system time and time again. What do you want?"

The crowd scolded and criticized without mercy.

Evans said bravely: "Everything I say is for the benefit of the company!"

"Compared to the Android system, our Symbian system is a bit too old and outdated, even after optimization, it is still like this."

"Look at our rival Sanxing. They bet most of their chips on the Android system. What's the result?"

"Sanxing's market share has continued to rise in the past two years, and now it has reached 20%."

"Is this because Sanxing is equipped with the Symbian system? No!"

“Looking at the models released by Sanxing, more than 80% are equipped with Android system.

"This is the reality. Compared with Android systems, our Symbian system has completely lagged behind.

"The Symbian system can be optimized, but it cannot be optimized to the same level as the Android system. Unless major changes are made to the bottom layer, I don't know how long it will take and how many resources it will take!"

Evans' words at the top of his lungs made everyone froze, their eyes flashing.


Since Sanxing joined the Android camp, it can be said that it has been prosperous.

The market share has increased from a few percentage points to more than ten percentage points, and to 20% today.

This degree of expansion is really too fast.


Just after joining the Android camp.

This is a fact that cannot be argued with.

Except Sanxing.

HTC was the first to take advantage of the Android system, and it was also a powerful force that threatened Nokia.

HTC's brand competitiveness is currently no weaker than that of Noah, and even surpasses Sanxing.

If it weren't for HTC being an emerging mobile phone manufacturer with a relatively small size.

I am afraid that HTC will replace Sanxing's position in the industry.

Faced with this fact, everyone was speechless for a while.

Even Kallasvuo’s eyes kept flashing.

He was also thinking at this moment, is it really right for Nuojia to insist on the Symbian system?

At this time.

Evans struck while the iron was hot and said: "I am not opposed to optimizing the Symbian system, but we cannot put all our chips on the Symbian system. The times are changing too fast, and we must keep up with the development trend of the times."

"I have another suggestion here. We can launch a trial model equipped with Android system."

"If it succeeds, then we can move to the Android camp on a large scale. Even if it doesn't succeed, we have only identified ten paths to failure at a very small cost."

"Otherwise if we continue to follow the same path, Nuojia will fall sooner or later."

"Currently, Nuojia is like an old lion. Although it has some remaining power, it is not enough to scare away the evil wolves around it.

This suggestion.

The eyes of the neutral faction, which had been wavering before, lit up.

Instead of hanging from a tree, why not try a little change?

"I think Evans' suggestion is feasible."

"I agree!"

Even some old stubborns began to waver.


Everyone turned their attention to Kallasvuo.

Kallasvuo was the one who made the final decision.

After thinking for a moment, Kallasvuo finally said: "Yes, we can come up with a model to be equipped with Android system!"

"Let's see, Symbian 3 will be released in the first half of next year and will be installed on the N8 model. Then we will launch another N8-A equipped with Android system and introduce it to the market at the same time to see how consumers respond!"

Evans was happy to hear that Kallasvuo adopted his advice.

Although only one model was taken out.

But as long as this model sells more than the N8, it will prove itself right.

By the time.

Your own right to speak will be more important.

It is also more conducive to abandon the Symbian system and completely invest in the Android camp.

This is the only way to save the crumbling Norma.

Later in the meeting, the atmosphere became slightly more relaxed.

During this period.

Evans made another very important suggestion, which is to manage the OVI-Store, the application store under the Symbian system.

To know.

Compared with Blue Star Electronics' DOS application store, Noma's OVI-Store was launched ten years later than the DOS application store.

But it is a pity that OVI has always lacked good management and has not adopted a friendly payment method for users, and Symbian is far less attractive to developers than Android and DOS.

As a result, there are not even 50,000 applications on OVI now.

On the other hand, the DOS application store has more than 300,000 applications.

When Nokia was thinking about how to change to reverse the decline.

Terminal manufacturers such as Motorola, LG, Sony, and Dongmenzi are also holding relevant meetings.

Manufacturers like LG and Sony, which have long joined the Android camp and have tasted the benefits, decided to terminate the development of the Symbian platform and completely switch to the Android system after this meeting.

before this.

Although they have also invested in the Android system, they have never stopped developing the Symbian platform.

But the result is.

Android models are selling well, but Symbian models are a bit undersold.

It is also time to make a complete determination to cut off cooperation with Saipan.

They keep investing in it but keep losing money. They will not do loss-making transactions.

And Motorola has fallen to the extreme.

I was also completely slapped awake by Pinnacle 4.

In the past, Motorola completely followed the footsteps of Nokia, and everything went astray.

However, shipments are halving year by year, and now the market share has dropped to less than 10%.

Last year, only 8.3% was left, and this year it may drop to 5%, which will be (amazingly) overtaken by Blue Star Electronics.

Without a gorgeous change, Motorola may become history.

As a long-established luxury brand, it was a brand that was as good as Nokia back then. How could Motorola be lost in the long river of history?

It's time for a change.

Facts have proved that insisting on the Symbian system is a dead end.

That being the case.

Then take another route.

The Android system is expanding rapidly, join the Android camp!

Established foreign manufacturers are discussing changes and want to have a gorgeous transformation.

Domestic mobile phone manufacturers are also holding meetings.


Compared with the old manufacturers such as Motorola and Nokia who hold meetings to decide which path to take, domestic manufacturers such as Huachang, Dami, BYD, Coolpipe, and Charisma have bet on the Android system early on, so they do not have such worries. .

They were meeting to convey their thoughts to the people below. According to the industrial design of Pinnacle 4, they imitated a model with a similar appearance as the flagship model in the first half of next year. .

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